Chapter 8 Leave the rest to me!

The reason why Ning Yuan came to the Xu family today was not only to propose to divorce, but also to prevent something from happening.In the original book, after Xu Ruyan was rescued by the male protagonist Ye Tian in the bar, the next day, the old man of the Xu family was sent by a commercial opponent at home as a killer.Fortunately, the bodyguard of the old man Xu family sacrificed his life to block a shot for the old man before he escaped.The killer was subsequently subdued by the bodyguards who came over.Although the old man of the Xu family was shocked, but because of this incident, he found Ye Tian's master through his contacts and recruited Ye Tian as the Xu family's bodyguard.After Ye Tian came to the Xu family as a bodyguard, he used his relationship with the Assassin Alliance to settle the business rivals of the old man of the Xu family and target the assassination of the old man.After that, Ye Tian reaped the gratitude of the Xu family, and the old man of the Xu family begged Ye Tian to stay and act as Xu Ruyan's personal bodyguard.Ye Tian saw that Xu Ruyan was amazingly beautiful, so he agreed. Since then, the two slowly got to know each other, and Xu Ruyan was captured by Ye Tian step by step.Precisely because of reading the original book, Ning Yuan expected the killer to appear in the Xu family at this point in time, and rushed over to prevent this from happening.As for retiring, Ning Yuan didn't really want to retire from Xu Ruyan, he just wanted to show an attitude.Let the parents, Xu Ruyan and the Xu family father, and others know that they are not the former Ning Yuan who would only revolve around Xu Ruyan all day long.This is also a strategy used by Ning Yuan to expect that this marriage is not so easy to dissolve.At this moment.Out of the corner of Ning Yuan's eye, he saw the shadow lurking on the tree outside the window, and then, the old man of the Xu family's bodyguard seemed to have noticed the danger outside the window."There is a killer!"Ning Yuan, who had just taken a step outside before the bodyguard yelled and wanted to rush towards the old man Xu, suddenly turned around, one step ahead of the bodyguard, and flew towards the sofa where the old man Xu and Xu Ruyan were sitting.puff!There was a low muffler gunshot from outside the window. At this time of lightning and flint, Ning Yuan, with the blessing of [Martial Master]'s skills, threw the Xu family father and Xu Ruyan to the ground in a flash.A bullet pierced through the floor-to-ceiling window and hit the original seat of the old man of the Xu family.The whole process didn't even last a second.After throwing the old man Xu family and Xu Ruyan to the ground, Ning Yuan and the three hid behind one side of the coffee table, which happened to be the blind spot of the killer outside the window.Seeing that he missed a hit, the assassin outside the window quickly jumped from the tree and got into the villa hall from the broken floor-to-ceiling window with his pistol.Several servants were already lying on the ground and shivering, while Father Xu's bodyguard was hiding by the wall.Seeing a suit, the assassin with sunglasses and the gun to the old man's side, the bodyguard hiding by the wall, immediately took advantage of the assassin's passing by, not paying attention, rushed up and threw the assassin to the ground, twisting them together.Seeing this, Ning Yuan shouted at Xu Ruyan: "Go outside and call the bodyguard, and leave the rest to me!""you?"Xu Ruyan couldn't believe what he heard!Give it to Ning Yuan?He knows martial arts?Xu Ruyan has never heard of this dude who has learned martial arts!After all, Ning Yuan ignored Xu Ruyan and rushed forward like a whirlwind.Ning Yuan's character is clear-cut, and Mr. Xu treats him not badly. No matter what angle he looks at, he is bound to help!With that said, Ning Yuan took a quick step, and his figure even left an afterimage in the air.boom!He immediately confronted the assassin, with a heavy blow, forcibly forcing the assassin's body to take a few steps.See this scene.Xu Ruyan's heartbeat speeds up suddenly!Xu Ruyan's eyes widened, and Ning Yuan's back was inconceivable on her face.Her lips opened, and she couldn't think of Ning Yuan, who was so brave and fearless when thinking about the weak scholars showing others.Ever since the bar met Ning Yuan, Xu Ruyan felt that Ning Yuan had changed too much, as if she had completely changed.Xu Ruyanyi obeyed Ning Yuan's words, and while the killer was entangled, turned his head and flew towards the door like a small deer.On the way, Xu Ruyan turned around one step at a time.She knew very well in her heart that although Ning Yuan had changed a lot from before, it was shocking to let Ning Yuan, who had been weak and spoiled since childhood, deal with a killer.However, Xu Ruyan's heart is most worried about grandpa.She has been with her grandfather since her parents had a car accident.If she loses her grandfather, she will never have any relatives in this world.Xu Ruyan ran toward the yard while praying secretly in her heart, hoping that grandpa would be fine.When Ning Yuan rushed forward, the killer stunned the bodyguard quickly with an elbow.When the assassin raised his pistol to aim at Ning Yuan, Ning Yuan kicked forward with his leg raised up and kicked forward. Under the influence of the skills of [Martial Arts Master], Ning Yuan's kick accurately hit the assassin's. In the wrist.With a snap, the pistol fell to the ground along a parabola in the air.After pointing the martial arts skills to the master level through the system, facing the killer, Ning Yuan could clearly see several flaws in the killer's eyes!The killer couldn't think of Ning Yuan, who looked like a brother-in-law. He would be surprised and unexpected, and wanted to turn around to pick up a gun.Where would Ning Yuan give him a chance? A whip kick immediately swept toward the assassin's side with the sound of the wind.The assassin was startled, and stepped back hurriedly, avoiding the whip kick dangerously and dangerously.The assassin's back was cold and sweaty. Looking at the handsome brother in front of him, he couldn't imagine that he was a professional assassin who was almost kicked by the opponent.This makes him unbelievable.Elder Xu, who was hiding on the coffee table, happened to see Ning Yuan and the killer confronting him."effort?"Seeing Ning Yuan's move, Mr. Xu couldn't help being stunned.The Ning Yuan family is mainly engaged in business. He has never heard that the Ning family has also dabbled in martial arts, especially when he sees Ning Yuan's demeanor as a master, he is even more surprised.When he first saw Ning Yuan rushing towards the killer recklessly, Old Man Xu couldn't even stop him.Being extremely moved in his heart, Mr. Xu was extremely worried about Ning Yuan's safety, for fear that Ning Jia Du Miao would be killed by an unblinking assassin.Ning Yuan ignored the old man Xu, concentrated on his arms and limbs, not only kicked off the killer's pistol, but also forced the killer to retreat again and again, suddenly widening his eyes.Ning Yuan did not give him a chance to react.Gently turned around, his right elbow pointed like a gun, and it was close to the assassin's chest.This is China's long-lost maneuver. He moves slowly, but he is completely natural, and he has no flaws.Even when he shot his hand, his arm was like a whip, making several bursts in the air one after another.The killer is shocked, and then retreat!Ning Yuan deceived his body to get close, his palms were like snakes, and he went directly around the back of the killer's neck.It's too late to say, then soon!The assassin hadn't reacted yet, his eyes went dark, and Ning Yuan fainted completely after only two strokes.At this time, Xu Ruyan came late with a group of black bodyguards and saw the assassin who fell on the ground.boom!Everyone was shocked in place as if struck by lightning.