Episode 29 Part 2

Down at the second floor, Rico had rushed back to the studio and now sat beside Jessi, both with crossed fingers.

Amanda stood sulking off to one side, Sofia’s presence still infuriated her a lot. She just couldn’t understand what the deal was between her and Ryan.

“Ryan? Are you there?” Sofia called out once more, he hadn’t responded. She sighed and walked away from the door, sticking her hands in the pouch of her apron. She suddenly stopped in her tracks, facing the door.

*But what if something had happened?* One hand went to her mouth. *What if he’d done something to himself?* She rushed to the door. This time she banged on the door successively, yelling his name. Her hand flew to the handle but she hesitated a split second, *Would Ryan really harm himself?*

Suddenly, the door swung open, startling her. Ryan immediately pulled her in, embracing her tightly.

“I thought I lost you." He whispered as she sobbed silently against him, her body rocking as she took breaths to steady herself.

“I’m sorry I got you worried.”

Immediately, she pushed herself away from him and wiped her tear streaked cheeks. She was outside, he was inside, and the doorway stood between them, like the boundary between their lives.

“I wasn’t worried,” She lied, “At least not about you. How could you act so recklessly? Don’t you know how important this is? Stop being selfish for once and think of those around you…”

“Sofia I…” He cut in but she stopped him.

“Your crew’s waiting downstairs. They need you. Dress up and go down,” She said with a note of finality, turned and walked away

However, Ryan crossed the “boundary” like it was nothing, rushed and took hold of her hand, stopping her in her tracks. “How do I make you see how sorry I am?” He spun her to face him, “I really am.”

Sofia tore her arm from his grasp. “I don’t matter to you. You showed me that much this morning. Honestly I don’t see why you want to keep on playing this game. Can’t you see how you’re hur…?” She turned away with a sigh. “Don’t worry. I’m leaving now,” she made to move but he held her once more.

“Is that what you think of me? Sofia this isn’t a joke to me. For the first time, I’ve met someone with whom life seems a lot more interesting than it already is. I don’t want to lose that spark you brought into my life. I-I love you."

Her breath caught in her throat.

“I messed up, I know and I’m sorry. I really am and it won’t happen again I promise. Just give me one more chance. This here is all new to me too. Yeah sure I’ve had my share of women in my life, he chuckled. “But I’ve never felt this way with anyone. So please, don’t give up yet," he pulled her to himself for an even tighter hug. “Please.”

As their bodies came together, Sofia felt something, like a weight had just being taken off her chest. She smiled, leaning against his chest.

And that in itself was an answer for him. He smiled, hugging her even tighter.


The sound of the doors to the penthouse suite opening was met with an immediate reaction and with Rico in the lead, the crew raced to see whom it was.

The couple stopped at the top of the stairs and the rest of the crew stood below.

Jessi smiled at Sofia, she could never doubt her efficacy with him. Everyone seemed to heave a sigh in relief. Finally, someone has gotten through to him. That is, except Amanda, if only looks could kill…

Suddenly, Rico marched right up to Ryan and slapped him.

“Ow! What the hell?!” He yelled.

“That’s my line Ryan. Don’t you dare pull one of these stunts again. I have never been more stressed than today. You probably shortened my lifespan with this!”

Ryan then shocked everyone by apologizing to the entire crew. Rico as well as Amanda were speechless, the former examining him to make sure he was ok. Jessi smiled at them from where she stood. There could only be one reason for his actions.

The rest of the shoot went smoothly. However, right before it started, Amanda walked up to Sofia.

“If you think this would scare me off, you’re wrong. Don’t think you’re so high and mighty just cause Episode 28 made some cash, she said, walking ahead.

“Oh and FYI, she spun on her heel, her head leaning off to one side, “The episode only made that much money cause it’s the one where he finally falls for her,” she resumed her stride and this time, she didn’t turn.


Now, Ryan and Rico were downstairs seeing off the crew while Jessi and Sofia remained in the studio. Jessi’s phone rang, she dug it out but was shocked when she saw the caller ID.

“Sofia, you’re calling my phone?”

“Of course no…” She started, immediately realizing her mistake. “Oh my God Jessi I’ve really done it now.” She breathed, hands in her hair.

“What’s up? What did you do?”

“More like what I didn’t do.” She replied, looking down at her apron.

“Oh my God, that’s true!”


“Now that that’s out of our systems…” Ryan sighed, walking in with Rico close behind. The elevator opened up and Sofia burst out, closely followed by Jessi.

However, Ryan stood in her way, effectively stopping her.

“Slow down, hot stuff. What’s the rush?”

“I’m sorry Ryan, I really have to go.”

“Go now?” Rico asked, immediately remembering her apron. “Oh, oh that’s true!" He gasped, "We forgot to take you back!”

“Exactly,” Sofia sighed exasperatedly. “Can I go now?” She asked, looking at Ryan.

“Just give me a minute dear, I’ve got an announcement to make, Rico pleaded and she sighed, relaxing her form but refusing Ryan’s offer to sit.

“Sofia has to leave so I’ll make this as short as I can. So after seeing the way that video was received, I was thinking. What do you guys think of like a reality TV show, a series focused on the both of you?”

It hung midair, none of them quite knowing how to react to this.

Ryan did recover first. He jumped to his feet, shaking his index finger at Rico, a smile spreading across his face. “Rico that’s so…”

“No!” Sofia looked horrified.

“… Stupid,” Ryan completed, forming a fist instead.

Rico leaned back and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at Ryan who immediately changed sides,

“Ok, I gotta say that sounds amazing.”

“I can’t agree with that. Reality TV shows are the worst of the bunch. I can’t. I just can’t see myself in one. I’m sorry and now I really have to go.”

“Crap, and I had it all planned out. Was gonna call it The Spark. None of that matters now anyway.”

Sofia paused, what did he just say? She turned, clashing gazes with Jessi.

“Jessi, can I have a word with you please? She smiled tightly, leading Jessi all the way to the pool doors one the other side.

“Jessi, what the hell is going on?” She walked to the door, sighing deeply.

“Its fate dear. Fate’s just putting the icing on the cake.”

Sofia scoffed, going to lean against a treadmill still wrapped in tarp. “Yeah right. This isn’t some love story Jessi. Do you think Rico found out why I’m with Ryan? I mean he’s half Spanish.” She glanced at her.

Jessi frowned, “Funny you should say that. So tell me something. Why are you with Ryan?”

“I don’t know…” She dragged, turning to face her friend. “The chemistry, I guess. The spark we felt.”

“Don’t you love him?”

Sofia sighed, “Well, I just… I’m not sure.”

“Sure of what? Have you seen you two? I mean… You’ve changed. He’s changed you and you’ve done the same to him.”

“I doubt Ryan’s changed but you’re saying I’ve changed too? How?”

“Let me see, oh yeah. You’re hanging out with Ryan Barnes now. He’s like the definition of everything you stood against like 2 months ago."

“Ryan left his home for yours because of Amanda and if I know any better, she must’ve flung herself at him. So basically, he left the hottest actress for you."

“Didn’t Abuela always tell you, ‘The people you love will change you.’”

Sofia sighed, “I don’t know Jessi, I…”

“I warned you about Ryan dear, but now I feel like I should warn him about you. I mean, sure he could be the biggest Casanova of all time but no one deserves to be with someone who isn’t sure about them.” Jessi said and left her there, to join the others.