Chapter 3: The Mysterious Miracles

Two days after Aether's conversation with Sister Joanna, the atmosphere in the bunker seemed more cheerful. The annual event known as "Child of Atom" is being held in the Rest Area. All the children of the bunker residents gather to celebrate this special day, filled with prayers and hopes.

Aether prepared for the event, wearing beautiful and slightly different clothes than usual. When She arrived at the Rest Area, Aether immediately met Auriel who greeted her with admiration.

"Aether, you look like a very sweet and Very cute Like A doll!" Auriel exclaimed with a big smile.

All eyes were on Aether, looking at her in awe. However, Auriel's instincts told her that this attention could bring danger to Aether because of her beauty and cuteness. In the crowd, Arthur approached Aether, offering praise.

"Aether, you are very beautiful today," he said with a shy blush.

"Thank you Very Much, A-Arthur," Aether replied with a sweet smile, which made Arthur blush even more and immediately leave. Not far away, Amaya and her gang looked at Aether with envy and hatred.

The event began with a prayer led by Pastor Cardinal. Each child is prayed to one by one, asking for blessings from the gods and goddesses they believe protect the world. When Aether's turn came, something extraordinary happened.

When the Minister Cardinal recited the prayer, from Aether's chest a spark of light emerged so bright that the Reverend and Sister Joanna were forced to close their eyes because of the glare.

The whole room fell silent, shocked by the incident. Auriel immediately ran towards Aether to help her and trying to calm Down the aether.

"Aether, are you okay?" Auriel asked worriedly.

Aether could only shake his head, confused. "I don't know what happened," She answered in a shaky voice.

In the midst of the confusion, a girl with golden Curly Yellow hair approached them. "May I ask what your name is, young girl" Auriel answered a little calmly

"I am Sorry, My Name Is Auriel And She Is My Friend Aether" with feelings of admiration for the elegance of Beatrice Auriel then asked the woman in a somewhat nervous tone

"If I may ask, hmmm, w-wh-who are you, O-oh graceful woman

that woman smiled then responded"Let me introduce myself, my name is Beatrice, nice to meet you two young ladies" she said her introduction in the style of a noble princess.

"I saw what happened earlier. Did you feel something strange, Aether?"

Aether looked at Beatrice, still shaken. "I don't know what really happened," She repeated.

Beatrice smiled gently. "Don't worry. Maybe we can figure it out together. Sometimes, things like this happen for reasons we don't yet understand."

Auriel, still shocked, looked at Beatrice curiously. "What do you mean? Do you know anything about this?"

Beatrice nodded slowly. "There are many things in this world that we don't yet understand. Maybe this is a sign of something bigger. We have to be careful and find out more."

With hearts still pounding, Aether and Auriel agreed to find out more about this incident with Beatrice. The day ends with many unanswered questions, but they know that their friendship and courage will lead them to the answers they seek.



Time is ticking At 3 pm, Aether went to the break room to eat with Auriel and Beatrice. The initially calm atmosphere changed when Amaya came to them with evil intentions.

"Aether is a wizard! Bringer of doom!" Amaya shouted, causing everyone to start whispering and looking at Aether suspiciously.

Arthur immediately stepped forward to resolve the problem. "Aether is not a wizard, and he is not a bringer of doom," Arthur said firmly.

Beatrice also defended Aether, saying, "Aether is a good person and there are important reasons for what happened."

However, people began to wonder, "What's the reason, Beatrice?" Beatrice could only answer by closing the secret meeting, which made many people even more confused and distrustful.

They began to suspect that Beatrice was lying, further cornering Aether. Amaya became increasingly aggressive in slandering, making the atmosphere even tense.

The fight was finally stopped by Sister Joanna and Aether's father, Eidelweiss. Joanna stood between them, ordering everyone to calm down.

"This is enough! No more slander and accusations without evidence!" he said firmly.

Auriel then approaches Amaya, questioning her actions. However, Amaya left angrily without saying a word. Aether greeted his father happily, then asked about what happened just now. Beatrice motioned for Sister Joanna to tell her the truth, but Joanna seemed hesitant. But Beatrice insisted and forced Joanna to tell Aether the truth.

then Aether and the others were taken to a quiet and hidden place except for Auriel because they were not allowed to hear him.

but aether doesn't want his best friend not to be with him "No way, Auriel has to be with me"

with a serious face.

But Auriel answered "it's okay Aether, this is for your good" Ariel answered with a smiling face.

Aether then accepted his friend's wishes, then continued with a very important and slightly tense discussion.

then Aether with a slightly sulky face asked "Now-Now what do you actually want to discuss?"

"Aether, Actually you are a special child," Joanna finally said.

Aether was confused and asked his father "dad, What Is This Meaning About?, And Where Mom Go I I have been waiting for him for a long time but father didn't find him."

But Then Beatrice answered, " your Mother is Go Where She Born, Aether. Your Mother Is comes from a different place than us, Aether." "A place that very far outside, in our part of the world."

Aether was increasingly confused. "What does it mean?" She asked.

Beatrice continued, "The map we saw in class was just an ordinary map of where we live, which is just a small island in the middle of a vast ocean. Your mother Is comes from a different world, Aether."

Sister Joanna continued, "There are many things we hide to protect you, Aether. That spark of light is a sign that you have something special inside On you, That something comes, from your mother."

Aether tried to digest the information. "S-So, I'm not like the others?" She asked quietly.

Joanna answered, "You are part of something bigger, Aether. There is much for you to learn and understand, but remember that you are not alone. We are all here to support you."

Auriel, who was not allowed to listen, remained waiting anxiously outside. Aether eventually accepted this reality with new determination, understanding that there was much he had to learn about himself and his origins.

The supposedly festive "Child of Atom" event turned out to be a crucial turning point for Aether, uncovering the mystery of its origins and setting the stage for even greater adventures and challenges to come.



Then continued with Aether looking at his father with a confused and anxious face. "Dad, where did mom go? What's the reason?" Aether asked urgently.

Her father, Eidelweiss, seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering, "Aether, Actually Your Mother is Leaving you because She D-"

However, before Eidelweiss could finish his sentence, the sound of sirens suddenly echoed throughout the bunker, warning of robbers trying to break in. The bunker door, which should be safe and tightly locked, is malfunctioning and is in danger of opening.

The siren ordered all residents to immediately go to the evacuation area located near the private room area, and hide their children in cyrogenic sleep pods. Parents are expected to protect their children by fighting against the robbers.

Panic swept through the entire bunker. Aether, Auriel, Beatrice, and the others immediately moved towards the evacuation site. Aether's thoughts returned to the interrupted conversation with his father, making him feel uneasy.

"Dad, wait, I need to know about mom," then her Father said, but there was no time for explanations.

Eidelweiss immediately took Aether to one of the cyrogenic sleep pods. "Aether, you have to come in here. It's the only way to make sure you're safe," Eidelweiss said as he guided Aether into the pod.

Aether panicked and didn't want to leave his father. "But dad, I can't leave you. I'm scared," she said in a trembling voice.

Eidelweiss tried to calm Aether, "Aether, I will always be beside you, even though I'm not here physically. You have to be strong and survive." With a heavy heart, Eidelweiss closed the pod and locked it, ensuring Aether was safely inside.

From inside the pod, Aether could hear sirens getting louder, a sign that the raiders were getting closer. Auriel and Beatrice, who were in the pod next to him, tried to encourage him. "We'll be fine, Aether," Auriel said in a strong voice.

However, Aether still felt scared and confused. "But-" before she could finish his sentence, the sound of sirens echoed again, indicating that the robbers were very close.

Eidelweiss stood outside the pod, looking at his daughter lovingly. "There's no time left, Aether. You must be safe here. I love you," he said in a voice full of emotion before closing the pod door tightly.

Then Aether banging on the pod while screaming pleadingly "dad, Wait Don't Leave",

With aether's last words before She was frozen and fell asleep there.

The pod locked automatically, and Aether could only see his father through the small glass on the pod door. His heart felt heavy, but he knew that his father did his best to protect him. The atmosphere inside the pod fell silent, while the sound of sirens and chaos outside continued to be heard.

Aether closed his eyes, praying that everything would be okay and hoping to be able to meet his father again and get answers about his mother's disappearance. A moment later, the pod began to function, starting the cyrogenic sleep process to keep Aether safe until the situation outside was back under control.