Part 92: Main Gate

Our steps halted as we entered the grand hall of the main gate. This was the gate we had previously entered, and it was where our team had split into two groups. Captain Lee’s team had gone to the right, while Officer Davis’s team had ventured to the left. The memory of that moment was clear in my mind, but what surprised me was that we were now reuniting with our second team.

Officer Davis stood on the right side with his monkey soldiers, while Captain Lee stood on the left with his group. The two leaders faced each other, a tense silence hanging in the air. It was evident that the situation was precarious.

Captain Lee paused for a moment, then slowly stepped forward, moving to the center of the hall, directly in front of the main gate. Officer Davis mirrored his movement, joining him in the middle.

"I have Vaccine A," Captain Lee announced, his voice echoing through the hall.

"And I have Vaccine B," Officer Davis replied, his tone equally firm.