Chapter 20 The protagonist of the novel comes on stage!

In the parking lot of Xu's Hospital, Ning Yuan looked at a black Audi parked in the opposite parking space. The driver's door opened and Ye Tian got out of the car.I saw it.Ye Tian manages his head, with an angular face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, nose bridge, tall and straight figure wearing a black windbreaker, giving people the feeling that his body is full of sunshine and domineering aura."Is this the protagonist's personality?"Looking at Ye Tian who got off the car, Ning Yuan murmured with a smile.When he was looking at Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian seemed to look over, but he just glanced at Ning Yuan with a cold and disdainful look, then looked away, and landed next to Ning Yuan Xu Ruyan who was getting in the car.Ye Tian looked at this charming and beautiful woman on the opposite side, and recognized at a glance that this was the figure who had glimpsed at the bar.A black cheongsam embroidered with plum blossoms tightly wraps a tall and graceful figure, drawing graceful undulating curves.Ye Tian's eyes shot scorching rays of light, staring at Xu Ruyan's bumpy back, lingering for a while.It wasn't until Xu Ruyan got in the car and the door closed that Ye Tian reluctantly retracted his gaze. Without even looking at Ning Yuan, he walked towards the hospital ward."What a peerless stunner, beautiful and charming coexist, sultry figure, big chest and butt, a full score of 10, I will give a 100."Ye Tian walked toward the ward, while thinking about the woman who surprised him just now, he felt the restlessness and desire in his heart.This time I came to the hospital to visit my friends. I was really right. I didn't expect to meet the beauty I met in the bar.Since seeing this beauty in the bar, he hasn't forgotten, and has always wanted to let acquaintances find out the identity of this woman.Unexpectedly, I ran into this woman again so quickly. What is it that is not fate?Look at the car that the woman rides in Nusles. It is obvious that the identity is not rich but noble. This kind of woman with beauty and wealth is really the best.Ye Tian had secretly written down the license plate of the Nuss Leis, and soon, he was absolutely able to check the identity of this woman through the connections of the imperial capital.I just don't know, what is the relationship between that young man and that woman, I saw the two together in the bar.However, Ye Tian didn't worry at all. This kind of elder brother was just a few rich dudes with his father in the family, like this rich second generation who has no power to tie a chicken, he can hit a hundred each.Perhaps this young man is just one of the many suitors of that woman, and he is confident that with his own ability, he can easily make that woman fall in love with himself.Ning Yuan looked at Ye Tian's far away back, his eyebrows tightened, and after retracting his gaze, he sat on Rolls Royce.With the roar of the engine, Rolls-Royce left.At this moment, Ning Yuan had many thoughts.Ye Tian looked at Xu Ruyan's fiery eyes, and Ning Yuan looked in his eyes.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ye Tian is hitting Xu Ruyan's attention.In the novel "Human Flower Protecting the City", Ye Tian has a big hobby, that is, he likes to hunt for beauty.After all, this is a Shuangwen novel. You can tell by reading the two characters of the novel's name "Huhua". The story involves many sections about Ye Tian and the post officials.At this time, Ning Yuan was very puzzled, so he asked the system in his heart: "The system seems to be wrong, Ye Tian appeared in the hospital, what's the matter? According to the story in the original book, Ye Tian did not appear in the hospital at this point in time. ""The host doesn't know anything, because you disrupted the encounter between Ye Tian, ​​Xu Ruyan, and Xia Anran, which affected the development of the plot and caused Ye Tian to appear in the hospital.""It's like the butterfly effect. The host affects a change in the plot, which will drive the chain reaction of the entire story, leading to variables in the development of the story plot."After listening, Ning Yuan narrowed his eyes, feeling that the crisis was imminent.Ye Tian came to Xu's Hospital, what on earth did he want to do?Looking at Ye Tian's hot eyes at Xu Ruyan just now, could it be that Xu Ruyan was coming over?Or is it aimed at Xia Anran?However, he sabotaged the encounter between Ye Tian and these two women. They shouldn't know each other yet, and there is no reason to touch the hospital.Ning Yuan felt unpredictable about Ye Tian's appearance in the hospital.Fortunately.He is now gaining strength by plundering Ye Tian's fortune, and he is no longer a role that Ye Tian can pinch to death in a bar at the beginning of the game.He already has the capital to fight Ye Tian, ​​therefore, facing Ye Tian, ​​he still has the power to fight.Sitting in the back seat of the sedan, Ning Yuan thought about how to deal with Ye Tian.Soon, Rolls-Royce arrived at Ningyuan's private villa. After Ning Yuan said goodbye to Mr. Xu and Xu Ruyan, he returned home....Early the next morning.Ning Yuan came to the garage, picked a Lamborghini Phantom, and drove to Xu's Hospital. The two bodyguards got on a Mercedes and followed Ning Yuan as they did before.Last night, he was thinking about Ye Tian's appearance in the hospital, which made him feel that the crisis was imminent, so he came to Xu's Hospital early.Arriving in the presidential suite ward where Xia Anran was located, Ning Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Xia Anran quietly lying on the bed and still not awake.Last night, Ning Yuan thought about it and felt that Ye Tian should have come to Xia'an, so he was always worried.At this time, Xia Anran, who was lying on the bed, woke up and saw Ning Yuan as soon as he opened his eyes. He was surprised and delighted, and his heart warmed and said, "Young Master Ning, you came here early in the morning.""Um,"Seeing Xia Anran woke up, Ning Yuan reached the bedside with a chair, and asked warmly: "By the way, An Ran, was there anyone weird coming over in the ward last night?""weirdo?"Xia Anran looked confused and blinked, "No, there were only a few nurse sisters in the ward last night, and I didn't see anyone."Ning Yuan was very puzzled when he heard the words. Logically speaking, his absence from Xia Anran last night was the best time for Ye Tian to approach Xia Anran.But Ye Tian didn't do anything?Didn't Ye Tian come to Xia'an?Ning Yuan's thoughts were flying, and at this moment, he accidentally saw a familiar figure coming from the window towards this side.---N/A : I thought I was posting here, but I was actually posting them on my patreon that's why the late update lol