Part 82: A Crow Man on the Window

We saw the crow birds growing increasingly violent and realized they were on the verge of becoming zombies. Captain Lee issued a swift order, “Everyone, get inside and close all doors and windows!” We hurried to follow his command, moving quickly to secure the large chamber with its many entry points. The urgency in our movements mirrored the growing dread in our hearts.

As Sarah reached a window, she suddenly screamed. Her voice was sharp and panicked, causing all of us to freeze and then rush toward her. She stood trembling, her hands covering her mouth. “There was a crow man, standing and peering inside,” she managed to say, her voice trembling.

“It means they’ve reached us,” Mother Miranda said grimly. We quickly bolted all the doors and windows, ensuring no entry points were left unsecured. We then gathered back into the central part of the chamber.