Chapter 5


Before walking to the kitchen and grabbing a snack. She couldn't get the black wolf image or the thought out of her head. All she could think about was that black wolf. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't hear Christall walking downstairs into the kitchen. "Iris!!!" Screamed Christall. Iris jumped up from the scream. "You scared me Christall!" Said Iris "Not my fault! I was calling for you for a long time and you didn't answer me," said Christall "...I'm sorry Christall I was in my deep thoughts" Iris answered back with a soft smile. "Everything okay?" Asked worried Christall. "Yeah I'm fine thank you for asking" answered Iris smiling bit. They both went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Iris turned the tv on and they watched whatever was playing at the moment. Christall fell asleep on the couch after some time. Iris followed her into the slumber sometime later forgetting to turn the tv off. There was something watching them that they both didn't know about...

In the morning they woke up and heard the tv in the background "Oh God! We forgot to turn the tv off!" she thought. She turned the tv immediately off before waking Christall up. Christall woke up and they both went to the kitchen to make breakfast. But....something felt off to Iris....she decided to ignore it. After the breakfast, they went to their bathrooms and got ready for the day. When they got ready and refreshed they went to the living room to their laptops. They logged in and checked if they got accepted by the school and if they got accepted by a job. They got accepted to the same school but different jobs. They got a list of dates they can go and visit their new school before starting. On the list was what they would need for their chosen course. The girls got excited that they would go to the same school. Christall got accepted to work in a cafe. Iris got accepted to work in the library. They both got excited for each other. As they were getting more excited for their future they didn't notice a dark wolf sitting in the shadow near them watching them intently.. It's eyes looked at Iris. Mainly focused on her. After watching them for some time the wolf stood up and started running away into the shadows...but not before giving one last look at Iris. Before running away and disappearing into the shadows. She is a white wolf...the dark wolf....a the perfect match for her soulmate.....but she doesn't know it yet...She will find out when the right time comes. Now she needs to focus on school and her job. She wants to live normally...but she can't. She is a wolf...nothing is normal about it.

"So. What do you wanna do now?" Asked Christall. "how about we go out and grab some groceries?" asked Iris. "That sounds like a plan" answered Christall with a smile. "Well then let's head to the market," said Iris as she put on her coat. "Alright let's go then" replied Christall putting her coat on as well. They went out of their house to Chrisralls car. They got inside and Christall drove them to the small town before parking her car and they both got out of it. They headed to the store together to pick up some fresh vegetables, fruits, and stuff. They had bought everything else while talking. They paid for the groceries and decided to walk around and see where are their soon-to-be jobs. While laughing and joking around Iris bumps into someone. "I'm so sorry!" said Iris looking up. "It's fine," said the guy looking at Iris. "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm fine!" He answered. After saying this he walked away. Iris smiled before turning back to the conversation with Christall who had been there the entire time. She saw that Christall's cheeks were pink and it was obvious that she was blushing. She chuckled and nudged Christall lightly. "What was that for?" "Just checking you were ok" answered Iris with a small smile."Oh..." Answered Christall blushing even deeper. "Don't worry I'm sure your red cheeks won't stay here" teased Iris poking Christall's cheek softly. "Shut up Iris," said Christall hitting Iris softly on the arm as they began walking again.

They went back to Christall's car putted the groceries in the car and got in before Christall drives off back to the house. She parked her car and opened the door of her door and they walked out. They picked up the groceries from Christall's cat and they went into the house putting everything away. Once finished with their chores they went to the living room where the TV was still on. They sat down on the couch and began watching another random movie that was playing. After the movie, they decided to make dinner. Once again....the black wolf is watching them.... When the dinner was done they took the food to the living room sat down on the couch to eat. Christall turned on another movie while they ate. They ate and talked and laughed while watching a movie. By the end of the movie, Iris noticed that her friend looked tired. "I'll take care of the dishes," said Iris standing up from the couch. "Ok," answered tired Christall with a yawn. Iris cleaned the dishes while listening to the music playing on the television. When the cleaning was done she took all the leftover food to the garbage and then made her way to the living room where she found Christall already asleep. She smiled a bit before tugging her in softly and turning the tv off. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall 22:00. "No wonder Christall fell asleep" she thought to herself. She went upstairs to her bedroom and changed into her Pajamas. She lied down on her bed and stared out of the window. Her thoughts were keeping her awake. About the new school and the new job that will start soon. Thoughts came and went throughout the night until she drifted off to sleep. And that is how she ended up dreaming about a wolf wolf. A tall black wolf who she saw once by the lake. She didn't know what to think of him so she ran off in her dream away from the black tall wolf. The wolf turned into a young teenage boy....around 20 years of age. She couldn't see his face...he said something but she couldn't understand what he said...then the dream ended. She was left confused and wondering what happened. She also wondered who that mysterious wolf man was...and why did he keep showing up in her dreams.... And she was going to find out sooner or later...She didn't know when that was but eventually.