Chapter 6


She went upstairs to her bedroom and changed into her Pajamas. She lay down on her bed and stared out of the window. Her thoughts were keeping her awake. About the new school and the new job that will start soon. Thoughts came and went throughout the night until she drifted off to sleep. And that is how she ended up dreaming about a wolf wolf. A tall black wolf whom she saw once by the lake. She didn't know what to think of him so she ran off in her dream away from the black tall wolf. The wolf turned into a young teenage boy....around 20 years of age. She couldn't see his face...he said something but she couldn't understand what he said...then the dream ended. She was left confused and wondering what happened. She also wondered who that mysterious werewolf was...and why did he keep showing up in her dreams... And she was going to find out sooner or later...She didn't know when that was but eventually.

She woke up in the morning and stretched herself as her mind cleared. She looked around the room...her eyes landed at the window. The sun was shining outside which meant she was awake for longer than she usually wakes. As she got dressed she went to the kitchen to grab some food for breakfast. She got a piece of toast made it and poured herself some juice. Just in time, since she had just grabbed the juice when she heard Christall yell out "Good morning!". That woke her up. She looked up from the cup of juice and shouted "Good Morning" back and continued eating her breakfast. Christall soon joined her and they both went outside to sit on the porch. "I think the rain stopped," said Chrisall. She looked out of the corner of her eye towards the backyard. She saw a beautiful view of the mountains surrounding the little village. It was very peaceful. "Do you think it will rain tomorrow?" asked Christall. "I don't know" replied Iris taking a sip of juice "Let's just get through today first" suggested Christall. "Yeah that works for me" answered Iris nodding her head agreeing with Chritsall's words. After finishing breakfast they went back into the house and got ready. After brushing their teeth and taking showers they both got ready for the day. It was a sunny day today...and they were happy about that.

After getting ready they went outside and set out to go grocery shopping. They walked to their favorite shop and bought some fruits, vegetables, and other things along with a few other items. After buying everything they went home and started cooking. While cooking they decided to play some games. They played Monopoly. They played Blackjack. They played poker (with Iris beating Christall and winning) and other card games. Then the food was ready and they ate the meal. After that, they washed and wiped the dirty dishes. "You know Iris I never knew you could play cards so well," said Christall with a chuckle. "Well, thanks. You too" Iris replied. "Now you better finish that game because if you don't we won't have dessert" teased Christall making Iris laugh. "Alright alright...You're no fun" said Iris as she gathered the cards and put them neatly into the box. "We'll play another game after I clean up the kitchen okay?" said Iris. "Okay sure" answered Christall chuckling.

While cleaning up their kitchen Iris kept thinking about the dream she had yesterday. Was there any meaning behind it? Or just her imagination running wild again? She wasn't sure, but she knew for sure that she didn't want anything bad to happen to her wolf and the pack. She felt a tap on her shoulder it made her jump. 'It's just me Iris....i called you a few times before but you didn't reply' said worried Christall. " slipped my mind. How long have you been calling me?" Iris asked while turning around. "I've been calling you for a while now" replied Christall sheepishly. "What for?" "Just wanted to check up on you," said Chrisall as she reached out her hand to touch Iris's face. "Thank you," she said smiling gently at her friend. "Anytime" responded Christall with a smile. Iris turned around to continue cleaning up the last few messes on the floor. "By the way...are you planning on doing anything today?" asked Christall.

"Yes..we can watch another movie tonight. I was thinking about watching Finding Nemo" answered Iris "Alright then. Do you want to bring any popcorn?" Christall asked. "Sure" answered Iris as she turned around "I'll get some right away" replied Christall. After a few minutes, she got some popcorn and some drinks and brought them out to Iris. Iris took the popcorn and drink and thanked Christall. Once they had settled themselves down into the couch, she handed her some popcorn to start the movie. After watching a couple of movies, they both decided to call it a night for the evening.

After they said goodnight to each other, she made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, then she went to her room and layed in bed. After brushing her teeth, and getting ready for bed she got under her covers and sighed deeply. Closing her eyes, she tried falling asleep again hoping that she will be able to do that soon.

It was dark out when Iris awoke. She rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes, sat up and looked at the clock hanging on the wall opposite to her bed. 2:47 am... she laid back down. It must be still dark outside, she thought looking at the dim lights coming from outside of her window. She yawned quietly and got out of bed. She went over to the window and opened it a little and peered out through it. There it was....the black wolf...staring right in her eyes. She froze in her spot not knowing what to do. What's she supposed to do? Scream for help, run away and hide somewhere? Or should she let it know who she really is? But what if it gets scared and runs away and leaves her best friend alone and vulnerable? She watched the wolf, not saying a word. She watched the wolf until it finally turned and walked away. Leaving her feeling relieved and confused. As soon as the wolf disappeared from her sight. She closed her window.