Chapter 3: I want her

Her father cleared his throat to gain the attention of the people present

" Today is a special day for my family as I will be giving my daughter's hand in marriage to a very important person in our society"

There was applause in response to her father's words.

More like, selling her to the highest bidder.

" Well, my very good friend Mr Basil has raised his son Bradford very well, and .."

" Click"

The sound of a shoe seem to hold more power to her father's own boring speech.

She turned and found him.

He was different from the other men that just entered the room.

His unfathomable dark golden eyes contrasted with his light toned face.

His eyes were so deep and unexpressive that you could get lost if you stared long enough.

He was not extremely muscular but you could see from his shape that he never joked with his physical training. His black suit was surely tailored.

That was when it hit her, he is Aiden Vincenzo, the Don.

Christ! Her father suddenly felt small and composed like a child. Well, the other men in the roomseem to feel his aura too.

He felt like power and strength altogether.

" I'm sorry for being late Mr Santos, had a little trouble in paradise" he flashed a smile that looked sincere but there is nothing sincerely innocent about Aiden Vincenzo.

" You are welcome Don. It is an honor to have you here" Her father was almost shaking, that was new.

She nearly laughed when she saw that the other men in the room who were acting like gods earlier had all turned timid and humble before a man most of them could call son.

She bowed slightly in greeting when he neared her and said " you are welcome Don"

He seems to look straight at her. As if he knew her before.

" And you must be Audrey"

" Yes Don, she is my daughter Audrey and.."

" I wasn't talking to you"

That statement shut her father's up.

The man by Aiden's side shot her father a nasty look for answering on my behalf.

" Yes Don, I'm Audrey"

He smiled, this time a little wider.

It felt like he was up to some form of mischief, that smile was just like her brother's mischievous smile that means that he wants to do something rather funny.

" Mr Santos "

" Yes Don"

" Who do you want to give Audrey to as a wife?"

She was anxious about her father's response.

Her father smiled for the first time since Aiden entered the room and answered enthusiastically " She is to be given to Bradford, the son of Basil. He is the second in command to his father who is the underboss of Philadelphia"

She expected that answer since she went on a date with that arrogant asshole. He was smug and damn lazy. His only strength was knowing where to put his dick in a woman.


" Then I'm sorry because that's not happening" Aiden said.

There was a gasp in the room obviously from her dramatic mother and then murmurrings from the little audience in the room.

But sincerely she was surprised, if she didn't marry Bradford then who was she getting married to?

He raised his eyebrow at her and then smirked. Oh no! It was not what she was thinking right?

" I want her for myself"

He simply said and turned to her father like he was expecting an objection from him.

Most likely not was going to happen because her father was definitely happy that she would be married to the Don himself.

" I have no objection Don, things will definitely be done in your way and wishes" her father was estatic . It was clear as day.

" Then it is settled then, I'm officially engaged to Audrey Santos" Aiden said it like he just won an award. This is crazy. How could she suddenly be engaged to the Don?

" Cheers to the newly engaged" her father raised his cup up and the others followed.

" Cheers"

" I'm sorry but I have to leave now, I have things to attend to" he said to her father and turned to face her.

He took her hand and kissed it " I will see you soon Kiska"

She just stood there and watched him leave with his men.

What the hell did Kiska mean?

Immediately he left, there seem to a sigh of relief from the men. Definitely not from her. This was going to be an adventure.

Mr Basil was basically fuming on his seat. His son, Bradford had an angry look.

Then she realized that the fool was eager about this marriage shit. The fool thought he was going to get in her pants.

" well, since things have turned like this, I would like to say thank you to everybody for their support " her father said and smiled . He was damn happy.

He was going to be the Don's in-law.

His reputation was definitely going to highten.

The men soon began to shake her father's hand and leave.

When it was Mr Basil turn to shake her father's hand, he just stared down at her father and shaked his head.

Bradford stared at her like he wanted to bore a hole in her face.

" Good luck in being on his bed"

" Basil, Bradford, there is no need for them to be hostility among us. I'm sure it was for the greater good that all this happened" her father was obviously trying to smooth talk Bradford and his father .

After all, she was supposed to be given to Bradford but plans changed.

Yes, Aiden changed the whole damn thing.

" We will see later Santos, myself and my son have things to settle" Mr Basil said and walked away with Bradford behind his father like a puppet dog behind it's master.

After their guests had all left, it was only remaining herself, her father and mother who were left in the once largely occupied room .

" And I'm proud to call you my daughter. I can't believe this , our family will be directly related to the most powerful family ever. Oh! This is the most happiest day of my life"

Her father said excitedly, almost jumping to the skies in excitement.

Her mother smiled like a fool besides her father agreeing with him by nodding and smiling at his words.

This two were the worst. That was the least of her worries right now, the Don wanted her but why?