Part 58: Pharmacy Department

As I finally reached the Pharmacy Department, the sight before me was both promising and daunting. The gate was locked, and above it, a sign read "Pharmacy." A stern warning beside the gate indicated that only special employees were allowed entry. I stood there, contemplating how to gain access, when suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of breaking glass. I spun around just in time to see someone leap through a window into the room.

My heart raced, fearing the worst—that another monster had come to thwart my progress. However, to my immense relief, it was Sarah. She stood up, brushing glass shards from her clothes, and greeted me with a beaming smile. "What a surprise entry you chose," I remarked, unable to hide my astonishment.

"Actually, I knew the entry here would be difficult," she explained. "So, I chose another method. I went to the front building and then came straight here." Her resourcefulness never ceased to amaze me.