
Ryan's parties were always one for the ages and this one was not going to be an exception.

He picked Sofia at the appointed time and took her to a fancy uptown boutique. However, they had to call Jessi to help Sofia with getting a dress because Ryan, of course, had some work to do.

Even so, he dropped a credit card with them and asked them to call once they were done. He later arrived in a chauffeured SUV and they left with him.

As they rounded an upward bend leading to his home, Sofia couldn't hide her amazement, Jessi didn't even try.

The bars slid apart automatically like they would for any of his cars. They rounded the large driveway with a fountain in the middle where the water movement was never in the same pattern.

The house itself was an architectural masterpiece of glass and white, sitting on a lot of acres. They got down at the entrance to the building and the chauffeur continued on to the garage.

Ryan stepped onto the glass porch and the edge lighting came on, he led them through automatic sliding doors, past a 'freshening up' room, and down a hallway surrounded by an aquarium on all sides into the sitting room.

Everything was white, except for the floor and ceiling. His TV took up one wall, white sofas were dotted about the cavernous space and a glass staircase spiraled out of sight. A doorway to the right led to the dining and kitchen area and there was another aquarium hallway leading off to the left, to his private cinema.

Sofia dropped the bags she was carrying on a nearby sofa,

"Are all your hallways aquariums?" She asked.

"Not really, see they're surrounded by them. The walls and all are made of glass so you can see the fish. Aesthetic right?" Ryan looked like a small boy showing off his new toy.

"Wow, how's that even possible."

"Look my job was just to make demands and write checks ok."

"How much?"

"Not sure, over a hundred though."

"Hundred thousand?"

Ryan's hand went to his hair and he released air through almost clenched teeth.

"Million, Hundred million."

Sofia turned to look at Jessi, just to make sure it wasn't a joke but Jessi had promptly gone back to whatever she'd been doing on her phone so she turned back to Ryan. "You wasted a hundred million dollars on a house?"

"Over." Jessi offered offhandedly.

"Come on, look around. You can't call this a waste, can you?"Ryan asked, spreading his arms,

Even so, she shook her head.


"Vanity is good." Jessi gushed, taking a selfie. Sofia glared, Ryan chuckled, then raised arms in surrender as the glare came his way.

"There are pools on the roof, on the ground, and underground. The first floor has the guestrooms, the second, my practice studio and my room. Then there's the penthouse suite and gym. Oh, there's also the roof garden which is terraced down the back of the house."

"You could turn this place into an ecosystem and it still won't justify spending that amount, whatever it is." Ryan sighed,

"I guess you're right. But what's done is done. So, head on up, get yourselves guestrooms, and don't worry, they're all designed for the female gender on default." He turned and walked into an elevator that took him all the way up to the penthouse suite. "I'll see you tonight." He blew her a kiss as the doors shut.

Hours later, after hired specialists had given them all sorts of body treatment, they sat through a makeup session. Sofia, going for a cool pink-themed makeup while Jessi decided to go all light green.

That night, at the party. Ryan and Sofia made a dramatic spotlight appearance once the sitting room was filled with people. He led her, arm in arm, down the staircase as Rico announced their arrival.

Ryan looked dashing in a tux and Sofia had a dark blue long sleeve gown by Dolce & Gabano. They settled down in a loveseat, specially arranged by Ryan then Rico shared an eulogy about them before leading everyone to Ryan’s cinema.

Ryan led Sofia to a private booth, above the rest. She leaned into him and whispered, “Are all your bathrooms that way?”

He glanced at her, catching her flush and smiling knowingly.

“What way?”

“You know… with the…” She flushed again.

“…Pool in the middle with a pole in it? He cast a sly look but she turned away in time.

“Yeah, except my room.”


“How many have used it right? I lost count. I already told you the guest rooms were designed with female occupants in mind.”

“I can’t believe you Ryan.” She shook her head.

He chuckled, “You better do. You know, being here, with you, alone makes me think of one thing…”

“Wait Ryan, where’s everyone going?”

“I’ve got no idea. There’s only one way to find out.”;

"Ryan, what's with this news about you and Sofia being on a new show.

He scoffed, "Come on, you know better than to believe such nonsense, Rico."

"Then why haven't they returned?"

Sofia rushed out, closely followed by the rest and she was the first to see the video. She gasped, "Ryan, that's from this morning! Someone shot a video of us in that alley."

"Not just the alley Soph, they got everything. All the times you two were together. Videos and pictures," Jessi said.

Ryan smacked his forehead, "That Richards sonofabitch."

"Are you sure it was him?" Sofia asked.

"Who else could it be? It's not like it originated on social media, it's being shown on the news, look it says 'Live from Pantaleon.' That's Richards studio."

Rico scoffed, "Only David would think to name a studio that." "Mine's Pride by the way." He added with a wink

Sofia turned and started pacing, taking deep breaths. Jessi shook her head,

"It's coming." She said and began a countdown from five. At zero, Sofia stopped and turned,

"If I could just get my hands on that lying, cheating scum. I'd just, aargh!"

Rico and Ryan stood staring, then Rico whistled.

"The girl's good."

"I always knew I had a good eye."

Sofia drew out an exasperated sigh, "Ryan, can you be serious for five minutes? Rico, can I sue him for this?"

"Well, -" He dragged on but Ryan interrupted him,

"It'll be hard to win and a waste of time cause those are all outside shots so it's very arguable that privacy wasn't invaded... Besides, it's just like with paparazzi. There's no need for that."

"Wow," Rico said, shaking his head. "That actually made some sense."

Sofia laughed and Rico continued, "He'd be lost without you, my dear."

Just then, a champagne flute dropped with a resounding crash, catching everyone's attention. Amanda stood there; an empty arm held out before her. Her makeup was black-themed and it did wonders to her already top-shelf beauty. She walked on, through a path cleared by the guests, to Ryan.

"Amanda." He called, smiling. "Welcome, you know we couldn't have done this without you." Phones popped up and she sighed,

"Ryan, why do you insist on treating me this way? Have I done anything wrong? What has she done to you?" Amanda asked her hands at the sides of his face.

Sofia felt something tighten in her chest and but she managed to keep a calm composure as she switched her heels for more comfortable shoes from her bag and walked past them.

"Sofia," Ryan called. "Where are you going?"

"To Pantaleon. Mr. Richards has a lot of explaining to do."

"Wait up." He took Amanda's hands off him. "I'm coming too."

Rico and Amanda locked gazes and he called out after them, "I think I'll tag along too guys." He said, seeming a little too eager to leave Amanda behind.

On their way out, Ryan turned to face the crowd. "Party's still on guys!" He announced, reveling in their cheers. "At least, till you guys are out of gas, ladies feel free to sleep over. He added, turning to leave but he caught sight of Sofia's glare and paused in his tracks, without even turning back, he yelled,

"You know what? Party's over guys. Everyone leaves. And I mean everyone. Jessi, you're in charge." He added, watching contentedly as the glare broke into a smile and unmindful of everyone else's groans.

The trio took Ryan's chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe to the studio and there was an elaborate red carpet there.

Dave's way of saying that he'd been expecting them. Ryan could never turn down such a privilege. However, Rico and Sofia avoided it entirely, preferring to pass through a paparazzi mob whose questions they ignored.

"And here are your stars," Dave said, spotting them at once. Ryan, of course, spread his arms, nodding amidst shouts of his name.

"Get a hold of yourself superstar. Sofia whispered, elbowing him slightly as she brushed past, going straight in for the kill. She got to the table where he was seated and pulled him by his tie. Dave raised his arms, so his security would hold still.

"Weren't you taught to respect privacy?" She slapped him, releasing a volley of words in Spanish. Rico clutched his chest once she stopped,

"Oh my." He gasped.

"Mr. Richards, I'm gonna release your tie right now and you're going to apologize to me, Ryan, and then Rico, our director, for causing such -a huge misunderstanding. Are we clear Mr. Richards?"

"Yes, we are." He said, giving his men the go-ahead. They walked towards the trio and Sofia faced them, "You're gonna let these goons touch me on live stream? You must really hate your career."

"Of course not. I still have plans of working with you. They're just gonna escort you three out, without any purposeful harm, hopefully."

Sofia shook her head. "You disgust me." She let go of the tie and faced the crowd. "I apologize for causing a scene; I just had to make it clear that this was all a big misunderstanding. There are no plans for such and after all this, there never will be." She tossed one more glare at Dave Richards and stormed out.


The three of them were in Ryan's car, leaving, like all the other serious-minded news channels present.

Ryan yawned, he looked tired, "Now all that's out of our systems, sleepover at my place?"

"Of course, in your dreams."

Rico made a sizzling noise, while Ryan exhaled through almost clenched teeth.

This time, however, his hands were rubbing his tired eyes. "Such dreams are for puberty." He yawned, leaning towards her. Rico snorted; Sofia went red in the face and grabbed his ear, wrenching it.

"Be careful with your words Ryan or I'll send a Chupacabra after you."

"Ow ow ow, wait. Chupa- what now?" He asked in obvious pain.

She let go and stifled a yawn, she too was tired. Then she looked out the window,

"Please pull over." She said, leaning forward. The driver made to obey but Ryan intervened,

"Don't stop till I say so, dude." Ryan said.

Sofia looked at Ryan, shook her head, and began a rant of words in Spanish. Ryan was sure he heard the Chupa- word at least three times. "Wait!" He yelled, even the driver braked abruptly.

She hung mid-sentence.

"Pull over dude," Ryan said in resignation and Sofia smiled at him.

"I'm glad to see we're on the same page."

The driver stopped by the curb and she opened the door, "Thanks for everything Ryan, I'll send your clothes over?"

"My clothes? Come on, they're yours."

"Please don't get like that. I don't have anywhere to wear this to, at least not in my routine."

"Even so, it's my gift to you. For the part, you played in the episode's success. I am not taking it back." Sofia smiled and got out,

"Ok, Mr. Right." She muttered.

"What did you say?" Ryan leaned in, wide awake, but Sofia shook her head and walked away.


Ryan got back home later that night, he'd dropped Rico off and was dead tired. Even so, he took the stairs cause standing in the elevator, he'd probably sleep off before he got to the penthouse.

There was a trail of roses leading up the stairs but his brain didn't fully register that. The trail went past his bedroom and rounded the corner but the sleepyhead yawned and went in, stripping as he walked to the bed.

It wasn't till he'd climbed onto the king-size mattress that he realized the meaning of what he'd just seen. He got down, putting on his robe as he walked out and closed the door silently.

The roses led up to the penthouse and into its bathroom. Amanda was there, on the pole, she had nothing on but a filmy two-piece bikini.

He yelped and she spun, descending into the pool and slowly ascending the stairs. She bit her lower lip seductively, hands raking her hair. Ryan shut down until she touched him.

"W-what are y-you d-doing." He stuttered and she smiled,

"It seemed like you needed a little reminder." She whispered.

Ryan chuckled, it seemed he was back to normal. "It's just, you should've told me in time. I haven't got any protection up here."

A slow smile spread across her face. "I came prepared."

Ryan nodded. "You thought it through alright." He looked around, searching for an excuse. "I'll just go for a quick change of clothes and- "

"This is perfect." She cut him short. "Why do I feel like you're searching for an excuse?"

"Excuse? From this?" He stepped back, admiring the view. "Not a chance. Come with me if you want. We might not even return." He whispered. She chuckled, biting her lower lip in anticipation. She obliged and followed him back to his room.

Ryan went into the closet, sighing in relief.

He paused. Did he just refuse sex? And with Amanda Knowles? What was happening to him? He shuddered, walking past the rows of accessories. There were doors hidden here, so he could take a shortcut to any of the guestrooms if there were guests…

However, those doors were about to serve another purpose, escape…

Ryan stepped out into the cool breeze and walked to his garage. His chauffeur rolled a car out for him and Ryan got in, rolling the car out in neutral gear till he'd gotten far enough.

Then he switched the gears and zoomed off. He arrived at Sofia's in a few minutes and rushed up. He knocked on her door for a while before she got up, grumbling and opened up, tying the sash on her robe. Her eyes immediately took a late-night snack.

"What the-

Ryan slipped past her and she closed the door, turned to face him. "What are you doing here? And in your underwear?"

"It's your fault you know."

"My fault? How come?"

"The Chupa… whatever, she's in my house." He pointed backward.

"Chupacabra? Female? Your house? Oh." Sofia said, chuckling and stepping back. "I see what's going on, I'm dreaming. Of course, that's the only reason why you'd be in my house at this time of the night, in your underwear and talking about a female Chupacabra at your house.

“I'm gonna wake up on my bed, and laugh about this tom-" Her feet struck something and she fell back with a yelp, her hands reaching out for any support. They found none but Ryan caught her right arm and pulled her back up and to him…

… A sportscar arriving at this residence wasn't really a common sight, at least before Ryan and Sofia met, and it of course attracted a great deal of attention and the word spread, soon enough the girls followed Tanya's lead to Sofia's apartment…

… Sofia let out a small gasp as she came into his arms and just then, the door opened and the girls gasped in unison.

The couple leaped apart and Sofia's hand went to her head. Jessi showed up then, asking what was going on.

She stepped in the doorway and the shock struck her too but she shook it off and asked them to respect Sofia's privacy, closing the door.

She smiled at Sofia and she returned it, though hers was tired and in appreciation. Sofia did the locks on the door and faced Ryan. "Now tell me what you're doing here?"

Ryan sighed in resignation, his shoulders drooping. He collapsed on the closest sofa. "Amanda never left."

"You're running away from her?"

"I know right?" Ryan asked, looking at her.

She smiled; she could get used to this. "It's probably cause you're tired." She said instead.

Ryan chuckled and lay back on the sofa, "Nah, I think I'm in love."

Sofia turned sharply so he couldn't see her blush.

She went in, and when she returned, armed with a blanket and pillow, he was fast asleep, his head propped on a cushion. She covered him up the best she could and got up, hugging the pillow.

He looked so calm and innocent now, almost like the Ryan everyone knew was just a façade. Sighing deeply, she went in, to bed.


"Wake up, sleepyhead." Sofia tossed another cushion at him.

Ryan yawned, stretching, a smile spread across his face. "I was scared I won't wake up at home you know."

"But you didn't."

"Home is where you are love," he smiled.

She smiled and turned, walking to the kitchen. Ryan following close behind.

"I'll set you in the bathroom and start breakfast. Once you come out, you watch over what's cooking. I won't take too long but just in case, turn off the knob once it steams, ok?"

"Sure thing, you know I got your back."

"I'm being serious."

"And I'm down for you, always."

She sighed and led him to the bathroom, "I know it's not your flat sized bathroom but- "

"It's even better, cause you're joining me." He pulled her but she smacked his arm and he cowered, chuckling.

A while later, Sofia returned to the door. "Ryan, what are you doing in there?"

His head and upper torso appeared from behind the door, held by his left arm. "Come on, you think all this," he motioned to his face. "Just happens?"

She sighed, "And they say we take time in there. Hurry up, I've got to get to work. She added, going back to the kitchen. Ryan came out in her spare robe and she sighed in relief.

"You took your time. The food's almost done. Just give it five minutes tops. Might even take less. You'll see it steaming. That is, steam escaping from the lid. She added, enunciating so he'd understand.

Sofia went in, and turned on the shower, taking the better part of twenty minutes. Once she was done, she dried up for a bit hen tied a towel over her hair, slipped on her robe, and opened the door.

There was a whiff of something burning. She rushed to the kitchen, pushing the door open, only for the acrid smell to hit her full force and the smoke began to choke her.

She barely managed to turn off the knob, waving her other hand as the smoke, amongst other things, brought tears to her eyes. She opened up windows and brought down the pot with the charred remains within.

Just then, she heard laughter. She barged through the opposite door and into the dining. Ryan was in the midst of other girls from her neighborhood, in her sitting room. She walked in and cleared her throat.

"Girls, it's time to go."

Not even Tanya could dissent with that tone.

They all left and Ryan stood, the choking smell getting to him. He gagged, "What the hell is- "

"Don't even dare." She cut in and his expression changed to one of understanding and then regret.

He looked past her to the kitchen and then away.

"All I asked for was 5 minutes Ryan, just five. And you almost burn down my home."

His expression turned apologetic, "I'm- "

"Leave my home."

"I- "

"Just leave already!" She cried.

He was still in her robe, over his underwear. His feet in her fluffy pink slippers. He sighed in resignation and left with drooping shoulders.

It wasn't until she heard his engine rev that she collapsed on the sofa next to her. She stayed in that position till she could no longer hear the car then she cleaned up the mess, showered again, and prepared for work, her appetite a forgotten case.