The Interview

Sofia slowly came to; she could hear hushed voices in the background but she believed she was imagining it. However, after twisting and turning with the same result, she opened her eyes and gasped, assuming a sitting position as she looked at the faces all around.

"What's going on?" She asked, no one, in particular, scanning the faces for an answer.

"Soph," Jessi called. "Can you tell us where you were throughout yesterday?"

Sofia tried to remember and realization struck as color rose to her cheeks.

"How do you know about it?" She asked, looking at all of them.

"Let's see…" Jessi started. "Was it the fact that I received a call from you, answered it, and heard Ryan's voice or that he brought you home or that he carried you up to your bed or that you actually slept off wherever you two had been?"

"Wow, that's a lot of evidence against you sister." Alicia said with a chuckle, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Yeah," Tanya added. "Why were you in such a deep sleep? You know that only happens when two people burn a lot of calories together." She completed with a wink and the other girls laughed hard while Sofia blushed hard.

"Look it wasn't throughout yesterday." Sofia finally said, looking for a lifeline.

"Ok." Jessi nodded, "At least for most of it."

Sofia sighed,

"I was just hiding from the paparazzi."

"Alone?" Jessi asked, leaning in with a smile.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before saying,

"No, I was with Ryan."

Then they all burst into cheers like that was the main reason why they were there, clapping and giggling while some were grinning ear to ear.

"Wait," Tanya said, waving her hands for the noise to die down. "That's not all we want. Tell us in, full detail, everything that happened between you two." She completed, looking around at the others for support and receiving it too.

Sofia exhaled deeply and said,

"First off, I'll have you all know that there's nothing between us."

"Who said anything about that?" Tanya asked, winking at those behind her and causing them to giggle.

"Well," Sofia started, searching for another lifeline. "with the way you've all been behaving; it could get confusing."

"Just talk to us already," Jessi said, already tiring from Sofia's circumlocution.

Sofia sighed then recounted yesterday while trying to keep out every bit of emotion, a feat that wasn't exactly possible.

"I already envy you." Tanya said once Sofia was done with the story. "You touched that mane? Girl, I'm your very first fan."

"Look," Sofia said, blushing. "That wasn't really much you know."

"Oh really." Tanya scoffed, "He almost kissed you, held you across your shoulders, even carried you to bed. What more do you want sister?" She asked, laughing with some of the girls.

"Nothing. I want nothing and I believe it's gonna stay this way cause I've been a bit free-err so, he's probably forgotten about me. So err, that's the end. Now you all should leave, I've got to prepare for work."


Several minutes later, Sofia got to the taco place and this time, there wasn't any crowd or anything so she got in without any hassle, sighing deeply, she put on her apron and went out front to take orders.

How she was suddenly hedged in, she had no idea, but it seemed she was some human magnet. Everything she'd tried so hard to avoid yesterday came crashing down on her. Cameras appearing from nowhere, even lights and everything coming out of places you wouldn't want to know. Then the flashes began, as well as endless questions about her background and all whatnots. She froze, her mind going blank. Then he came into her view, the man that had started all this and she came back to life.

"This is all your fault!" She yelled at him. "What do you gain from ruining my privacy? I'm no star. I'm not even a celebrity and yet you insist on going public with such trivial information. I'm sure you all know my name and that I work here. My visit to Hollywood was just a one-time stunt a friend made me pull. I apologize for the misleading information she gave on that day but really, there's no need for all this. If you aren't here to eat, then I'm sorry I can't attend to you. Thank you." Then she turned and left them there. It took a few seconds but they realized it was over and begun to disperse. However, no one left without getting a shot of her working. After they'd all left, Sofia went into the kitchen to give Fred a new batch of orders but he wasn't anywhere in sight. Then she heard him call her name and turned, he was outside. She shook her head and went to the door calling him,

"What do you think you're doing there?" She asked, opening the door, and there, standing by Fred was Ryan. He was in an all-black attire, with a biker helmet under his jacket-covered arm and he was currently grinning at her.

'Here" He suddenly said, tossing her the helmet. She caught it reflexively and Fred took off her apron. "Let's go for a ride." He said with a smile.

Sofia stood there, watching him. Then she scoffed and said,

"Fred, please hand me my apron." Fred gave it back then she added, "Don't you ever do that again." Facing Ryan, she tossed the helmet back and gave him a tight smile.

"Ryan I'm not one of those girls who worship you and do whatever you want, whenever you want. So, no. I'm not going anywhere with you."

He looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

Sofia felt color rising to her cheeks and tried to stop it.

"Don't!... Stop!" She yelled, covering both sides of her face with her hands.

"I won't. Not until you agree." He replied, smiling.

"Ryan!" She yelled in exasperation. "You know that's not what I meant."

He waved, hushing her. She was taken aback by surprise.

"Be careful. You yell my name loud enough and this encounter will go viral in seconds. Trust me, the social media's that good."

"Ryan, I've got work and I just really can't go with you." She said with a sigh. Then he exhaled in that his habitual manner.

"You leave me no choice." He said, shaking his head. Sofia arched an eyebrow wondering what he meant then he said, "For the sake of yesterday, you have to come with me."

Sofia paused, she couldn't believe her ears.

"Wait a second." She finally said and Ryan gulped, suddenly nervous over her change in tone. "For the sake of yesterday? I can't believe you actually said that."

"Sofia look…" He cut in but she continued, nevertheless,

"But you know what I can't believe the most? I actually thought you did it out of your own will to help out." She scoffed, "I actually thought…" She started, looking at Fred, "That a playboy." She continued, turning back to Ryan and looking like she might cry. "Helped me out without any strings attached." She scoffed, "I'm such a fool." She said, shaking her head and going back into the kitchen. Fred stood there, feeling terribly awkward as Ryan looked broken then he said,

"Uhh, so I'm just gonna go… err, serve up some tacos or something." Pointing behind him and towards the kitchen.

Ryan sighed and turned, it felt over before it even started. He received a call. He turned and answered, walking away dejectedly.