Chapter 5 Master martial arts skills!

In the system store, books with skill names are displayed on virtual shelves like goods: [Firearms skill book] [Medical skill book], [Equestrian skill book], [Chess skill book] , [Music Skill Book], [Art Skill Book]...Ning Yuan was in the fourth row and found the [Martial Arts Skill Book], clicked it to open it, and the indicated price was "1000" fortune value.He just used 100 fortune points to unlock the system store, and now there is only 1500 fortune points left, Ning Yuan thought about it, and decided to spend 1,000 fortune points to buy this skill."Just buy this skill."As soon as the voice fell, I saw on the personal panel, the fortune value dropped from 1500 to 500.Immediately afterwards, the system prompt reminded: "Congratulations to the host, get the [Martial Arts Master] Skill Book!"Hearing this, Ning Yuan widened his eyes. Before that, he learned that skills are also staged. There are five stages: introductory, proficient, proficient, master, and pinnacle.Unexpectedly, I got a martial arts skill book at the "Master" stage all at once.System explanation: "I have to say that the host's luck is very good. The purchased martial arts skill books are divided into these five levels, and the levels are given randomly.""Generally, the purchase will only give you the entry level and the proficiency level. The 'proficient' level rarely appears, not to mention the 'master', the host is really comparable to winning the lottery.""Too cool!"Upon hearing this, Ning Yuan raised his eyebrows and grinned open. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "How to use it?""As long as the host learns, he can immediately enter the martial arts master level, do you want to learn?""Learn!"Ning Yuan looked forward to it without hesitation."Congratulations to the host, your martial arts skills have entered the introductory stage!""Congratulations to the host, your martial arts skills have entered the proficient stage!""Congratulations to the host, your martial arts skills have entered the mastery stage!""Congratulations to the host, your martial arts skills have entered the master stage!"With a burst of system prompts ringing in his ears, Ning Yuan only felt a burst of comfort all over his body.Regarding the movements and techniques of various genres of martial arts, the memory of Ning Yuan's mind and muscles was generated, as if he was born with him, and he knew all kinds of genres.Martial arts.Looking at the "Skills" column of the personal panel, he was impressively equipped with the skills of [Martial Arts Master]. Ning Yuan was full of joy and asked:"System, how does my martial arts compare to Ye Tian?""According to the system analysis, Ye Tian's martial arts level is the same as the master level of the host,"The system answered truthfully, and then changed the conversation, "However, because the host's physical attributes are too low, it can't exert the full power of master martial arts.""Nevertheless, with the strength of the host's two special forces bodyguards as a comparison, even if 50 people come to surround you, you can retreat unscathed.""Wow, I'm so good?"Ning Yuan couldn't believe it. After all, the two retired special forces bodyguards recruited were not vegetarians, so they could kill tigers with bare hands."The host does not need to doubt, remember that'the system is produced, it must be a boutique!' These few words will do," the system continued, "It can be said that if you don't meet a master at the level of Ye Tian, ​​you can almost walk sideways in society. NS.""But I bought this martial arts skill specially to deal with Ye Tian."Ning Yuan murmured."The host doesn't need to worry. The difference between your current martial arts and Ye Tian is only in terms of physical attributes. With this system, it is a matter of minutes to surpass Ye Tian by increasing your fortune by plundering."The system drew a big pie for Ning Yuan in a timely manner."Okay," Ning Yuan thought for a while, and continued: "I have 500 fortune points left, all of which are used to improve physical attributes."After all, Ning Yuan opened the personal panel and directly pulled down to the attribute column:Constitution 8, Strength 7, Agility 8, Wisdom 12, Charisma 15 (PS: The average value for ordinary people is 10.)After reading it, Ning Yuan decided whether he should improve his physique or his strength.After thinking about it for a while, Ning Yuan felt that with a good physique, he could lay a good foundation to build a high-rise building. After making the decision, he added the remaining 500 fortune points to the aspect of "physique".Accompanied by the operation, the physique on the personal panel increased from the original "8" to "13"."What are the various attributes of Ye Tian?" Ning Yuan asked suddenly."The average of Ye Tian's attributes is about 40, human beings top, but the host doesn't need to worry, as long as you keep looting the fortune value, you can reach the Ye Tian level quickly, or even surpass Ye Tian.""Okay, when I didn't ask, continue to draw."Ning Yuan felt that there was a long way to go, but he was not discouraged. The duel between him and Ye Tian just started, and everything is possible...."Master,"The Bentley arrived at the yard of Ning's Villa and stopped. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for Ning Yuanlai, and said respectfully: "I'm home."Ning Yuan nodded, stepped out of the car, and walked towards the villa with his head swaggered."Odd,"Looking at Ning Yuan's tall and tall gun-like back, the driver's face was full of doubts and murmured, "I saw the young master when I got on the bus at the bar before, why suddenly my temperament changed?"Stepping into the lobby of the villa full of European aristocratic style, Ning Yuan saw a handsome-looking and elegant middle-aged man sitting on the sofa, and a tall, middle-aged bodyguard stood beside him.Next to the sofa where the middle-aged man was sitting, was a beautiful, dignified, graceful woman, and the two were chatting."Parents, haven't slept so late?"Ning Yuan greeted the two sitting on the sofa.The middle-aged man's name is Ning Jing, and the woman's name is Lin Shuyuan. They are Ning Yuan's parents.As mentioned in the original book, Ning Yuan's father, Ning Jing, is in charge of the Fortune 500 company-Ningshi Group.The industries involved include real estate, finance, service industry, entertainment and culture, etc., with total assets of hundreds of billions, which can be said to be Fu Ke Enemy country.Although Ning Yuan's mother was not so proud, her family background was not simple.Ning Yuan's mother came from a scholarly family, and Ning Yuan's grandfather to deputy state level.It's just that this happened many years ago, and Grandpa has returned for many years."Ning'er,"Lin Shuyuan looked at her son coming here, and said cordially, "You are back."But Ning Jing looked at his son who came to the front, but was stunned, and suddenly realized that his son seemed a little different today?