Part 93: Challenge to Fight

Captain Lee and Officer Davis squared off in the clearing, their breaths heavy and eyes locked in a fierce gaze. The air was thick with tension, and the rest of the officers stood back, forming a circle around the two combatants. The stakes were high, and everyone knew it—this was not just a fight, it was a clash of wills and leadership.

“Officer Davis, I will not back down,” Captain Lee reiterated, his voice carrying the weight of his determination.

“Oh, so you want to fight,” Officer Davis sneered, his laughter laced with derision. “I don’t just fight, I wage war.” He bared his teeth in a predatory grin.

Captain Lee, undeterred, removed his weapons and placed them deliberately on the ground. He motioned for his team to step back, ensuring no one would interfere. Officer Davis mirrored his actions, setting his own weapons aside. The ground seemed to tremble under the weight of their intent as they faced each other, ready for hand-to-hand combat.