Chapter 7


It was dark out when Iris awoke. She rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes, sat up, and looked at the clock hanging on the wall opposite to her bed. 2:47 am... she laid back down. It must be still dark outside, she thought looking at the dim lights coming from outside of her window. She yawned quietly and got out of bed. She went over to the window and opened it a little and peered out through it. There it was....the black wolf...staring right in her eyes. She froze in her spot not knowing what to do. What's she supposed to do? Scream for help, run away, and hide somewhere? Or should she let it know who she really is? But what if it gets scared and runs away and leaves her best friend alone and vulnerable? She watched the wolf, not saying a word. She watched the wolf until it finally turned and walked away. Leaving her feeling relieved and confused. As soon as the wolf disappeared from her sight. She closed her window.

She walked back to her bed deciding to stay awake for a little longer. After a while, she laid back down, closed her eyes... and waited for the morning. After a while, she got up and went to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast while Chrisall slept. She made herself and Christall some pancakes and bacon with a side of eggs. Soon afterwards she heard someone come downstairs. "Morning Iris," said Christall cheerfully sitting down at the table. "Good morning..." replied Iris with a small smile on her face."So what are you going to do this weekend? Are you gonna go hiking Christall?" I asked Christall while taking a bite of the pancakes i made "Yeah...for a few hours, I want to get home before it starts raining again". "I think it will clear up today" I replied smiling. "Maybe so" Chrisall laughed happily eating more pancakes. Soon after she finished she stood up to take a shower. After the shower, she got ready and got everything she wanted to hike. She grabbed her jacket, umbrella, and flashlight and headed out the door. "Have a safe trip" I said waving bye to Chrisall as she waved back. When the door shut I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks, water and went outside to sit and enjoy the view. I was there laying for 2 hours before I heard a 'crack'. I jumped up and looked fast around, there was nothing there....but I knew I heard a sound....a noise like something snapping or an animal being killed.....I shuddered slightly as the fear crept back into my heart and the cold sweat started to build all over me. I locked my eyes on the black's head tilted towards me. I could tell it was staring at me with those red eyes....its fur was sticking straight out all over its body...its tail was curled inwards and it looked almost defensive. A growl escaped its throat and a low warning growl came from deep in its chest. I stared at it as my breath started quickening. I looked at my fingers. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't feel my pulse.... I was starting to hyperventilate, tears started to form in my eyes. Why was this happening to me? Why did this wolf want to kill me?! I could see his red eyes glowing brighter, he growled louder than before and the ground shook as he ran faster towards me. The wolf suddenly jumped on top of me and pinned me to the ground. 'WHAT DO YOU WANT!' I screamed at the wolf. I pushed him off me and he ran away into the woods. I slowly stood up and looked around. All I heard was the quiet sound of the wind blowing through the trees.

I couldn't believe that the wolf just did that! Why didn't it kill me? I sat down thinking about all the possibilities why he would do that. The only possibility that I could come up with was that...he wanted something from me. Or maybe he needs something I have...something.....maybe...just maybe he is my mate....? Maybe that's why this dream...was so real. I mean that seems to make sense....I have always dreamt about him before..but he was never this big or scary, maybe it's because I didn't expect him to be that strong and intimidating. He also seemed to be different somehow...he seemed...almost human. Well, at least he wasn't a complete stranger anymore. Maybe if i keep this wolf in mind maybe the dreams will stop. I hope.

I looked around the area one final time, trying to get the image of the wolf off of me before heading back to my house, where Christall should be back. When I made it back inside I checked the time. 5:45 pm. So far today has gone pretty well. I started making dinner for Christall and myself. I turned on the radio and continued cooking. I was enjoying cooking and the radio so much i didn't hear the front door opening and closing. 'Hey Iris' said Christall. That made me jump out of my shoes. 'You scared me! damnit!' i said almost screaming. She laughed so hard that she needed to sit on a chair. All shaking and crying. 'Ha.Ha. Very funny Christall.' I said bit irritated. She got up and came to me when she calmed down. 'Im sorry bestie.' She said with her puppy eyes, on her knees and hands together as if she is about to pray. 'Forgive me of you mighty queen.' She said that with a bow. 'Okay that made me laugh.' i said it to myself in my thoughts. A soft giggle escaped my mouth. Her face lighten up and jumped up hugging me. We both shared a hug and laughed. '...i smell burned food.' Said Christall. I turned to the food and indeed it was BURNING! 'OH MY GOD! LET ME GO WE NEED TO STOP THE FIRE!' I screamed at her picking up the burning pan through a kitchen towel and ran outside with it. I turned on the water hose after putting the pan on the ground and starting to fill the pan with water.