Chapter 4: The Betrayal

Days passed after the attack incident. Aether awakens from his cryogenic pod, after what may have been years. In his semi-conscious state, Aether heard a huge commotion. He immediately realized that the commotion came from Doctor Mobius, who was now with a group of marauding armored men.

Aether felt shocked and furious, believing her previous hunch that Doctor Mobius was the mastermind behind the incident. Doctor Mobius approached Aether with a devilish smile on his face. "Hey, hey! Look who it is," he said.

His subordinates, including a captain from the raider group, also looked at Aether. The Captain approaches the Aether pod, worrying him.

"This pod is locked up tight," the captain said. Doctor Mobius looked annoyed.

"Then how do we open this pod? You know he is our most important subject," he said in an angry tone.

Then The Captain answered in a scared voice, "We have to have the code, sir. We can't open it without the code because this pod is different from the others."

Doctor Mobius sighed in frustration. "Then can this pod on the left be opened?" he asked.

The Captain replied, "Yes sir. We can hack it or damage the pod." Aether panicked when he realized that the pod in question was Auriel's pod. Doctor Mobius looked at Aether with an evil smile.

"Look who I will take, even though it's not you, I will take your beloved friend or what you call your poor true friend," he said.

Aether started to get angry and very furious, he tried to move himself but couldn't. Doctor Mobius opens Auriel's pod and wakes her up. Auriel woke up confused, "Doctor Mobius, what time is it and who is near you, doctor?"

Doctor Mobius immediately ordered his subordinates to bring Auriel.

Auriel asked in confusion, "What's going on? Hey, what are you guys up to, aaaa!" Auriel screamed for help, but only Aether could hear. Aether cried seeing the kidnapped Auriel.

The captain calmed Auriel with sleeping pills. Doctor Mobius sighed in annoyance,

"Even if he uses this method, he can't come out. You're really great, Eidelweiss. But it's useless, at most Aether will come by itself for this child."

Doctor Mobius returned to Aether and said, "If you want him back, come to me. The location is (EtUTisnI NaPIotU). Find Me On there, And I will be waiting for you."

Aether felt angry and emotional, but the pod system forced him to go back to sleep. With feelings of sadness and revenge, Aether fell asleep again, thinking about how to save Auriel and stop Doctor Mobius' evil plans.

~2 Years Later~

Time passed, and finally, Aether's cryogenic pod opened. Carefully, Aether exited the pod, still overcome with emotion and the desire to find Doctor Mobius. However, there was no sign of them, making Aether a little furious. He calmed himself down and started looking for other pods that might still work and save their occupants.

Aether discovers that most of the other pods have failed, and their occupants are beyond help. However, he finds one pod that still works—Beatrice's pod. Aether felt happy and immediately tried to open the pod. Even though the pod required a code, the intelligent Aether managed to hack it and open the pod easily.

Beatrice woke up coughing, and Aether immediately helped her stand up straight. "Beatrice, we've been asleep for at least 10 years," Aether said.

Beatrice was shocked and confused. "What? 10 years? You're kidding, right?"

Aether assured her, "I'm not kidding, Beatrice. This really happened."

Beatrice sighed and started asking about everyone's situation. "Then what about the others? How are they doing?"

Aether shook his head sadly. "Most of them didn't survive. I haven't found anyone besides you who is still alive."

"But what annoys me the most is" a heart full of emotion and revenge.

"Really, what's wrong with Aether?" Beatrice answered with a bad feeling

With a feeling of annoyance, Aether explained that the person who had been the mastermind behind the rebellion of the robbers was Doctor Mobius, he was the one who made the barrier door which malfunctioned and made the robbers successful in robbing and plundering this bunker.

"Those Abominable Traitors Take Auriel, And The Doctor Challenges Me Again With His Arrogance To Look For Him."

Beatrice was silent for a moment, digesting the information. "So, what should we do now?" She asked in a low voice.

Aether took a deep breath, trying to come up with a plan. "We need to find out more about what happened. We need to find clues about the whereabouts of Doctor Mobius and his group. And most importantly, we need to find a way to save Auriel."

Beatrice nodded, showing her determination. "Okay. I will help you, Aether. We will find them and save Auriel."

Then With renewed enthusiasm, Aether and Beatrice began to explore the bunker, looking for clues that could lead them to Doctor Mobius and his group. They realize that this is the beginning of a long journey full of challenges, but they are ready to face it together.

Aether and Beatrice begin to explore the bunker, looking for items that can help them survive and looking for clues about Doctor Mobius. They found several cans of food, closed drinks, as well as a gun and light armor that could protect them.

In their search, Aether and Beatrice arrive at a room that can only be opened with a fingerprint. Beatrice tries to open it, but fails. When Aether tried it, the door opened easily. This shows that this room was specially prepared for Aether. Apparently, this is Prof.'s room. Jazari Al-Tesla.

Inside the room, they found various important items that had not been looted. There is a locked chest with a code that says "The Traitor Doctor". Aether immediately realized that the code referred to Doctor Mobius and managed to open the chest. Inside, they found a letter giving the location in a very strange code.

Beatrice comments, "This code is like an alien language," but Aether rejects her. "It's a very complex and structured mathematical numerical code," She answered.

Aether pondered whether Prof. Jazari knew about Doctor Mobius' betrayal from the start. If so, why doesn't he act? "Isn't that also called betrayal?" Aether thought.

Beatrice tried to be positive and advised, "Maybe this is part of Prof. Jazari's plan to give us clues. We don't know the purpose without understanding the meaning of this code."

Aether finally understood it and the two of them immediately headed to the office area to look for further clues. However, suddenly they heard a strange sound. They immediately became alert and saw a large cockroach approaching.

Aether and Beatrice were surprised to see the giant cockroach approaching. They immediately got ready to fight him. Aether took out the gun they found earlier, while Beatrice prepared herself with light armor.

The cockroach moved quickly and aggressively, attacking them without hesitation. Aether tried to shoot it, but the cockroach's movements were too fast. Beatrice attempted to divert his attention, allowing Aether to find a better position.

"Beatrice, be careful!" Aether shouted when the cockroach almost hit Beatrice.

With coordinated efforts, Aether finally managed to shoot the cockroach several times until the creature fell and died. They breathed a sigh of relief, but realized that danger still lurked around them.

After confirming there was no further danger, Aether and Beatrice continued their search in the office area. They try to decipher the code left by Prof. Jazari. Aether, who was good at mathematics, began analyzing the code.

"This code is very complex," Aether said while looking at the letter seriously. "But I'm sure I can decipher it."

Beatrice helped by providing input and discussing possible interpretations of the code. They worked together, trying to understand what Prof. meant. Jazari and look for further clues about Doctor Mobius' whereabouts.

After hours of hard work, Aether finally managed to decipher most of the code. The code appears to direct them to a specific location outside the bunker.

"We have to go to this place," said Aether, showing the location on the map they found in the room.

"This may be the place where Doctor Mobius is hiding or keeping something important."

Beatrice nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Aether. We have to go there and find out more. Maybe we will also find clues about Auriel."

After They Gotta A Code Their Want To Go A Main Door, And Try To Open it Up.

"Hey Aether, look at this. The Vault Door is supposed to be the place to exit the Bunker, right?"Beatrice Asked

" oh Yeah Mate, Your Right Beatrice. but This Is The Exit Door Vault" With An Excited Expression,

But it seems The Problem Begin. "but it seems like the door is closed, right?" Beatrice Asked

With Full Of Concussion About Problem Aether Found A Corpse That Died With Bracelet on His Hand, But this bracelet is not an ordinary bracelet, it is a bracelet that is like a watch with functions like a Handphone. The item is called Vault Boy

"Isn't That Vault Boy?" Beatrice asked

Confused about what this thing was, Aether asked "Vault Boy? you Mean This Bracelet?, What Is That?"

Beatrice explained that the Vault Boy is a kind of technological device like a multifunctional Watch. However, the other main function is to open the Vault Door or Bunker Door which can only be opened with the Vault Boy.

Aether was immediately amazed by the sophistication of Vault Boy's technology.

Then Aether asked again "Wow, if I may know who created this technology, Beatrice, I would like to meet him."Asked Aether With Full Of Curiosity

Beatrice was surprised by Aether's curiosity, "Ma'am You are really indeed a science maniac, Aether"

But Aether was just silent because of how innocent She was

"What?, Maniac?"

Cch, that's it! Come on, quickly open the door, Aether," said Beatrice, Who Was a little annoyed

Aether immediately Aware because of Beatrice's tantrum "Ah, Okey Okay Ma'am, Geez" Aether said with a sulky face

Aether also put the cable in the Vault Boy and then plugged it in On Door Electric Socket, Then The siren sounds that the door will open.

After That A Bridge Extends And The Vault Bunker Door Opens, A Very Strong Gust Of Wind Envelops Aether And Beatrice Which Gives Excitement For The Journey Aether And Beatrice Will Take

With renewed determination, Aether and Beatrice prepared themselves to leave the bunker and begin their journey to the location indicated by Prof.'s code. Jazari. They know that this journey will be full of challenges, but they are ready to face them together.