Part 56: Operation Theater

Exiting the lift, I found myself on what seemed to be the second or third floor of the laboratory. The atmosphere was thick with the sterile smell of antiseptic, and the lighting was dim, casting long, eerie shadows on the walls. Before me was a sign that read "Operation Theater." My curiosity and dread propelled me forward.

The operation theater was vast, filled with state-of-the-art equipment and devices that looked more suited to a nightmare than a medical facility. I hesitated at the entrance, taking in the ghostly shapes of the machinery. A chill ran down my spine as I noted how many of the instruments seemed to mimic human forms, their shapes twisted and contorted into ghastly figures. The moment I pushed a button on one device, it sprang to life with a mechanical whir, moving with an uncanny semblance of human dexterity. It was as if the machines had minds of their own.