Acid fog

"Mutants. People deformed by the radiation to an insane degree, yet somehow, they live." Damon said and he saw Clarke's eyes widen in surprise.

"That makes sense but why are they called Mutants?" Clarke asked

"Because it's not just simple body deformation Clarke, they look like monsters and the radiation affected their brain changing them.

But as far I know all of the grounder clans had forced the mutants far into the desert away from them. It's weird that a mutant skull made it this far inland." Damon explained

"We'll it looks like this skull had been here a while so we should be okay right?" Clarke asked while looking around.

Just the thought of some mutant monster in the woods made her heart beat a little faster. Who wasn't a little afraid of monsters?

"I hope so," Damon said before putting the skull into his bag to study later.

"Let's keep going," Damon said while trying to change the mood back into one more relaxed.

Finally, they were arriving near the spot Damon had been heading to and he saw Clarke's face brighten as a small waterfall came into view that led into a small pool of water.

"It's amazing," Clarke whispered while looking at the waterfall and the misty air around the pool of water.

Damon smirked before taking off his fur coat making Clarke look over.

"What are you doing?" Clarke asked while trying not to stare at the man's perfect body.

"Taking a bath of course." Damon then pulled down his black leather pants making Clarke hurriedly turn her head.

"Is someone shy?" Damon smirked as he saw Clarke look back over with a sigh of relief when she realized he had underwear on.

But she still felt her heart beating like crazy as she looked at his muscular thighs the size of tree trunks and the way his lower stomach shaped into a perfect v shape.

"Come on Clarke you need a bath you stink," Damon smirked as he lunged forward and scooped Clarke up into his arms before she could react.

"Damon let me go!" Clarke trashed around in the man's massive arms but his body was double the size of hers and the struggle was futile as Damon slowly walked into the freezing cold water with Clarke in his arms before letting her go once they were completely in.

"Hahaha!" Damon laughed as he saw Clarke's face turn into one of wonder as she felt water on her skin for the first time in real life.

"Oh wow, it feels incredible," Clarke said while enjoying the feeling of the cold water on her skin.

It soothed her entire body, and this was the first bath she had ever had in her entire life.

On the ark, they only used wet wipes to stay clean and the VR world couldn't even compare to the real thing.

Damon watched as the smile on Clarke's face changed into one of relaxation and comfort as she enjoyed the wonders of the Earth for the first time.

"Thank you, Damon." Clarke looked into Damon's deep blue eyes, and he stared back into her green ones.

"For what?" 

"For always being there for me. Even back on the ark you always made sure I never got sucked away into always taking care of other people." Clarke said while remembering the way she would always help others even if it meant working herself to the bone.

But Damon always noticed this and would force her to relax and help her carry the burden.

"It's because I couldn't help my father that I always feel the need to help others. It scares me that If I don't do something I might lose someone else I care about." Clarke said while looking away from Damon's eyes that never looked away from hers.

She was scared he might think she was weak, and she knew he despised those who were weak.

You couldn't survive on the ground if you were weak.

"That's what makes us human Clarke, the fear and the anger, even the violence and hatred." Damon put his hands around Clarke's waist and held her in his arms.

"But you can't run from it. It will always catch up to you and when it does you will lose. No, you have to look it in the face and embrace it, realize it for what it is. 

Embrace the fear and turn it into your energy, embrace the hatred and turn it into your strength.

Humans will never be able to control their emotions, that is what makes us human, but we have to learn to grasp those emotions and turn them into the power we need to accomplish what we desire.

Turn those emotions into your power to protect the people around you Clarke." Damon said while looking at Clarke who seemed to have an understanding and looked back at him with a smile.

"You are right Damon. I will use my emotions to help protect the people I care about." Clarke said while losing herself in Damon's eyes.

Her hands had somehow found themselves running across Damon's muscular abs, even allowing her to feel the V line running down to his lower body, but she stopped there.

Damon felt his heart stop as he looked down at Clarke's soft lips and he couldn't stop himself from leaning down slowly while looking into Clarke's shaking eyes as she put her arms around his neck.

It seemed she wanted the same thing as him.

Feeling Clarke's soft waist in his hands he was just about to take her lips.

But right before he could a loud horn bellow sounded out making him stop and look up.


He heard it again.

"Acid fog!"