Chapter 12: Skill And Power Level System 1

~Training Preparations at the Oasis~

The sun had just risen over the Sandust Land desert, casting its warm rays across the oasis. Aether sat at the edge of the camp, inspecting his equipment. A one-handed sword, a bow, and several arrows were carefully prepared. Beatrice sat next to him, holding her magic staff tightly.

"Are you ready?" asked Beatrice, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Aether nodded, feeling adrenaline course through his veins. "I'm ready. Heather said today's training will be very intense."

Beatrice smiled. "I'm sure we can get through it. We've been training hard all this time."

Nearby, Heather Presley, a man with Cowboy hat and a stern gaze, stood watching their group. "Alright, everyone, gather here!" she called. "We will start today's training with the Warrior session."

Aether and his friends gathered around Heather, each carrying the necessary equipment. Heather looked at them seriously. "Today, we will focus on the basics of the Warrior skills. This includes one-handed swords, two-handed swords, and archery. Make sure you pay attention to every detail."

~Warrior Training by Heather Presley~

Heather led them to an open area in the oasis that had been prepared for training. Various types of targets and dummies stood ready to be struck.

"We start with the one-handed sword," said Heather. "Aether, show the basic techniques you've learned."

Aether stepped forward, raising his sword steadily. He recalled everything he had learned, then began practicing a series of slashes and thrusts. Heather watched closely, offering corrections here and there.

"Good," Heather said finally. "Now, the two-handed sword. The technique is different; it requires more strength and balance."

Aether switched weapons, feeling the weight of the two-handed sword in his hands. He stepped forward and began swinging the sword, feeling its formidable power.

After the sword session, Heather then demonstrated the basics of archery. "Marksman requires focus and precision," she explained. "Try hitting the target from this distance."

Aether drew his bow, aimed at the target a few meters away. With a deep breath, he released the arrow that flew straight towards the target, hitting it right in the center.

Heather smiled proudly. "Excellent, Aether. Keep practicing your skills and you will become a great Warrior."

~Mage Training by Leona~

After the Warrior session was over, Leona took over for the Mage training. They gathered around a magic circle carved into the sand.

"We will start with Destruction magic," said Leona, raising her hand. "This is destructive magic. Watch and learn."

Leona began chanting a spell, and a fireball appeared in her hand. With a swift motion, she threw the fireball at a dummy, which immediately caught fire.

"Aether, try it," said Leona.

Aether felt the magic energy flowing through him. He raised his hand, chanted the spell, and a fireball began to form. Carefully, he threw the fireball, successfully hitting the dummy.

"Good," said Leona. "Now we move on to Illusion magic."

Leona demonstrated several illusion spells, making herself invisible and creating deceptive shadows. Aether followed attentively, trying to understand the tricks and techniques shown.

They continued with Restoration magic, learning how to heal wounds and restore energy. "Restoration magic is very important in battle," said Leona. "You must master it."

~Thief Skills Training by Finn~

Then Finn, one of the members who became their mentor for Sneaking skills, with his sly smile, took over the last session. "Now we will learn Thieving skills," he said. "We'll start with sneaking techniques."

However, Beatrice, annoyed by Finn's face, said, "Yawn... yeah."

Finn responded, "Oh, so you're already bored, huh? Listen, bro, your hair looks like a hedgehog that just woke up. You come here wearing a shirt that even a parking attendant wouldn't want to wear. And speaking of your shoes, do you realize the '90s ended a long time ago? Seriously, you need a new mirror or maybe more honest friends."

Without fully listening, Beatrice thought to herself, " we go again."

"Paham... Yapping Ma'am!" said Finn.

"Affirmative, Sir," said Beatrice with an annoyed face.

"Hmmm... sir, so polite. Good, be like that."

Finn then showed how to move silently, hide in shadows, and avoid detection. Aether and the others tried to imitate Finn's movements, though not always successfully.

"Don't worry, it takes practice," said Finn. "Now, let's try lockpicking."

Finn led them to several locked chests and demonstrated how to use a picklock. Aether felt a sense of satisfaction when he managed to unlock his first chest.

"Good, now let's try pickpocketing," said Finn, showing how to steal items without being noticed. Aether carefully attempted and successfully took a coin pouch from Finn's pocket without him noticing.

"Great, Aether," praised Finn. "You have a natural talent for this."

After a day of training, Aether sat at the edge of the oasis, reflecting on the progress they had made. He felt stronger and more prepared to face the challenges ahead. However, his mind returned to his missing friend, Auriel.

"I have to find you, Auriel," he whispered to himself. "I will become stronger and save you. That's my promise."

Aether stood, feeling his determination burn brighter. He knew that with hard work and training, he would be able to achieve his goal and bring Auriel back safely.

~Power Level Adjustment~

After a day of basic physical and magic training, Heather, Leona, and Finn gathered Aether and Beatrice in a more secluded area of the oasis. They all sat in a circle on the warm sand.

Heather began the discussion with a firm but caring voice. "Aether, Beatrice, there's something you need to know. Since you both were in the Vault for ten years, your power levels haven't developed according to your age."

Leona continued with a more detailed explanation. "You have great potential, but because of the cryogenic pod, your power levels are behind. We need to adjust them to match your true age and potential."

Finn added with a sly smile, "And for that, we'll focus on meditation and understanding magic. This will help you align with nature and speed up the adjustment of your power levels."

Beatrice frowned and scoffed. "Finn, your smile always makes me feel like something's wrong. You must be planning something."

Finn chuckled lightly. "Oh, Beatrice, you know I just want to help. Maybe a little humor will make this session more enjoyable."

Beatrice spoke in annoyance, "Ah, here we go again! Some... fresh education."

Aether smiled at the small quarrel between them. "Alright, Finn, let's see what you have planned. But don't be too sneaky."

Heather signaled Aether and Beatrice to sit in a meditative position. "Start by closing your eyes and feeling the energy around you. Focus your mind on the flow of magic surrounding us."

Aether and Beatrice closed their eyes, taking deep breaths, and began to focus. They felt the flow of energy through the air, merging with the sand beneath them, and vibrating every leaf in the oasis.

~Understanding Nature and Magic~

Time passed slowly as they meditated, letting themselves be immersed in the flow of natural energy. Heather, Leona, and Finn watched closely, providing guidance and encouragement when needed.

"Aether, imagine yourself becoming one with this energy," said Leona softly. "Let each breath bring more power into you."

Beatrice felt the first change. Energy began to vibrate around her, forming basic magical patterns that she began to understand. "I can feel it," she whispered. "This energy flow... I'm starting to understand."

Aether felt the same. The energy surrounding him grew stronger, and he began to see the structure of basic magic. "I feel it too," he said. "It's like... a web connecting everything."

With continuous guidance from Heather, Leona, and Finn, Aether and Beatrice deepened their meditation. Slowly but surely, their power levels began to increase, aligning with their true potential.

~Skill System Explanation~

After several hours, Aether and Beatrice opened their eyes. Heather smiled with satisfaction. "Good. You have successfully aligned yourselves. Now, let's discuss the skill system you will be learning."

Leona took out a large book with magical symbols on its cover. "There are three main skill trees you will be learning: Warrior, Mage, and Thief. Each has various skill branches you can develop."

Heather began explaining the Warrior skills:

- One-Handed: Representing one-handed swords, used for quick and agile attacks.

- Two-Handed: Two-handed swords providing strong and crushing attacks.

- Marksman (Archery): Archery skills requiring accuracy and speed.

- Block (Shielding): Techniques using a shield to defend against attacks.

- Heavy Armor: Using heavy armor for maximum protection.

- Smithing: Crafting heavy armor and weapons.

Leona continued with the Mage skills:

- Destruction: Destructive magic like fireballs and lightning.

- Illusion: Magic that deceives the senses and controls minds.

- Restoration: Healing and purification magic.

- Alteration: Magic that alters physical reality, like telekinesis.

- Conjuration: Summoning creatures and spirits.

- Enchanting: Binding energy into objects.

Finn finished with the Thief skills:

- Sneak: Techniques for moving stealthily and undetected.

- Lockpicking: Picking locks and security

- Pickpocket: Stealing items without being noticed.

- Alchemy: Creating magical and scientific potions.

- Speech: Persuasion and speaking abilities.

- Light Armor: Using light armor for mobility and speed.

~How to Increase Skill and Power Level~

Heather continued her explanation. "To increase your skill level, you must continue to practice and use those skills. For example, honing your sword skills with regular practice, or deploying magic in various situations."

Leona added, "XP can be gained through daily use of skills and through battle. Combining skill use with combat experience will give you more evolution in developing your character."

Finn explains more about increasing power levels. "Your power level will increase as your skills and use of magic improve. Apart from that, you can also gain XP from killing enemies and using Soul Cloak or Trap magic to steal XP from enemies killed by others."

Aether and Beatrice listened attentively, absorbing every piece of information provided. They know that this is the key to achieving their goals and becoming stronger.

Aether felt his enthusiasm burning even more. "I will continue to train and improve my skills. I have to find Auriel and bring her back."

Beatrice nodded in agreement. "Me too. We will be stronger together."

Heather, Leona, and Finn smiled proudly seeing Aether and Beatrice's enthusiasm. They know that with hard work and dedication, Aether and Beatrice will reach their true potential and face whatever challenges come their way.

OK, let's continue with the part where Aether and Beatrice, along with Heather, Leona, and Finn, look for Beasts to farm XP. This will provide an insight into how they practice and improve their skills in a world full of dangers and challenges.