Chapter 3


They signed the contract papers before getting the keys to their new house. Both girls were very excited. The second they unlocked the door they ran in and went to explore their house. They both chose their own bedrooms and their own bathrooms. They went back downstairs and began unloading the van. When they finished unloading the van they headed outside. They went to the backyard and set the things they bought in. After a couple of hours of unpacking everything. All of their stuff was inside. Except for the couch. The sofa would stay outside because it was too heavy for them. They didn't bother to move it. In the evening they stopped with everything and took a break. They ordered some fast food and some sodas. While waiting for their food they went back to the backyard and sat down on the couch. A while later the pizzas came. Iris got a beer while Chrisall ordered the same thing. They sat in silence and ate their pizza while watching tv. The tv was showing the latest episode of Friends so they turned it on. They stayed in the backyard talking a lot and laughing. By the end of the episode they both realized it was 10 in the night so they called it a night and went up to get ready for bed.

They dressed in their PJs and brushed their teeth. Once they put their toothbrushes back in the medicine cabinet. They then went to their own rooms and laid on their own beds waiting for sleep to take over them. They closed their eyes as they fell asleep.

When morning came Iris woke up early and took a quick shower before going downstairs and starting to cook some breakfast for them. Soon afterwards Christall emerged from her room in her regular clothes. ''Good morning'' she said cheerfully. `''Morning,'' Iris replied in return and served Christall her meal. ''Thanks.'` she smiled happily. She ate quietly and drank a lot of coffee. After the breakfast they went up to their own bedrooms got their clothes and went to their bathrooms to shower. As soon as they were done they dressed themselves in some fresh clothes before walking downstairs to the living room. "Hey Christall we need to go and shop for some groceries because we don't have any," said Iris "I mean we need to explore the new surroundings anyway," said Christall to her best friend

''Yeah I guess I should do that...maybe we could just find something in town...or maybe somewhere near your the beach?" suggested Christall. "Sure!" said Iris with a big smile on her face.

''Ok let's go and find somewhere to go shopping!!'' said Christall excitedly.

They quickly picked up their stuff before leaving to find where they can go and buy some stuff. Iris drove her friend and herself to the supermarket. After parking the car they walked inside to find what they wanted to buy. They quickly went to the canned foods section and started searching for different kinds of food they could eat. They ended buying lots of food. They got out of the store and went to the local convenience store which was right across from the supermarket. They got what they needed and then paid for their things. They carried the bags to Iris's car and placed them all in the back. Iris locked her car after they placed everything in her car and they decided to walk around town a little before getting to know the town a bit more. They went to more shops and shopped. They decided to sit on a bench in the park for some rest.

Christall stretched her legs and looked at Iris who also stretched her limbs. After sitting there for a while they decide to go find a cafe or restaurant nearby so that they have more energy after a long walk. They both grabbed their bags and started walking around the town. Eventually, they found a small cafe that seemed nice. They ordered some drinks and sat down. Once they were finished eating they decided to go around a bit. Before heading home they stopped at this cute looking bookstore that they saw while they were walking around town. They entered the bookstore and looked through their books. They both enjoyed reading and reading in the quiet of the bookstore was relaxing. Iris decided to pick out a few books to read since she still couldn't really afford to buy much. The book she picked was titled 'My Heart and Soul'. As they left the store they noticed someone following them. They kept trying to shake him off but he was persistent and just kept following them. The closer he got to them the harder he tried to follow them. Iris was now panicking so was Christall. They didn't understand why he was following them. Did he try to kidnap them? Was he trying to mug them?

She didn't know what to think. Suddenly someone bumped into them. The person who bumped into them made Iris drop the books on her feet. He immediately apologized to her and then turned his attention to the person trying to hurt her. It was none other than the same guy that was stalking them. They both backed away slowly as they felt the fear in their bones. This time he wasn't going to give up. He took a step forward and he raised his arm. He was going to grab them when suddenly a large man appeared between them. He had long dark hair tied into a bun that was falling on his forehead. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. His grayish-blue eyes scanned the situation before landing on the guy standing in front of them. The stranger took a few steps towards him to intimidate him. The stranger gave him a death stare. The guy gulped before running away as fast as his legs could carry him. Once the guy was gone the mysterious man let out a breath he didn't even realize that he had been holding. He then turned around to see Iris, Christal, and their shocked expressions. He then looked at the books lying on the ground before picking them up carefully.

Iris snapped out of it and thanked the stranger profusely. He only nodded with a gentle smile playing on his lips. "what is your name?" Iris asked in a shaky voice . "my name is Kale." He answered smoothly with a kind smile. "are you lost?" he added with worry lacing his words. Iris shook her head. "No no no! we're fine thank you for helping us." She said with a nervous laugh. Feeling embarrassed. She felt so bad for asking a stranger for help but she really didn't know what else to do. "I'm Iris. And this is my friend Christall." she introduced herself and Chris.

He nodded. "well good bye ladies. I've got to go. Have a safe trip to wherever you want to go." And with that, he walked off.

Iris and Christall walked back to Iris's car and drove back home. When they arrived they unloaded their shopping bags into their house. They spent the rest of the afternoon laying in bed reading and taking a nap until dinner. Then they cleaned the kitchen and put their dishes away. They went upstairs to their room and got ready for bed. They went to their own beds and laid down. Christall was fast asleep but Iris couldn't sleep. Her mind was racing. What happened today? Why would someone follow me and Chrisall? "Kale seems nice," Iris thought to herself.

A few minutes passed and she finally fell asleep.