Chapter 19 Is this jealous?

A Rolls-Royce drove in through the back door of Xu's Hospital and drove to the parking lot in the back mountain.The car door opened, and Xu Ruyan and Mr. Xu walked towards the presidential suite ward where Ning Yuan and Xia Anran were under the guidance of Xu Guoquan.Xu Ruyan heard her grandfather's call on the phone before, and her mood was very complicated. She was sure that she had no feelings for Ning Yuan, but for some reason, she came over with her grandfather in a mysterious manner."Maybe I just want to be with Grandpa."Xu Ruyan confirmed in her heart.Just like this, Xu Ruyan followed Father Xu and entered the presidential suite where Ning Yuan was located.When Xu Ruyan stepped into the ward, she saw Ning Yuan sitting by the bed, talking and laughing with a beautiful girl lying on the bed.Suddenly, her eyes were cold, her left hand squeezed unconsciously.The girl was very beautiful, slightly shy, with a sweet smile, giving a sense of purity like water.On the other hand, Ning Yuan's expression at the moment is extremely gentle, even speaking to the girl in a soft voice, while being polite, he also gives people a feeling of breeze.Does Ning Yuan like this girl?snort!Before the marriage contract was terminated, I couldn't wait to soak up her pretty girl.Seeing this scene, Xu Ruyan had many thoughts in her mind. Ning Yuan was so gentle and caring for this young girl, but how about herself not long ago?He always had a cold face, and his tone was too hard to speak.Feeling the difference in Ning Yuan's treatment made Xu Ruyan feel very unbalanced and secretly angry.At the same time, she didn't understand. She obviously didn't like Ning Yuan, but she didn't know why, so she cared that Ning Yuan was kind to other girls."Grandpa Xu, Miss Xu,"Looking back at the sudden appearance of Xu Ruyan and Father Xu, Ning Yuan was a little surprised, got up and said hello, "You are here too.Xu Ruyan nodded and stood silently.Seeing that his granddaughter would be fine, Mr. Xu secretly worried for her, but it was useless. He could only assist her as an old man himself:"Xiao Ning, as soon as Ru Yan received your call, your friend came to be hospitalized because of illness. He was very worried and anxious, but now she has to take me to visit."When Xu Ruyan heard this, she glared at Grandpa in her beautiful eyes, feeling dissatisfied and anxious, how did she become herself and insisted on pulling Grandpa over you, obviously you had to accompany you by yourself."Oh,"Ning Yuan was surprised when he heard what Mr. Xu said. He looked at Xu Ruyan and said, "Miss Xu, thank you this time.""Need not."Xu Ruyan's eyes were cold and didn't want to argue, she turned to Xia Anran on the side and asked: "Young Master Ning, is this your friend?""You said Miss Xia, she has a strange disease. She completely loses consciousness below the head. The symptom is that the muscles and nerves are highly damaged..."Ning Yuan introduced Xia Anran's condition to Xu Ruyan and Mr. Xu."I saw Miss Xia's help-seeking information on the Internet. In the past, it was really difficult for her family to see their family situation and needed help, so I took her to your hospital for treatment."Hearing this, Xu Ruyan's cold eyes softened slightly, and she walked to the bedside, looked at Xia Anran lying on the bed, and said softly, "Sister Xia, are you okay?"Seeing a beautiful face in front of him, Xia Anran was shocked. Is this Young Master Ning's fiancée?Elegance and nobility, elegance and glamour coexist, the elegance is unparalleled, it is just like the stunning beauty who came out of the ancient paintings.As if standing here alone can illuminate the whole world."Sister, you are so beautiful, just like a person who walks out of an ancient painting, and only a character like you is worthy of Young Master Ning."Xia Anran sighed heartily.Xu Ruyan was taken aback when he heard the words, unexpectedly he would be praised, and had a good impression of Xia Anran: "Thank you, sister Xia, you are also very beautiful, and I hope your illness will get better soon.""My illness, thanks to Young Master Ning, if he hadn't given me acupuncture and moxibustion, I would have felt that my illness would never be cured forever."Xia Anran said gratefully."Master Ning will give you acupuncture?"Xu Ruyan was startled for a moment, Meisou looked at Ning Yuan who was talking to his grandfather, full of doubts.Does Ning Yuan know acupuncture?How can it be?Unexpectedly, Xia Anran said with certainty: "Young Master Ning's acupuncture and moxibustion are amazing and made my toes move. I think Ning's medical skills are better than the doctors I have seen."Xu Ruyan didn't believe it much after hearing this.Seeing Xia Anran's look didn't look like lying, but the other party didn't need to lie, but I had never heard of Ning Yuan who could acupuncture, and I had never seen him learn medical skills.Could it be that Ning Yuan is deceiving other girls?As soon as this thought came through his mind, Xu Ruyan suddenly thought that Ning Yuan had rescued his grandfather with martial arts before, and Xu Ruyan had begun to be a little dubious about Ning Yuan's medical skills.Xu Ruyan talked with Xia Anran, and Ning Yuan discussed with Mr. Xu and the doctor about treating Xia Anran.Time just passed by one minute and one second, and the setting sun went down.It was getting dark, Ning Yuan came to Xia Anran's bed and saw that she was having a good chat with Xu Ruyan."Okay, An Ran, it's getting late. I will give you a leg massage today to relax your leg muscles and keep your meridians in a good state. Come and treat you tomorrow.""Okay." Xia Anran responded softly.Under the gaze of everyone, Ning Yuanshi unfolded his [Medical Proficiency] skills, using Chinese massage and massage techniques, rubbing his legs in Xia Anran.I saw his skillful techniques, such as pushing, holding, pressing, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, tapping, pat and other diversified techniques, all of them fell together and amazed the crowd."This is Chinese massage massage!"A well-known doctor said.Mr. Xu, who was watching from the side, immediately said in surprise: "Xiaoning, when did you learn Chinese massage?"As a medical profession, he still has eyesight. He saw that Ning Yuan was skilled in techniques, and he was better than Fu Du, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor he had seen.Xu Ruyan stared at Ning Yuan with a pair of beautiful eyes, with surprises in her heart. Is this the Ning Yuan she knew?Just now Xia Anran said that Ning Yuan knows acupuncture and medical skills, but she still doesn't believe it.Although Ning Yuan did not perform acupuncture and other medical techniques, he believed 90% of Xia Anran's words.Not only knows martial arts, but also knows medical skills. How many secrets does this man hide from her?At the beginning, Xu Ruyan was disgusted in her heart, thinking that Ning Yuan was so good to Xia Anran, and she just wanted to play with the beautiful girl of the bubble family.But then I saw Xia Anran lying on the bed like a vegetative, and through chatting with Xia Anran, Xu Ruyan dispelled this idea.Although Xia Anran is very beautiful, based on Ning Yuan's identity and conditions, what kind of beautiful women do he want?What's more, if Ning Yuan only wants to have fun with girls, he can't find a girl who is like a vegetable.Thinking of this, Xu Ruyan looked at Ning Yuan with a gentle look in her eyes.Seeing Ning Yuan seriously, meticulously, and patiently massage Xia Anran, he didn't care about the sweat on his forehead. Xu Ruyan had mixed feelings, thinking that Ning Yuan did the same to herself in the past.Xu Ruyan fell into the memory, remembering all the good things Ning Yuan had done before.After Ning Yuan gave Xia Anran a massage, when it was late, he said to Xia Anran, "An Ran, take a good rest, and come and see you tomorrow.""Okay, thank you Young Master Ning." Xia Anran answered happily."Xiaoning, let's go back together in my car."Father Xu kept trying to help his daughter.Ning Yuan came over by helicopter, but the car didn't come. He thought that there was a way away from home, so he said, "Okay."After saying goodbye to Xia Anran, Ning Yuan, Xu Ruyan, and Mr. Xu left the ward together and walked towards the parking place not far away.The three people came to the parking place. When Ning Yuan was about to get into Mr. Xu's car, he suddenly saw a black Audi car passing by.What surprised Ning Yuan even more was that the driver of this black Audi car was a familiar face. It was Ye Tian who had met once in a bar!Ye Tian, ​​how come here!Ning Yuan was immediately stunned.