Chapter 4


He nodded. "well good bye ladies. I've got to go. Have a safe trip to wherever you want to go." And with that, he walked off. Iris and Christall walked back to Iris's car and drove back home. When they arrived they unloaded their shopping bags into their house. They spent the rest of the afternoon laying in bed reading and taking a nap until dinner. Then they cleaned the kitchen and put their dishes away. They went upstairs to their room and got ready for bed. They went to their own beds and laid down. Christall was fast asleep but Iris couldn't sleep. Her mind was racing. What happened today? Why would someone follow me and Chrisall? "Kale seems nice" Iris thought to herself. A few minutes passed and she finally fell asleep.

The night was peaceful and calm. Neither girl heard anything that night.

The next morning they both got up and washed their faces. They then went down for breakfast and sat down at the table to have breakfast. They called their old school and announced they they moved few days ago and they they are looking for a new school. The school told them that they need their new address so the school can send them their papers. The principal asked them 'Why are you two moving the school?' Christall answered, "Well....the other students started a rumor about Iris.....she started to get uncomfortable by them all so we moved". The principal gasped in surprise and couldn't believe what he was hearing. Christall noticed that he had heard about this the first time. The principal understood their reasoning to move and change the schools. "What is your new address? I have to ask it so I can send you two of your reports. You can give them to the new school if you continue to do so," he said "Thank you for sending the papers over to us" Christall answered before telling him their new address. He wished them the best before hanging up. They smiled at each other before starting their own laptops and logging in. They began to look for new schools. The is not too far from their house. They rejected many school but eventually they found one that they both agreed on. They put their laptops away and made lunch with some laughter and jokes. When they were done they walked to the living room and put their food down on the table before Iris makes a small run back to the kitchen making them tea. When the tea was done she walked back with two tea cups in her hands and handed one to Christall who thanked her. Iris sat down next to her on the couch. Christall turns the tv on and puts their favorite show on while eating their lunch. They stayed on the couch for some time to relax. After an hour or two Christall turned the tv off and they walked to their laptops turning them on and logging in again. They applied to the same school after filling in their information on the application for the new school. After that they went on the internet and start looking for a party time job. They sent a few applications to different jobs in the town. Like a restaurant or a bookstore. They logged off their laptops and put them away to charge them. "Hey Christall I'm going for a walk." Iris told her best friend before walking out of the house. "Sure! But be safe!" Said Christall waving to her smiling. Iris made a small run to the woods and looked around if anyone was around. When she was satisfied that no one was there she changed into her wolf and ran off. When she ran she felt the wind going through her fur. After running for some time she stopped near a lake to drink some water and relax. She looked around and listened around. She closed her eyes about to doze off but Crack that made her jump up. A black wolf was a few meters away from her. Its eyes were red as the finest red wine. The black wolf slowly approached the lake to get some water too. Iris ran off not knowing its intentions. The black wolf didn't run after her. I just lay down and fell asleep. Iris stopped running after making sure she wasn't followed by the black wolf. She lay down catching her breath but staying alert. '....where did it come from...' 'Is it alone...or on a pack?' 'Will it become a threat to her best friend....?' She thought to herself. After the rest and the restless thoughts she is having she went back home looking around and making sure no one else follows her back home. When she was near she changed back to her human form before walking to the house and unlocking the door with her keys. Then she walked in "Heyyyyy I'm backkkkk" she announced to her best that is somewhere in the house. "IM HEREEEEEEEE" she heard her best friend screaming from her own bedroom making Iris laugh. Before walking to the kitchen and grabbing a snack. She couldn't get the black wolf image or the thought out of her head. All she could think about was that black wolf. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't hear Christall walking downstairs into the kitchen. "Iris!!!" Screamed Christall. Iris jumped up from the scream. "You scared me Christall!" Said Iris "Not my fault! I was calling for you for a long time and you didn't answer me," said Christall "...I'm sorry Christall I was in my deep thoughts" Iris answered back with a soft smile. "Everything okay?" asked worried Christall. "Yeah I'm fine thank you for asking" answered Iris smiling bit. They both went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Iris turned the tv on and they watched whatever was playing on the moment. Christall fell asleep on the couch after some time. Iris followed her into the slumber some time later forgetting to turning the tv off. There was something watching them that they both didn't know about....