Chapter 4 Should I Buy a Skill?

When Ning Yuan said "Young Master Huang", Scar Man's expression changed slightly, but he quickly recovered as usual, and his tone became a little more polite: "You said you know Young Master Huang? There are so many sons surnamed Huang. I don't know who you are talking about.""The handlebar Huang Gongzi from Wudaokou. I was drinking and chatting with him at the banquet a week ago."Ning Yuan said lightly.In the original book, although Huang Gongzi is not a son of a wealthy family, he is a man of the underworld, and this area belongs to his sphere of influence.Upon hearing this, Scar's face changed drastically, and what the other party mentioned was his boss's boss.If the boy in front of him knew Huang Gongzi, he had offended him today, and he went to Huang Gongzi to file a complaint, and he would definitely be fed by Huang Gongzi Shen Jiang.I don't know how true what the brother said, but when he saw the two burly bodyguards guarding Ning Yuan, facing so many people, there was no fear at all. At first glance, he was not ordinary. bodyguard.If you can hire a bodyguard with this kind of strength, then the identity of this young man must be either rich or expensive, not a rich man or a senior official.This is obviously not something I can afford.The imperial capital was full of powerful children, and Scar Man was a cautious man. Before he knew Ning Yuan's identity, he would not dare to act rashly. After all, in the imperial capital, too many people could pinch him to death like an ant.When Scar Man was meditating, Ning Yuan turned around coolly, pulled Xu Ruyan who was still in a daze, and walked towards the bar door calmly under the gaze of the surroundings."Master Hong? Just let this kid go like this..."Seeing Ning Yuan leaving, the scowling gangster reminded him anxiously.Snapped!Before he could finish, the Scarlet Man slapped the rogue's face with a deep fear in his eyes: "You, you, if it hurts me, I can only give you to Huang Gongzi to feed the fish."When Ning Yuan took Xu Ruyan's hand and stepped out of the bar door, a man with a vigorous figure and a handsome face just walked in from the door.Ning Yuan and the man who came in glanced at each other inadvertently, and then he felt a little throb in his heart. Then, pretending to be calm, he staggered out of the bar.The man was Ye Tian. He stopped and looked back at the departure of Ning Yuan and Xu Ruyan, feeling that he had missed something for no reason."However, that girl was really good just now."Ye Tian looked at Xu Ruyan's graceful back with interest, and licked his lips."Ding! Get 1500 fortune points."The system prompt suddenly remembered in his ears, Ning Yuan was startled, and turned his head subconsciously, just in time to see the man turning his head and entering the bar."System, did you meet Ye Tian just now?"Ning Yuan asked Xu Ruyan in the direction of the roadside stop while pulling Xu Ruyan."Yes, I suggest not to conflict with Ye Tian at the moment." The system replied."I understand this," Ning Yuan nodded, and then asked, "Also, I suddenly obtained 1,000 fortune points just now, what's the matter?""This should be the reason why Ye Tian and Xu Ruyan met in the bar successfully."Hearing this, Ning Yuan immediately understood that in the original book, Ye Tian and Xu Ruyan met in a bar. Because of their own intervention, they changed the direction of the plot.Xu Ruyan, who was dragged away, was still immersed in the thrilling scene that happened in the bar just now. At first, she was harassed by a few hooligans. She thought it was arranged by Ning Yuan. It was not until Scar Man showed up with a group of people that she realized that she was harassed. Misunderstood Ning Yuan.If Ning Yuan hadn't appeared tonight, and he would have been trapped in a wolf's den, his life would have been ruined, and he would have no face to see people in the future.Thinking of this, Xu Ruyan was afraid for a while."It's so late, I'll take you back today," Ning Yuan took Xu Ruyan to the special car, let go of her hand, and said coldly, "I will come to your house to break the marriage contract in two days."Hearing this, Xu Ruyan was stunned. At the bar before, she thought that Ning Yuan's proposal to dissolve the marriage was only annoyed, and she just talked about it casually.Unexpectedly, the other party was serious, and he paused for a while before he said, "That would be great."Xu Ruyan didn't know why, Ning Yuan was like a different person, recalling that Ning Yuan was facing a group of hooligans holding knives and sticks in the bar just now. She couldn't believe the calm and leisurely temperament."You don't have to send me away, I can go back by myself if I have a car."After Xu Ruyan said, he walked towards a red Mala Sati parked not far from the road."This woman is really,"Looking at Xu Ruyan, who was still in a drunken state and with vain steps, Ning Yuan shook his head and said to a bald bodyguard, "Matthew, you can drive for Miss Xu. You must take her home safely anyway.""Yes."The bald bodyguard went away.Ning Yuan retracted his gaze, got into the back of the special car on the side, and the driver started the car and drove in the direction of home.In the car, Ning Yuan called up the property panel.Host: Ning YuanAttributes: Constitution 8, Strength 7, Agility 8, Wisdom 12, Charisma 15 (PS: The average value of ordinary people is 10.)Wealth: 1 billionSkills: [Master of Piano], [Proficient in Driving], [Proficient in English], [Introduction to Appreciation], [Proficient in Golf](PS: The level of skills is from low to high, which can be divided into five levels: beginner, proficient, proficient, master, and pinnacle.)System Store: [Unlocked] (PS: 100 fortune points are required to unlock.)Fortune value: 1600 points.Completion of counterattack: 0.9%Opposition with Ye Tian: 0.5%After reading a column of attribute information, Ning Yuan focused on the "Fortune Value" column.Adding the 100 points obtained at the beginning and the 1500 points just now, a total of "1600" points are earned, which seems to be missing.But should I use the fortune value to add attributes, or to improve skills?Ning Yuan put his cheek in his hand and pondered with interest.After thinking for a while, Ning Yuan suddenly thought that in the original book, Ye Tian is a high-strength martial arts killer, not only proficient in boxing and kung fu, but also proficient in firearms. He once also worked part-time as an international mercenary and went to the battlefield.The international mercenary groups and killer organizations all have a frightening codename-"Reaper"There is also a rumor about the codename "Reaper": the prey that is targeted by the Reaper will never see the dawn of tomorrow.And "Reaper" is the code name of Ye Tian.It can be seen that Ye Tian's strength.Looking at myself, I only master some art and life, as well as the noble sports skills such as golf, and use these things to fight against Ye Tian. A hundred lives are not enough to die by myself.Thinking of this, Ning Yuan felt that the top priority was to improve his strength as soon as possible, at least to be able to save his life in the event of a conflict with Ye Tian.Thinking of this, Ning Yuan asked in his heart: "System, I want to improve martial arts, how can I improve it?"System: "Host, you can only go directly to the system to negotiate where to buy."Hearing that, Ning Yuan focused on the "System Store" column on the attribute panel. Seeing that it takes 100 fortune points to unlock, he can't help but feel a bit painful."Profit businessman!"Ning Yuan murmured in a low voice, now that it is imminent to improve his strength, he gritted his teeth, and still spent 100 fortune points to explain the system store.Opening the system store, Ning Yuan looked at the dazzling array of various skills, and his eyes suddenly glowed.