
[Bonus Chapter] [Thanks for 600 power stones.]

Finn was someone who he had grown to thoroughly hate. He had tried to change Finn hoping that he could turn him into a better man, but it never worked.

In fact, Finn had grown worse and worse to the point where he had been almost separated and looked down upon by the rest of the 100.

Even Raven had grown apart from Finn after they broke up and had a massive falling out during the first months of the training.

Finn always spoke against his words talking about how they shouldn't promote violence or even train as they should always work toward building peace.

That he should stop telling the 100 about fighting for their land and rather try and please the grounders to build an alliance since it was their land, not the 100s.

Every word the man spoke was complete and utter bullshit that made him want to laugh and spit in the man's face.

He was the equivalent of a male transgender person on earth fighting for women's rights, it was the dumbest shit ever as he tried over and over to explain to Finn that Grounders didn't understand the definition of weak.

You could please them all they fucking wanted and wipe the shit from their shoes, and they would still kill you.

And as time went on Finn became the definition of an asshole as he repeatedly tried to get together with Clarke even though he was still with Raven.

But that wasn't the problem, it was because he tried to get together with Clarke while treating Raven like an asshole and blaming her for all of his mistakes.

Of course, both Raven and Clarke noticed this, and this turned their little acquaintanceship turned into a really good relationship as they together shit on Finn.

Of course, Raven was devastated when she realized how delusional and how much of an asshole Finn was but with the help of Damon and her friends she had gotten past it over the course of a few years.

But it was still to this day that Damon let Finn live and it was because the man hadn't made a move against him or anyone of the 100 yet and as long he didn't do anything Damon didn't want to kill him.

Damon could kill Finn before he backstabbed him or made a mess of something but Damon didn't want to go killing his own people on the whims of what they might do.

If that was the case, he might as well as kill every single person on earth as who knew what they might do to try and harm him and his people.

But of course, he wouldn't do that so he let Finn live, but if Finn somehow or in any way hurt his people he would gut the man faster than he could blink.

Looking away from Finn he looked back at Clarke who had noticed his look of disgust.

"What if Finn tries to betray us during our alliance attempts with Trikru?" Clarke asked worried that Finn would somehow sabotage them and everything they worked for.

"Then he'll die the most agonizing death," Damon said coldly making Clarke flinch a little.

Damon saw this and put a hand on Clarke's back making her look at him in the eyes.

"I would never hurt you Clarke, nor would I hurt anyone of the 100, but if Finn forces my hand, then I won't hold back," Damon said, and he saw Clarke smile at him.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me, Damon." Clarke laid her head on his massive shoulder and closed her eyes and soon he could hear her breathing rhythm letting him know she had fallen asleep.

Laying his head back on the tree behind him he closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the 100 talking and the campfire cracking before he felt himself slip into a deep sleep.


Hearing the sound of birds chirping Damon opened his eyes and saw the sun rising for another day on Earth.

He would never get used to the Earth's beauty as he saw the sun begin to peak over the forest trees.

Feeling a weight on his shoulder he looked over and saw Clarke still laying her body on his left side with her head on his shoulder.

Her face looked incredibly peaceful as if the world had never touched her. 

Damon sat still for another thirty minutes as he let Clarke get a little more sleep and he enjoyed the quiet morning air.

"Clarke," Damon whispered as he rubbed Clarke's back trying to gently wake her up.

"Mmm," Clarke whined as he whispered her awake.

A few minutes later he saw Clarke open her eyes and glance around with a look of relief before looking at him with a smile.

"I had thought it was all a dream and that I was still in my cell on the ark." Clarke smiled as she took a deep breath of Earth's fresh air.

"Not anymore Clarke. We're home now." Damon put a hand through Clarke's messed-up hair before smiling.

"Follow me." Damon stood up before reaching down and helping Clarke up before grabbing a backpack and his gear before he left the camp with Clarke.

"Where are we going, Damon?" Clarke asked while following next to Damon who led her into the forest.

"It's a surprise." Damon smiled as he walked with Clarke, and they enjoyed the forest scenery and all of its unique noises.

"What the?" Clarke said causing Damon to look over.

It appeared she had stepped on something.

Picking whatever it was up Clarke turned it around and yelped in fright before dropping it.

"A skull," Damon said before reaching down and grabbing the very deformed skull that looked like nothing they had ever seen before.

"What is it?" Clarke asked. 

She had never learned of any animal with a skull like that.

"Is it a monkey?" Clarke asked while watching Damon's mouth turn into a frown.

"No," Damon said worriedly 

"What is it, Damon?" Clarke asked wondering what made Damon worried.

"In some of my visions of the future, there were things I couldn't see very well and this was one of those things," Damon said
