
Sofia walked back to the sitting room, a few steps behind Jessi. She noticed her lowered shoulders as well as the slower stride and hoped it was just fatigue. She hugged her arms around herself, following Jessi sheepishly while wondering if she was in the wrong.

Rico scanned both faces as they came in and cleared his throat loudly, interrupting Ryan’s attempt at a joke.

“Uhmm, I think I left my bag in the studio,” Jessi said. Her lips hinted at a smile that should’ve existed. She avoided all eye contact and turned to leave.

“You can get it while you’re leaving. It’s not…” Rico practically jumped to his feet.

“I’m leaving already,” she interjected, cutting him short.

“You two are leaving together?” Ryan asked.

“No,” she immediately replied. It was cool but silently shocking.

They exchanged glances, but the girls avoided looking at each other and Jessi left for the elevator.

“Care to explain what just happened?” Rico asked, collapsing in his seat as the elevator doors shut.

Sofia exhaled deeply,

“It’s… personal,” she said.

Rico nodded, his arms hung across the headrest of the sofa and Ryan got up, walking to Sofia, he placed his hands on both her shoulders and smiled,

“Don’t you worry, I’m on your side. No matter what.”

Sofia looked up into those dark, beautiful eyes and wondered if his words would still be true if he knew.

“Yeah, right. Romeo, tsk”

The couple turned and James was walking out the same hallway the girls had come from. He paused to light his cigar and puffed, inhaling deeply.

“Nothing beats that fresh LA air.”

Ryan groaned,

“Aren’t you supposed to be lost somewhere in the Caribbean?”

Sofia poked him,

“Isn’t he supposed to be your agent?”

“A painful fact my love,” he smiled and for the umpteenth time, she brushed his arm away. Ryan chuckled, “Ain’t that right Rico?”

No response.

“Where’s Rico?” Sofia asked and Ryan turned, Rico wasn’t seated there.

“What the…?”

“Anyway, I’m back now. My assistant informed me of some big deals we need to look through Romeo, you know where to find me,” James did a mock bow and turned to leave.

“Excuse me, sir,” Sofia called, “You’re, Mr.…?”

“James Danson. At your service,” he smiled. “But call me James, and ditch the formalities,” he added, stretching his arm for a handshake.

One which Ryan interrupted, slapping his hand away,

“Party’s over d***t***. Get going. Hope you scrubbed yourself off my Islands.”

James smirked and left them then.



“What’s up?”

Jessi shuddered, almost jumping off the seat. “God, Rico, you f****** scared the s*** outta me.”

He chuckled, coming to sit by her.

“Is it just me or did y’all look like you needed to see a dentist and no, it’s not to get your teeth whitened.”

She chuckled,

“It’s nothing.”

“If nothing got you two looking like that, then we should all be scared for when something happens.”

Jessi smiled, the lazy type where the mouth just seems to slowly stretch, then forget what it was doing so it looked like the smile didn’t happen at all. She sighed deeply,

“It’s just…”

“This got anything to do with Ryan?”

Jessi returned the gaze, nodding slowly.


Downstairs, Ryan and Sofia had gone outside and she pointed out Rico’s car, guessing that he must’ve gone to meet Jessi. Ryan shrugged as a valet brought his custom Buggati Veyron Mansory Vivere.

“Thanks for everything.”

Ryan scoffed,

“It’s nothing. Besides I’d lose my feet without you. I can’t thank you enough and I don’t even want to. I still want you close… close to me.” He faced her, looking into her eyes.

“T-the car’s h-here,” she stuttered, almost running to the passenger door.


On the ride back, Sofia had his Air Pods on, her head leaned against the window and she kept her eyes on the world outside.

Ryan drove on, feeling like something was trying to pull his heart into his gut. He cleared his throat multiple times without any reaction so he guessed she couldn’t hear him.

However, his phone lay in her lap, and on the lock screen, apple music was on display, the play button still untouched...


“Thanks,” Sofia muttered. She dropped his things and bolted out of the car. Ryan’s hand was on the door but he hesitated, watching her dart across the lot and into the building. Ryan sighed deeply, reclined against his seat, and rubbed his eyes.

Sofia rushed in, her boss was waiting tables. He looked up as she came in and sighed, returning to the customer. Her gaze crossed with Fred’s and he shook his head, exhaling deeply.

She scurried over,

“How bad is it?”

Fred shook his head,

“Ain’t seen Old Paco like this before.”

Sofia sighed, and someone cleared their throat behind them. Sofia froze and Paco said,

“Sofia table seven needs a someone over”

“I’m on it sir,” she replied, scuttling past his bulky frame.

Sofia attended to that table and waited 30 more, breaking the café’s record of 29, set by Paco’s late wife.

By closing time, the fatigue began to come into play, drowning the drive to make up for the lost time. Sofia collapsed at the nearest table, breathing deeply as she stretched against the chair.

Just then, Paco walked in and their gazes clashed. Sofia averted her eyes, still, he came and sat with her. The moment was upon her. The moment she’d tried so hard to avoid. She sat up, clasping her hands on the table.

“Care to explain yourself, young lady?”

“I’m so so sorry,” she gushed, switching her gaze between his face and her clasped hands to minimize eye contact.

“What happened? Family emergency?”

“No, no, nothing like that. The thing is,” she sighed, “Ryan…”

He held up an arm and the rest of her words came out in a drawn-out sigh.

“Look Sofia, you are a valuable employee. A very valuable one at that. You’ve always been there for the café. You put us on the map with that stunt you pulled and now you’ve even broken Lydia’s record. Besides between us, because of the attention you garnered, I’m… how do you put it? Branding or franchising? I don’t recall all those terms but a friend of mine advised me to carve a brand name for the café. Just like MacDonald but Paco’s Tacos. Has a nice ring to it eh?”

He smiled and she did too, it was better than TacoFun or TacoPlace, though it was obvious he still sucked at naming.

“All I’m saying is that you’re the best pair of hands I’ve got. But I might have to let you go.” He paused, probably to let it sink in, and continued, “With that stunt you pulled, you got pulled into that world and now it’s clashing with all you’ve ever been. I’m not saying it’s bad, at least for you, I mean,” he sighed, “Change is part of life and there’s nothing either of us can do about that. But you can’t have your cake and eat it. You have to make a choice.”

Sofia watched him, something stirring in her chest, it felt like a ship had used her heart for its anchor. It was tightening as if to become iron and sinking to hold the ship in place. As if to confirm she was underwater, her exhale wasn’t coming. She stared blankly, even the words wouldn’t come.

“I’m not trying to put you on the spot here, it’s just…” He sighed, “Come with me.” He got up.

Sofia sat there, unable to move until Paco placed an arm on her shoulder and released her from her inner hell. She followed him out the door to the parking lot on the right side.

Paco pointed,

“He reparked and he’s been there since.”

She stood there, she could barely see his silhouette in the car.

“It’s up to you to make your choice. We love you and no matter your decision, you’re still welcome here. But I don’t believe anyone can love you the way he does.”

Tears were streaking down Sofia’s face now and she took a few steps forward, but turned and ran into Paco’s arms, sobbing.

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed, her throat requiring a herculean effort to push anything through.

“Don’t be,” he embraced her dearly. Then he smiled and let go.

Sofia left then, running to where the Buggati sat, almost alone in the parking lot, and banged on the driver’s window.


Ryan almost jumped out of his skin when she came knocking.

“Wasn’t sleeping! Wasn’t sleeping!” He yelled at no one in particular before his gaze caught her at his window. He made to open the door and she backed away, wiping her face

“What’s wrong?” He asked, rushing out before the door was done rising.

She shook her head and sniffed,

“Why didn’t you leave?”

“That’s not important now, are you hurt?”

“No, now please just answer the question."

Ryan sighed,

“Because I can’t bear the thought of walking away from you. Not now, not in a million years.”

Then Sofia took the initiative, throwing her arms around his neck and crushing their lips together in a beautiful wave of emotion and desire that sent currents through every fiber of her being. Ryan’s arm immediately slipped around her waist, giving her the support her knees could no longer give. Sofia soon felt weightless and leaned into him more till their lips finally slipped apart slowly and unwillingly, leaving them forehead to forehead, gasping for air.

“What just happened?” Ryan breathed and she shushed him.

“Let’s just go,” she whispered.

“Where?” He asked, using his forehead to push hers up.

“Anywhere, anywhere with you.”

Ryan smiled and led her to the passenger door, planting a kiss on her lips as she settled in. Then he closed the door and walked around the back to the other side, punching the air on the way. He smiled, got in and pulled out of the lot

Just then, Fred rushed out with Sofia’s stuff.

“She already left?”

“We’re gonna need a new waitress,” Paco replied, slapping Fred on the shoulder as he walked past.