Runaway Couple

The next day, Sofia arrived at the Taco place, a bit surprised at the crowd in front. She sighed; today was going to be a long one. She went in the Employees Only door and didn't notice her phone ring until she put on the uniform. Taking it out, she checked the caller ID, it was Jessi.

"What now?" She sighed as she walked into the café. Her boss was right there, talking to some guy. "Hey," she said, answering the phone.

"Sofia!" Jessi screamed, "Get outta there! It's a trap."

"Say what now?"

"The paparazzi struck. I don't know how they found out where you work, but it's all over the news. There are even pictures."

Sofia gasped, and the two men noticed her presence at once. The other guy was the man who'd left without eating. He smiled and waved her over.

She hissed, "After what you've done. Do I look like a celebrity to you or what? Can't a person have some privacy in this city!" She pulled off her apron and rushed out the door she'd taken in, grabbing her purse.

The man went after her, but Fred "mistakenly" emptied a tray of pots and some other utensils in the way. They stood there, him apologizing while the man yelled. She muttered a "thanks" to him as she bolted out the door. Luckily, she hadn't been around, and her boss promised he'd bring her out front so there weren't any reporters camped on this side.

However, as she rounded the corner, she ran into someone else. She fell back and silently thanked God that it wasn't a head-on-head collision. Then she looked at the person she'd collided with and her thoughts cleared at once. Was that a blonde Ryan? In a big grey hooded top and jeans. Then he smiled. She frowned immediately.

"What the hell are you doing here Mr. Barnes?" She asked, watching him cautiously but he raised both arms in mock surrender and said, "Ok, I know this isn't exactly how Prince Charming met Cinderella, but…"

"What is wrong with everyone?" Sofia cut in, in obvious exasperation wondering what their problem with Cinderella was.

"Uhh?" Ryan asked, arching one eyebrow as he got up and dusted his hands. He offered her a hand but she sighed, "Just answer my question." She said, rubbing her head as she got up.

"Well, I was on my way to the Employees Only door but here you are, Sofia."

She gasped, "How do you know my name?"

"It's all over the tabloids, Miss DelaCruz." He replied drily.

She stepped back, "Look Sofia, there's a crowd out front." He said, pointing in that direction. From small-scale directors to modeling agents and probably potential fans. Not to mention, the paparazzi, and the only reason they aren't here is… some paperwork your boss showed earlier about worker policy and stuff.

"People are crazy. That was just a one-time stunt…"

"No time for that. We gotta get outta here like now."

"Excuse me… We?"

"Yeah… I'm sneaking you out…. unless you wanna get lynched."


He suddenly pulled his hood over his head, pushed her to the wall, and placed his arms on both sides, leaning in towards her. She moved her head at the last moment and his lips brushed her cheeks instead. On her part, she felt the color rise in her cheeks and a tingling feeling spread through her from that point of contact. It took serious willpower to hold her head steady and not turn the few inches left to meet those adorable lips.

She was about to scream but then she saw two guys rounding the corner, armed with their cameras. Ryan chuckled and she looked at him. He said, "I'd have preferred us kissing, but…"

She placed her hand over his mouth and tried to pull his hood closer.

He smiled, "Put your hand in my right pocket."

She did and felt something there, like a can. She looked at him once again and smiled this time. Minutes later, a blonde couple was crossing the parking lot and entering a Lykan Hypersport sports car while the dude that had caused everything came out the front, scanning the area. Sofia sighed; her boss probably bought her more time.

Once safely inside, she burst into laughter, Ryan chuckled then she sighed again and reclined in her seat, "That was so much fun! I mean, I've always wanted to know how I'd look, as a blonde." She said, toying with a few strands. "But, do you always go around so… prepared?" She completed with a chuckle.

He smiled at her, "Well, let's just say that rescue missions aren't a Regular Show for me." He winked.

"Oh no." She replied, laughing. "You did not just use that…"

"It is what it is." He replied, starting the car. Just then, realization struck Sofia. Here she was, with Ryan Barnes joking like old friends over a few moments ago when he'd led her, an arm hooked across her shoulder, away from all that.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

He turned and looked at her, arching one of those beautiful brows, then said, "Uh, We," He started, stressing the pronoun for obvious reasons. "… are going to get rid of this disguise." He said pulling out of the lot.


Some minutes later, they arrived at a car wash. The place looked high end and Ryan seemed close to them. He talked to some guy and then drove to an inner garage. Then Ryan left and snagged spray guns for them both. He handed her one and bowed; it took her a second that seemed to stretch on forever to understand but she did. Then she touched the hair; it felt so soft, she let her hand sink in, and he cleared his throat, jolting her back to reality.

She shook her head, releasing jets of water as she ran her hands through the hair and watched the dye wash away. She was soon carried away once more, recalling how many times her girlfriends had admitted dreaming of doing this, though their dreams had involved more romantic, and at times, steamier situations. Her breath caught in her throat and she swallowed. *Get a hold of yourself Sofia.* She said within to clear her head. When she was done, his wet hair clung to his head. She raked her hand through it once more to untangle some before taking it – her hand, off.

"My turn." He said, swinging his head backward and running both hands through it to reduce the water. He was just going to wash the dye off her hair, regardless, the way he said it made her feel somewhat uncomfortable. She bowed and he took his time. To her, it seemed like he was going strand by strand. His fingers searched every inch of her scalp. He was so slow that it seemed meticulous like he was a surgeon preparing for an operation. She watched the dye flow down and tried to ignore what his hands were causing within her, but it was proving to be an impossible feat because every single touch, rub, or sweep was being directly imprinted on her brain and it was sending "

disturbing" signals to the rest of her. He was finally done and he helped her get back up.

"You have such beautiful hair." He said with a smile.

"Than-" Sofia started but was interrupted by the jet of water Ryan released in her face; she jerked back, squirming. "I'll get you!" She wiped her face with her hand. She sprayed hers but he'd already moved and evaded hers completely. She then chased after him, spraying but he suddenly turned and she had to stop to dodge so he took the chance and hid. She then sought for him. Ryan on the other hand snuck up on her but she was the one to surprise him, blasting him at full force, he crashed back and landed on his ass while she burst into laughter. He groaned and followed it up by spraying an "R" on her top. She immediately turned bright pink, chasing him while spraying an "S" on his back.


"Here," He said as he handed her a chocolate bar he'd retrieved from his car, joining her where she sat on the hood – drying off.

She took one bite and smiled, "Thanks for today." She said and he smiled, releasing breath from nearly clenched teeth.

"It's nothing."

Then she yawned and leaned her head on his shoulder.

He cleared his throat and looked the other way then said, "Yeah, I wanna say thank you too. Today's been so… I don't know, different. I mean the good kind of different and it's been fun. So, I was wondering if you'd like to do this again sometime."

When she didn't respond, he said her name and looked at her; she was fast asleep. The chocolate bar remained in her hands; she hadn't gone beyond that first bite. He just smiled and looked away, releasing a contented sigh as he decided to maintain their positions for a bit longer.


Ryan was driving the Hypersport L while Sofia slept in the passenger seat. He'd taken her phone and was now dialing Jessi's.

"Soph, what's up?" She answered.

"It's not Sofia." He replied, releasing air through almost clenched teeth – a force of habit.

Jessi gasped, "Who am I speaking with, please?"

"It's me, Ryan… Barnes."

"Are you for real?"

"You could bet on it." He replied with a smile then continued, "So Sofia's here with me but she's out cold. Could you give me an address?"

"For sure, it's 2106 Melbourne Drive."

"Uhh…." He sighed and looked at Sofia. "There's just a little problem with that."

"What?" She asked, getting anxious, "Is something wrong?"

"Oh no, no there's nothing wrong, I just have no idea where that is." He replied, his habit coming into play.

Jessi found herself laughing, "Sure thing superstar, you probably know little more than Hollywood and The Hamptons." She said with a chuckle. "Well, tell me where you are now."

"Err…." Ryan replied, looking around to mark out the area. "We're about two blocks left of her taco place."

"Oh good, you're close," Jessi replied, sighing in relief. "Well, I want you to drive past the taco place and go left at the traffic lights then you're gonna go a couple of blocks, like 2, sorry 3 blocks and you're there. I'll be out there waiting. Just call once you get to those traffic lights, okay?"

"Yeah, sure." He replied with a nod and hung up. He looked at Sofia once more and smiled, reaching across to push some strands out of her face.


"Thanks, I'll take it from here," Jessi said, standing on the other side of the car in a tank top and a pair of shorts.

"No, no, it's nothing," Ryan smiled, "I'll do it. Just direct me."

"Are you sure?" She asked again, and he nodded with a smile, "Yeah, it's nothing." He said, coming over to take her in his arms and follow Jessi to the apartment. This, of course, attracted a great deal of attention as the ladies trooped out to see him. Ryan, on the other hand, was no stranger to this and didn't let it get to him; instead, he was focused on getting Sofia home and even tucking her in before leaving.

Then he was flooded with autograph requests and without a damsel in distress in his arms, he had to accept the requests, which started going bizarre when Tanya asked him to write on her breasts.

Jessi intervened in time to prevent complete nudity and then they resorted to pictures. She still had to intervene once more, ignoring the joy kill taunts as she escorted Ryan to his car.