Episode 29

Rico was chilling at Ryan’s poolside with some guy he was currently seeing, when he noticed a patrol car pulling up.

“Hold on babe, I’ll be right back.” He chirped, putting on his robe as he walked to the front of the building.

Ryan was stepping out from the back door, led by a blonde officer. Rico gasped,

“What the hell?"he muttered. “What happened to him officer?” He asked, rushing to meet them.

“Oh nothing really.” She smiled, casting obvious glances at Ryan. “He’s just unfit to ride a car… "

Rico snapped his fingers real fast, bringing her back.

“Pardon me sir, she flushed, leaving Ryan to stand on his own.

“My colleague and I apprehended Mr. Barnes here for driving with what he called ‘suicidal intent’.”

“And your colleague?”

“Pardon me sir?”

“Your colleague. Where is he?”

“Oh, he’s taking Mr. Barnes car to the station.

“Mr. Barnes will have to be put on a 48hr supervised house arrest. After which, his state of mind will determine further action.

“I offered to be his supervisor…”

“Don’t stress it honey, I’ll handle Ryan. Anything else?”

“No, no.” She exhaled, looking deflated.

“Thank you, you know the way out.” He smiled tightly, eager for her to leave them alone. Rico looked at Ryan, standing there like he had been to the end of time and everything now seemed irrelevant.

However, before that, one matter had to be addressed.

“Ryan Barnes, what the hell are you wearing? It’s like you came from some small scale charity or something.”

Suddenly, Ryan closed the distance between them. “Don’t you dare insult these clothes, Rico.”

He stormed off, but the front door would not open for any underwear except females’. So he took a slight detour, through the pool doors, closely followed by Rico who kept yelling his name until they got to his room.

Ryan collapsed on the bed and covered his head with his pillow. Rico removed it, he replaced it and Rico removed that one too.

“The f*** do you want with me?”

“Not today Ryan, any other day but not today. You cannot be in such a mood on today of all days.”

Ryan sighed exasperatedly and turned on his side, covering up with a duvet instead, “Rico, I’d rather not see anyone for the rest of the day.”

“Don’t you dare Ryan; we’re shooting the rest of episode 29 today.”

“Do whatever you want ok? I don’t f***ing care! Don’t you get that?”

“What the hell is wrong with you Ryan? Is it where you slept? Or whom you spent the night with? Or does it have something to do with this cheap robe and slippers?”

Ryan pulled off the duvet and got off the bed. “Rico I warned you not to insult these clothes. Let’s respect that. I’ll be in my penthouse suite for the rest of the day.”

“You are going nowhere! Rico clambered across the bed and gripped his hand.

“What the hell did you mean by that? Ryan we are having the shoot and you are acting. Whether you like it or not." Rico said with a note of finality, pulling him to his closet. "Now, get in there and come out presentable.”

“Sure.” Ryan smiled.

Rico sighed inwardly. At least, he smiled. He would give himself a pat on the back after this.


Thirty minutes later and still no show, Rico barged in but there was no sign of Ryan. He searched frantically, around rows upon rows of designers.

“Ryan?! Ryan?! He was almost hyperventilating and the AC units in the room were not helping at all. Finally, he got to the end of the room and discovered the doors.

“F***! F***! F***! He swore, rushing to the one at the extreme; it was slightly open. It opened into a hallway that led upward to a barred door and Rico had a pretty good idea of what was behind it.

“Ryan! Ryan!” He banged on the door, yelling higher each time.


Ryan, however, settled into bed in the suite. He knew Sofia. He’d really fucked up. The thought of what this meant scared him. He felt different. Sofia was not like anyone he’d ever met and he knew it.

He couldn’t just show up with flowers and a box of chocolates and things would return to normal. This time not even a flight to Paris would solve his problems.

He just wanted to stay this way. In an endless loop of beating himself up without any interference from the outside world.


Rico paced the hallway below, hyperventilating.

“Shoot has to be done today. We have to act. Ryan is refusing to act. Ryan cannot be replaced. Ryan aarrgh!”

“Just breathe babe.” The guy soothed him, massaging his shoulders.

Rico tried to breathe, deeply and completely, letting it out slowly.

“Yeah, you’re right. This is probably one of his mood swings. It’ll blow over soon.” He smiled reassuringly, holding onto his partner’s hand.


It was well past noon and nothing had changed. Rico started pacing once more.

“Mascara! He suddenly yelled. “My God I need my mascara! I need Jessi; she understands me.”

“Uh, hello?”

“No, not more than you honey.” He turned, smiling at him. He continued pacing then paused. “Even if we get him to come off it, he’s under home arrest. He can’t get to the studio.” Rico slapped his forehead and let out a tired sigh, stopping in his tracks. His shoulders slumped and he let his hands fall to his side.

Suddenly, he spun and there was a twinkle in his eyes.

“Brainwave! He rushed to the door opposite Ryan’s bedroom and pushed it open, revealing Ryan’s practice studio. “We’ll act it here!”

The place had everything. It could have belonged to some huge company. It was amazing.

“I’ll call everyone!” Rico gushed; his worries seemed outdated.

“You need any help? What can I do?”

“You’ve done all you can honey and I really appreciate that. Don’t worry. I’ll handle everything now. We’ll meet up later.” He blew him a kiss and went off to get his phone.

By the next hour, 90% of the entire crew had arrived.

“Where’s Ryan?” Amanda asked.

Rico sighed, “He’s in the penthouse. Doesn’t want anything to do with anyone. He’s depressed about something.”

“For real?”

“Yeah, why are you smiling about that?”

“Don’t worry Rico, I got this.

She went to the main door to the roof and banged on it. “Ryan! Baby! It’s me. I forgive you. Come down lets play a little hide and seek on Heart Of Stone.”

After three unsuccessful tries, she resorted to calling him but nothing changed.


Jessi walked to Rico, standing in the middle of the room and setting everything up in his robe over swimming trunks.

“I think I know the problem here.”

Few minutes later, Rico and Jessi were stepping out of Rico’s Brabus G Wagon at Taco Fun. Rico had a change of clothes too.

They walked in and sat down. Sofia spotted them easily and hesitantly brought them two menus.

“We’re not here for the food Sofia. You know that.”

“Then I’m sorry but you’ve come to the wrong place.” She took the menus and spun on her heels. Rico rushed to her front.

“Sofia hold on. I’ve not even said what and you’re leaving?”

“I don’t have to. It’s Ryan right?"

His silence confirmed it and she sighed, “I’ve got work to do Rico.”

“Jessi do something.”

Jessi sighed, “Sofia please.”

“How do you expect me to go back to someone I couldn’t even count on for five minutes?”

“I’ll pay you double of last time.”

“I can refund that. I’m not vain.”

“Shut up Rico," Jessi cut in, "you’re running thin. Sofia we don’t expect you to go back to him. All we need is your presence and tops a wave.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Look, today’s deadline day and Ryan’s being a cry baby over this morning. There are sponsorship deals on the line here. As well as consumer and critic views to consider. The whole series and even the studio could take a hit from this.”

“Replace him then. I thought the clause…”

“I can’t risk it with Ryan. Amanda may be the best but she’s not everyone’s favorite actress and I know that. However, Ryan is another matter. Besides I don’t want the fact that he’s on house arrest due to suicidal driving to start making rounds.”

“What?” The both of them asked simultaneously.

“Oh yeah, the police brought him home this morning. Those were the officer’s words.”

“Why? She groaned; her hand flying to her forehead. She turned, walking a few steps away. What the hell was wrong with him? Did he only ever think just of himself?

She didn’t want to have anything to do with him but she knew if she didn’t do something; the guilt would forever plague her. “I’ll tag along.” She sighed in resignation, turning to face them.

Rico clapped cheerily while Jessi smiled; giving her, a double thumbs up.

“Hold your horses. I’m only doing this for the movie. Nothing else.”

“Sure, sure.” Rico assuaged, raising arms in mock surrender.

“Let me just change out of this and…”

“No, no, there’s no time. We’re only borrowing you for a little while and you’ll be back. I promise” Rico insisted, his hand on his chest.

Few minutes later, Rico’s SUV pulled into Ryan’s house and the trio progressed to the top floor.

“And we’re back!” Rico exclaimed as they approached the studio. This was Sofia’s first time up here so she was taken aback just by the sheer size of Ryan’s bedroom. His studio left her breathless.

Once again, Amanda spotted her and stormed over. “What the hell are you here for?” She asked, breaking Sofia’s reverie.

However, Rico intervened. “You all remember Miss Delacruz from episode 28, right? Yeah so she’s here to help with Ryan.”

“But how’s she gonna get to the roof?”

“Good question Joe. To answer, I’ve got one for all of you. Who knows how to fly a chopper?”

The plan was to drop Sofia on the roof, using Ryan’s chopper then she’d convince Ryan to come down. At first, Sofia wouldn’t, until she was completely assured of 100% safety as well as Rico’s presence.

Amanda had insisted that the chopper drop her instead but Rico denied her the privilege, taking Sofia to the helipad.

Soon enough, they were airborne and Sofia could see more of Ryan’s estate. She could not believe her eyes.

“Is all of this Ryan’s home?”

Rico chuckled, “He’s one rich bastard for sure.”

They hovered over the roof, dropping in altitude until Sofia was satisfied. She dropped onto the roof gingerly and Rico saluted her as the chopper lifted.

Sofia swallowed, she suddenly felt nervous. Even her palms were sweaty.

“Come on Sofia,” she whispered. It was just Ryan after all, but the thoughts of a suicidal Ryan scared her. She had never seen him angry and if he didn’t respond to her as well, what then?

Her heart raced against time as she neared the door and once it was within reach, she swallowed one last time and knocked.
