Chapter 11: The First Step

The journey began in the midday with the group of 13 travelers. Along the way, Leona turned to Heather as she watched Aether conversing with Beatrice. "Um... can I ask you something, Heather?"

Heather turned and responded, "Sure, what do you want to ask, Leona?"

Leona spoke softly, "It's about aether, the power of magic. How powerful is it really?"

Heather paused briefly before asking, "Leona, have you ever noticed the small lights that appear when we use aether?"

"Yes, Heather. Those lights always catch my attention. But what actually happens behind those lights?" Leona recalled seeing those lights when she met Aether, who also possessed The Sight like Mama Vanga.

Heather explained, "Yes, I've studied ancient sacred texts for quite some time. Those lights actually indicate the level of aetheric power we possess. The brighter the light, the stronger the Aether."

Leona asked again, surprised, "Is there a limit? I mean, how bright can those lights get?"

Heather clarified, "Well, the levels are not limited to 10,000. The power can be measured up to 590,000. At that level, the light produced is incredibly bright, almost blinding."

Leona exclaimed, "What? 590,000? Th... that's an incredibly large number, isn't it? It means the power is extraordinary, right?"

Heather elaborated further, "Exactly. At that level, aether can alter and manipulate reality in ways almost unimaginable. But reaching that level is extremely difficult, if not nearly impossible, and requires extensive training and extraordinary self-control."

Leona inquired further, "But has anyone ever reached the level of 10,000 that's comparable to Aether?"

Heather replied, "According to legend, only the Chosen Ones have achieved it. Those who reached that level comparable to Aether are known as The Saviors. However, their existence is often considered more myth than reality."

Leona remarked, "That's fascinating. I wonder if we could reach that level someday."

Heather responded optimistically, "Who knows, Leona? With dedication and proper training, it's possible. But for now, we should focus on our training and understand every aspect of this aether."

Leona agreed, "Right, Heather. I'll do my best. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with me."

Heather smiled, "You're welcome, Leona. Isn't the light of Aether a beautiful mystery to think about? I'm glad we could discuss it."

Their conversation was overheard by Beatrice, who, unlike before, didn't react negatively but smiled instead. Aether then asked, "Trice, why are you smiling? Is there something?"

Beatrice replied, "Oh, it's nothing, Aether."

The conversation reflected a deep discussion between two characters exploring and understanding the potential of aether with a gentle and curious tone. Beatrice began to understand that despite the dangers, it's natural for humans to be drawn to their curiosity.

After a long and exhausting journey, they finally arrived at the edge of the Sandust Land desert, a region once explored by Beatrice and Aether. Strong winds carried fine sand grains swirling in the air, creating a scene that almost looked like a sea of gold.

Aether stopped and gazed far into the horizon. "Here we are, my comrades, Sandust Land," she said, her voice heavy with the fatigue of the journey. "This place is full of mysteries and wonders, but also unexpected dangers."

Leona stared at the endless expanse of sand with eyes full of awe. "It's so beautiful," she murmured.

Heather nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. But I also feel a strong energy here. There's something different about this place."

Aiden gave a faint smile. "You're right, Heather. The sand in Sandust Land contains powerful aether energy. Many of us learned and trained to use our powers here."

Aether asked, "Why is the energy so strong here, Aiden?"

Aiden explained, "There's a legend that long ago, a great sorcerer performed a ritual here, embedding his power into the land and sand. That's why this place is so rich in magical energy."

Beatrice, who had been silent, finally spoke up, "So, this place can help us strengthen our magical powers?"

Heather nodded. "Yes, but we have to be careful. Strong energy can also be dangerous if we don't know how to control it."

They continued their journey deeper into the desert, looking for a safe place to rest and start their training. Every step felt heavy under the scorching sun, but their spirits remained high.

After some time, they found a small oasis hidden behind a sand dune. Its water was clear and fresh, offering a perfect spot to take a break.

Aether pointed to a spot near the oasis. "We can rest here. This oasis not only provides water but also more concentrated magical energy."

Heather observed their surroundings. "This is the perfect place to train. We can take advantage of the energy from this oasis."

Leona sat by the water's edge, feeling the refreshing coolness. "I can't wait to start training and see how far we can develop here."

Heather smiled and said, "We'll start training tomorrow morning. For now, let's rest and regain our strength. Sandust Land can be a harsh teacher, but if we can master it, we'll become much stronger."

Night began to creep in, darkening the sky and cloaking the desert in shadows. The group finally set up camp at the agreed spot. They quickly pitched tents and lit a campfire, adding warmth to the cool night air.

After a simple dinner, they gathered around the campfire. The sounds of nocturnal creatures filled the silence, while soft conversations and occasional laughter echoed among them. Heather and Leona sat close, still deep in thought about aether.

Not far from them, Beatrice sat with Aether. They both seemed quieter than usual, perhaps because of the earlier conversations. Beatrice stared into the campfire with a gentler expression than usual, her mind wandering through the possibilities of aether power.

"Aether," Beatrice called softly, "do you think we all have the potential to reach the high levels Heather talked about?"

Aether looked at Beatrice, her eyes reflecting wisdom beyond her years. "I believe everyone has great potential. However, what's most important is how we understand and control that potential. High levels are not just about power but also about responsibility and wisdom."

Beatrice nodded slowly. "That sounds wise, Aether. Sometimes I feel scared about what we might achieve."

Aether responded, "That fear is natural, Trice. But it also keeps us cautious and prevents us from recklessly using our powers," Aether replied calmly.

In another corner of the camp, Heather continued her explanation to Leona. "Many have tried to reach high aether levels, but only a few succeed. Those who do are patient, persistent, and deeply understand themselves."

"So, it's not just about physical or magical strength, but also about mental and spiritual strength?" Leona asked.

"Exactly. True strength comes from the balance between body, mind, and spirit. If one is out of balance, the power can become a disaster," Heather explained.

Leona pondered for a moment before replying. "I understand now. I'll strive to understand myself better and maintain that balance."

Heather smiled warmly. "That's a good attitude, Leona. We're all on a journey to understand and develop ourselves. Nothing is instant; it all takes a process."

Their conversation was interrupted when one of the group members, a young man named Finn, approached them. "What are you guys talking about?" he asked curiously.

Heather answered, "We're discussing aether and how its power can develop."

Finn nodded, then sat with them. "Sounds interesting. I've always felt there was something special about aether but never truly understood it."

Heather continued, "The aether's energy is very strong and unique. It's rare for someone as young as Aether to have such power, but the way they use it can vary greatly. That's why we need to learn and train diligently."

Finn smiled. "I'll try harder. Maybe one day we can reach high levels together."

The night grew later, and one by one, the group members began to retreat into their tents to rest. However, among them was a sense of new enthusiasm and hope, inspired by the conversations about aether. They all knew that the journey to understand this power would not be easy, but with renewed spirit and hope, they enjoyed a peaceful night at the oasis, confident they could face the challenges and lessons ahead in the Sandust Land desert.

Under the star-filled night sky, they slept with big dreams, ready to face the challenges of the next day. The dimming campfire light symbolized their undying spirit, burning brightly in the hearts of every group member.