Chapter 2: life is not always peacefully

That day, the bunker residents continued training with a focus on the use of firearms and melee weapons. Aether, with slightly higher spirits after the science lesson, followed the training diligently. While walking to the rest room after practice, he accidentally collided with a very popular and handsome man in the bunker.

The man apologized politely, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you earlier."

Aether saw his handsome face and friendly smile, "It's okay. My name is Aether. Who are you?"

The man smiled, "My name is Arthur. Arthur MacArthur. My name is like your family name, right?"

Aether looked at him innocently, "Yes, like my father's surname. Maybe this is a coincidence or fate."

Arthur chuckled, "Perhaps. Nice to meet you, Aether."

They said goodbye to each other with smiles, and Aether felt happy about the meeting. However, this warm atmosphere did not last long. Several female students who were jealous of the attention Arthur was giving Aether began to surround him.

One of them, Amaya, spoke in a mocking tone, "Oh, look who dares to greet Arthur. The beloved son of a famous warrior."

Aether remained calm, his face showing no reaction to the taunt. His heart was used to ridicule and he was not easily provoked. However, Amaya and her friends continued to insist.

"Who do you think you are? Just because your father is famous, you feel like you can get close to anyone?"

The commotion attracted the attention of all the boys and girls around them. However, before the situation escalated, Auriel came and stood between Aether and the trio of students with an angry face.

"What's your problem, Amaya?" Auriel rebuked sharply. "You have no right to treat Aether like this."

Amaya replied sarcastically, "And who are you, Auriel, to defend him? Oh, I forgot, you are also the son of someone important."

Auriel was unfazed by the taunts. He grabbed Aether's hand and pulled him away from the situation. After the two of them were in a calmer place, Auriel looked at Aether with worry.

"Why don't you fight them, Aether? Aren't you angry or irritated?"

Aether shook his head calmly, "I don't know, Auriel. My heart is already numb to things like that."

Auriel was silent for a moment, feeling concerned about Aether's attitude. "Aether, we have to fight bullying. We have the right to protect ourselves and not let people like them look down on us."

Aether smiled faintly, "I know, Auriel. But I really don't feel angry. The part of me that used to be is probably no longer there."

Auriel took a deep breath, feeling a little frustrated but also full of respect for Aether's calm. "You are my friend, Aether. I just want you to know that we must have the courage to stand up for ourselves. Don't let others walk all over you."

Aether nodded slowly, "Thank you, Auriel. I will try to be more firm. But, for now, I just want to focus on what's important."

The two of them continued their journey to the break room, with Auriel still holding Aether's hand tightly, as if to ensure that her friend was always protected. Even though Aether's heart had grown numb to ridicule, he knew that with Auriel by his side, he was never truly alone.

Arriving in the break room, Aether and Auriel sat together, trying to calm down after the incident with Amaya and her friends. Aether, still curious about Arthur, started asking Auriel.

"Auriel, who exactly is Arthur? Why is he so famous?" Aether asked in a curious tone.

Auriel smiled, feeling a little proud because she knew information that Aether might not have known. "Arthur is a famous family of warrior knights. His father was in your father's year and they were close friends. Their family is highly respected among the Paladin Brotherhood."

Aether was surprised to hear that. "Oh, I see. So, he has the same background as us. That explains a lot." Then, in a joking tone, he added, "You know a lot, don't you, Auriel. Are you an intel or what?"

Auriel chuckled, with a hint of pride in her voice. "Our family does have an important role, Aether. My family is the leader and organizer of weapons and finances for the warrior knight group. We can call them the Paladin Brotherhood. So, it's natural that I know a lot about them."

Aether nodded, impressed by Auriel's knowledge. "That's amazing, Auriel. So, we're all connected in a bigger way than I thought."

Auriel smiled, "Yes, we are connected. Our families have a long history together. And now, we are here, facing this difficult situation together."

Amaya described the incident in the break room in detail, while expressing her annoyance towards Auriel and Aether. Hearing his daughter's story, Doctor Mobius began to get angry. "Don't worry, Amaya. We'll plan something that will make them regret bothering us."

However, without them realizing, there was a mysterious figure peeking out from a dark corner of the laboratory. The person recorded their conversation with a small device hidden under his cloak.

The mysterious figure stared at the screen of his device seriously, recording every word and expression from Amaya and Doctor Mobius. After ensuring all conversations are recorded, the person slips away, planning their next move to expose their rot.

Back in the break room, Aether and Auriel continued their conversation without realizing the danger lurking. Auriel tried to distract Aether with funny stories and jokes, making Aether's mood a little better.

"Aether, we have to stay alert. I feel like there's something strange here," Auriel said suddenly, her voice serious.

Aether nodded, "I feel the same way, Auriel. But whatever happens, we have to stay together and support each other."

Auriel smiled and embraced Aether. "That's right. Together, we can overcome anything."

Both of them are unaware that an evil conspiracy is being planned against them. However, with the existence of a mysterious figure watching Doctor Mobius and Amaya, there is still hope of uncovering the truth and saving themselves from danger.

Time will tell whether Aether and Auriel can overcome the obstacles before them, or whether they will be caught in a cunning game planned by their enemies.

That afternoon, Aether and his friends headed to the religious room. The room is decorated with beautiful ornaments depicting the majesty of the Lumos Of Divinus. In front of them, a woman dressed as a nun named Joanna Agustine stood ready to give a lesson.

Joanna begins by explaining about the Lumos Of Divinus, who could be called Gods or Gods, and their first intermediary, Adam Ain. "Adam Ain is the first entity believed to bring light and wisdom from the Lumos Of Divinus to humans," he explained. He also tells about the divine realm which has its own system, while showing a picture that can only describe a small part of that realm. "This image is just a figment of the imagination, it cannot fully describe the beauty and complexity of the divine realm."

Aether felt confused by the explanation and dared to ask, "Why do Gods exist, and how do they explain the creation of humans?"

Joanna smiled gently and started to explain, but before she could finish her answer, one of the trio who hated Aether, Maya, mocked her, "Do you really believe in that nonsense, Aether?"

Suddenly, the popular and handsome Arthur stands up to defend Aether. "Maya, everyone has the right to ask questions and learn. Don't insult other people's questions."

Maya's friends try to convince Arthur that Aether is not right for him, and that Amaya is the one he should be with. Amaya said in a spoiled voice, "Arthur, you are mine. Don't waste your time with Aether."

However, nun Joanna immediately rebuked them, "Be quiet and don't be noisy in this room. Respect this holy place."

Aether said in a calm voice, "No need, Arthur. I can deal with it myself."

Arthur smiled and replied, "It's okay, Aether. We have to support each other."

Aether smiled gracefully and thanked him innocently. That smile made Arthur blush and immediately go to Another Place. Seeing this incident, Auriel came and greeted Aether in a teasing tone, "(Catcall),look who the first girl to getting closer to Arthur."

Aether Mem's face just sighed with an innocent face, not paying attention to the teasing. Lessons were over, and they moved to the break room. There, they enjoyed some relaxing time, but Aether's mind was still disturbed by the nun's explanation and the questions that arose in his mind about the divine realm and their destiny amidst the chaos of the world outside the bunker.

In the break room, while Aether was contemplating, Joanna approached him with a friendly smile. "Hi, Aether," said Joanna softly. Aether raised his face and greeted back, "Hi, Sister Joanna."

Joanna sat beside him, watching Aether's sad face. "You look like you have a lot on your mind," Joanna said thoughtfully.

Aether sighed, "Yes, Sister. Everything that happened recently... my father went to war, my mother disappeared, and now I have to adapt to life in this bunker. It all feels so hard."

Joanna patted Aether's shoulder gently. "Life is full of challenges, Aether. Sometimes we feel like we have lost our way, but there is always a way to find our strength again. Have you ever heard about the philosophy of absurdism taught by Albert Camus?"

Aether shook his head, curious. "No, I've never heard of it."

Joanna smiled and began to explain, "Albert Camus was a philosopher who talked about the absurdity of life. He said that life is often absurd and full of suffering, but that is precisely where we find meaning. According to him, even though life seems meaningless, we must continue to search for meaning and happiness in our journey."

Aether listened attentively, feeling every word Joanna said. "So, what does this mean is that we should accept the fact that life is difficult and move on?"

"That's right," answered Joanna. "We must accept the absurdity of this life and find the strength within ourselves to continue fighting. That way, we can find happiness and meaning in every step we take."

Aether felt his heart start to wake up from sadness. He felt he had gained a new perspective that gave him the strength to face all the problems he was facing. "Thank you, Sister Joanna. I feel better now."

Joanna smiled warmly. "I'm glad I could help, Aether. Remember, you are not alone. We are all here to support each other. And most importantly, you have the strength within you to face all these challenges."

Aether nodded, feeling more prepared and tougher. With renewed vigor, he stood up and prepared to face the days ahead with courage and confidence. The philosophy of absurdism that Joanna explains has opened her eyes to see life from a different perspective, giving her the strength to keep going even in difficult situations.