Chapter 9 Amazing! Ning Yuan

This is the first time Ning Yuan has used [Master of Martial Arts] to solve troubles, but Ning Yuan's calm and decisive performance made people extremely surprised.After all, Mr. Xu is a person who has experienced wind and waves, and he has gradually recovered his calm at this moment, but the gaze towards Ningyan is still full of surprise."Master, the danger has been lifted. It seems that after a while, someone will continue to harass you. You have to take precautions. The Li family is not easy to provoke. Although you are not afraid of any competitors, the Li family is called Fang Pei. You have to be careful." Ning Yuan said."You, how do you know?" Old man Xu was immediately stunned.In fact, from the first time the killer appeared, he guessed that it was his business rival, the Li family, but even Xu Ruyan didn't know the secret of the secret competition with the Li family.The reason for his gaffe was precisely because what Ning Yuan said was true.The Li family, Fang Pei, how did Ning Yuan, who are only a business family, learn about these unknown secrets?What he didn't know was that in this world, Ning Yuan, who was familiar with the original works, had no secrets he didn't know!At this time, the gaze that Old Man Xu looked at Ning Yuan was no longer amazed, but shocked.But when someone else was there, it was inconvenient for Mr. Xu to ask more questions. He glanced at Ning Yuan and said, "Xiaoning, thanks to you saving the old man's life today, otherwise I'm afraid I will be bad luck. You come to sit at home when you have time."Mr. Xu deliberately emphasized the words "sit down".At this moment, he looked at Ning Yuan as not the ignorant child who pursued his granddaughter, but with a trace of respect from his generation."A little effort." Ning Yuan said modestly.Two tricks to solve a well-prepared killer is not a simple task.Xu Ruyan saw everything in his eyes.After the bodyguards dragged the killer down, she was completely relieved and looked at Ning Yuan gratefully: "Ning Yuan, thank you.""Ding! Congratulations to the host, 2000 fortune points!"Ning Yuan's mouth was slightly tilted when he heard the system prompt in his ears, knowing that his success this time had affected the timeline of Ye Tian and Xu Ruyan's acquaintance.At this time, the prime-age bodyguard, who had just been knocked out by the killer, woke up, sat up and touched the back of his head, and suddenly turned his head like annoyance, seeing the old man Xu standing there safe and sound, with the young master of the Ning Family, and Xu Ruyan, could not help but be stunned.For a moment."what happened?""What about the killer?""Master, are you okay?"The strong man's bodyguard hurriedly got up, ran over and asked continuously."Dashan, you wake up, I'm okay," said the old man Xu, looking at Ning Yuan and said, "Thanks to Xiao Ning's help, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid you would never see me again.Da Shan has been Xu's number one bodyguard for nearly two decades. He has always been the personal bodyguard of the Xu family, and he was a lay disciple hired by the Xu family with a lot of money back then."Master Ning knows martial arts?"Da Shan looked at Ning Yuan in surprise.After so many years in Xu's family, he couldn't understand Ning Yuan's details.Ning Yuan smiled: "I usually go to the martial arts gym to learn when I have time, and now I'll just play twice."Dashan was sent to Shaolin by his parents at the age of 10 to become a disciple of laymen. He has been practicing martial arts for nearly 30 years.Before he became the bodyguard of the Xu family, he once beaten the invincible hand in the underground black boxing all over the world. Later, when he met someone stronger than him, he was willing to become the Xu family's bodyguard after hurting his muscles and bones.He knew very well that the assassin just now was so powerful that even if he didn't hurt his muscles and bones, he wouldn't necessarily be able to defeat the assassin.Hearing that Ning Yuan said that he would go to the martial arts gym to learn when he was free, it would only be twice, and Da Shan was shocked.Martial arts requires a process of accumulation, and it requires years of tempering, so how can a professional killer be dealt with all at once.Master Xu shook his head: "Xiao Ning, you don't have to be so humble, I think you are like the Shaolin's sweeping hatred in martial arts novels, hidden deeply."As someone who has lived for so many years, although the old man of the Xu family does not know martial arts, he still has eyesight. Seeing a bodyguard of Lian Dashan's strength, he was stunned by the killer in three or two strokes, but Ning Yuan beat the killer in a few strokes. fall.Whether martial arts is high or not, it's clear at a glance.When Dashan heard this from Master Xu, as a martial arts practitioner, he immediately said, "Master Ning, I really want to ask you for advice. I wonder if it is convenient or not?"Da Shan looked polite, and no longer regarded Ning Yuan as a young man who could only pick up girls and play the piano."Well."Ning Yuan smiled, knowing that the other party wanted to try it with him, he just wanted to try it too, and how many tricks would it take to knock down the opponent when he passed the [Master of Martial Arts] skill.Seeing that Dashan and Ning Yuan were going to compete, the Master Xu family, Xu Ruyan and others wanted to see, so they stepped back and made room for the two of them."Master Ning, I have a move."Da Shan clasped his fists, then he lifted his fist to hit Ning Yuan's face.Ning Yuan possessed the skill [Master of Martial Arts], and at a glance he could see that the fist that Dashan shook was just a tentative trick.Not only that, but Ning Yuan was able to use the trembling of Dashan's muscles to analyze that his next move was to clap his hands on his neck.Therefore, facing the fist that Da Shan slammed at the door, Ning Yuan did not dodge or avoid, but blocked his right hand on his neck.really!Da Shan slammed towards Ning Yuan's front door with a fist, stagnating in the middle of the cast, and struck Ning Yuan's neck with his other hand.However, Da Shan slashed out and was immediately blocked by Ning Yuan, as if he had long expected to attack the neck.After one move."good!"Da Shan admired, the master made a move, he knew the depth of his move, and the only trace of doubt he had about Ning Yuan disappeared.Ning Yuan still looked calm and relaxed, and he felt like he was moving his muscles and bones casually."Come again!"Da Shan was worried about hurting Ning Yuan just now, and he didn't use his full strength. Right now, he lifted his fist with luck and used Shaolin fist, as if raining down toward Ning Yuan.The movement of Dashan swinging his fist was extremely slow in Ning Yuan's eyes, just like slow motion, Ning Yuan found several flaws at once.Immediately, Ning Yuan squatted down, swept his legs, and swiftly thundered towards the bottom of the mountain.Da Shan was caught off guard, his feet were hit by Ning Yuan's sweeping leg, as if he had been drawn by an iron whip. With severe pain, Da Shan fell heavily on the ground like a horse stumbled.Wow!Mr. Xu, Xu Ruyan and others who watched around were shocked.Ning Yuan was really good at knocking down Xu's top bodyguard with just one move!...