Chapter 2: supposed husband

Seven Months Earlier

Audrey watched her younger siblings run around the garden in childlike excitement, to them the world was such a beautiful place, filled with love. They had everything they needed.

Well, that was the irony of the whole thing. They indeed lived in a beautiful world but as a children of a mafia underboss, you were never innocent. The blood that flowed down your body was that of a murderer.

Yes, they were part of the Mafia. Not just any Mafia, the most powerful mafia in the world. More like being a part of it.

Nobody was ever going to compare themselves to the Vincenzo family.

She sighed and soon walked to her room. She soon left her siblings and walked to her room, she needed space before she starts getting prepared to join her father in his handover of her to a man.

What could you tell your mafia underboss father when he tells you that you will soon by married just like your peers?.

One thing was sure, she would be given to a higher officier in the Mafia, it was either that or no one else.

She wondered who it was going to be.

" Madam Audrey, your mum has asked you get ready because your father will be home soon" one of the maid said through the door. Just like she expected, it four pm and people will be filling the house soon.

She took that clue to get dressed and added a little makeup to finish up.

Now, she was ready to meet her father and her supposed husband to be.

Just as she opened her door, her guard Umberto was waiting for her outside her room. " Mr Santos had asked that you come downstairs"

Umberto has been her guard for the longest time, well he has been her bodyguard since she could walk around. That's a very very long time. And he treated her like he treats his daughters and wife.

For that she respected him and loved him as like daughter loves her father, even deeper.

Because Umberto never praised her wrongs and always told her the truth except if it was confidential information from the mafia. That is top secret.

" Thank you Umberto, I'm ready"

He followed behind her as she walked to the dark side of the house. That was where her father instructed her to be or face the consequences.

It was going to be the place where he was going to announce her engagement to the man she was going to get married to in front of his men and other important officers in the Familias.

There was no turning back now.

She was going to be given to a man like a piece of furniture because of her beauty and her father's influence and position.

When she got closer to the hall, she heard deep men's voice

It seems that they had

" Are you ready Audrey?"

She breathed in and out heavily before nodding " Yes"

Umberto opened the door 🚪and she walked in. First person she saw, Her father.

As usual, her mother was by his side like a submissive wife with that same smile plastered on her face.

Some many were sitted with drinks in hand, she bowed slightly in respect and they nodded in response.

That went well.

" How are you my daughter?" Her father's smile was forced as he patted her hand gently.

" I'm very well father. Thanks for your concern"

" Hmm"

" Now that the soon-to-be bride is here, it's time for the ceremony to kick off"

He said and they all applauded .

She was nervous but was use to putting on a calm face and tone.

Losing her patience and composure in the past had earned her slaps and now was not the time to misbehave. It would only get her more slaps or even get killed for embarrassing her father in front of his men and guests.

She looked around and saw that they were indeed important guests here, even the former Don of the Familias was here.

" I heard the Don is coming, be of good behavior as usual my dear" Her mother whispered quietly to get ears and then smiled.

She looked surprised at first, she wondered what the Don was coming to do. It was rare to get the Don to come to an a occasion no matter how important.

The Don does what the Don wants .

She had never seen the man before but she knew he was young but also the most feared man in the world.

Aiden Vincenzo was a dangerous man, even her father spoke in his name in whispers as if afraid that his very name would have him killed.

She had attended many social gatherings where the women there had gossiped in low tone about the Don.

Many narrated how he killed his first man when he was only 16. The victim was one of his uncles who thought he could kill him and then take his place as the heir to the Familias throne.

It was said that he had killed his uncle using a small dinning knife to cut off his wind pipe making him feared from an early age.

That made her have goosebumps all over, that kind of man was dangerous.

But some of the women famous for having warmed his bed in the past praised his sexual poweress and he could handle a woman in bed. That earned blushes and giggles but she found nothing funny about it.

How the hell were they comfortable sharing their sex life in public? Some women had no shame.

She wondered what he was like? Was he big and muscular like most strong men she had met in her father's office?

Men with unnecessary muscles terrified her. What was the point of having big muscles that made them look like hulk and many of them could not use it?

But from the description of the women, Aiden Vincenzo was an handsome man.

Hmm. Handsome wasn't enought to describe Aiden Vincenzo.