Ryan pulled up across the road from the apartment and turned off the engine, leaving the key in the ignition.

"You haven't said a word since we left the cafe. What's up?"

"I quit," she breathed.

"You quit the cafe? So that means you're shooting the show?"

"No," she stressed, sitting up to face him. "It means that I'm ready to give this, to give us, a chance"

Ryan exhaled, his habit coming into play.

"What? I was being too cheesy right?" She asked, flushing scarlet. "Say something," she urged, avoiding his gaze.

His right hand caressed her chin, turning her to face him.

"You weren't being cheesy, I just wanted to capture this moment. I've longed to hear you say those words right from the red carpet," Ryan said, fixing his gaze first on her eyes, slowly, his gaze swept down to those luscious lips, and "coincidentally", she had to moisten them, running her tongue over those pink lips as the sexual tension built up between them.

The ensuing silence soon gave way for a weak but sufficient gravitational force that slowly pulled the lovers together till space and time became non-existent and their lips met, softly, tentatively at first - like they were testing out the waters, then he angled his head, his right hand reached to hold the back of her head and he deepened the kiss. His free arm pushed something that swept both seats backward and he helped her onto his thighs. Their lips were separated briefly, she hurriedly undid the knots on her apron and Ryan dispatched her top, folding and sweeping it over her head in one movement. Both pooled at Ryan's feet and only her kinky bralette remained.

Ryan pressed a palm against the material and her breath caught in her mouth. She pushed hard against his palm, his lips were trailing an igniting path along her neck and she felt him smile against her skin.

Sofia hugged him closer, sighing against his hair,

"Oh, God..." She bit her lower lip, pressing even closer.

Ryan moved his arms, sliding them down her sides and up her back, he undid the clasps on the back of her bralette and her breath caught in her throat. This time however, he felt her go stiff in his arms.

"What's up?" He breathed, showering her with kisses.

"Are you sure about this?"

Ryan paused, the mood was completely destroyed.

"I'm sorry," she offered, clambering to her seat. "I don't know, it's just... I'm not yet ready. I don't know if you under..."

"No, no, it's cool. I understand. No rush my love," he smiled, wiping the edge of his lips.

"Thanks," she pecked him and reached across for her clothes. Her forearm felt him and she heard his sharp intake of air and blushed ever so lightly.

"Still on it, Ryan?" She muttered, slipping her top on.

"No, no, of course not. It's just, the way you were, with your head so close to my crotch I..."

"I'm leaving Ryan," she blushed hard, her hand on the door.

"Let me..."

"No. You're gonna sit there, with those fantasies of yours ok? While I get as far away as I can from you," she'd managed to avoid eye contact. "Goodnight sir." The smile was tight, the glance short and she immediately made her getaway.

Ryan watched her retreating figure till she disappeared behind the doors then let his head drop onto the wheel with a retired sigh.


Sofia made her way to the top floor. There were things she had to take care of first. However, she still hesitated on knocking when she got there, not sure if she should.

"Who's there?" The reply came soon after she finally brought herself to knock.

"It's Sofia."

The locks slid aside and the door opened.

"What's up?" Jessi asked coolly.

"I quit," Sofia said, raising her apron for her to see and this was enough to break through all her defenses.

"Aww, come here baby." She opened her arms and Sofia opened the floodgates. "It's alright, love, let it all out," Jessi said, rubbing her back as she sobbed. "Come on in, and try to calm down ok?"

Sofia nodded, sniffing. They separated and she wiped her cheeks.

"I'll be right behind you, let me just lock up, ok?"

Sofia nodded and walked past her bestie, slipping off her shoes.

"Fred didn't say anything, he brought your stuff over." Jessi pointed out as she walked to a sofa.

"Fred was here?"

"Well, kinda. Alicia was the one that brought me these, said she got them from Fred."

"He's such a sweetheart, I'll truly miss him."

"What happened?" Jessi asked, "Why did you quit?"

Sofia sighed,

"Paco and I talked. He said I had to choose between the cafe and Ryan"

"What the hell?" Jessi cut in but Sofia stopped her.

"No, no, it's ok. It's not the way you think. He was right, no matter how you look at it, I can't take both of them on, one would surely suffer. Besides, it was obvious he felt I should go with Ryan even though he wanted me to stay."

"So what do you plan to do now?"

"I don't know, I wasn't prepared for this. That's for sure."

"Why don't you come work for Rico?"

"Reality TV? No way." She looked horrified.

"Ok then, well what skills do you have? Where do you think you'd fit in?"

"Well, I didn't go to college, so I don't think I have many skills, besides waiting tables..." Sofia trailed off, staring at her nails.

Jessi had one arm draped along the top of her sofa and her legs were partially tucked beneath her. She watched her bestie with a mixture of feelings and wondered what would be right to say.

Just then, her face lit up with her trademark smile. Sofia frowned.

"Jessi?" She could tell her bestie was up to something.

"At least it's good, you're with Ryan now. I mean, you did choose to go with him right?"

"Yeah?" Sofia agreed, still wondering where she was going with this.

"Yeah, so you're out of a job and Ryan has investments in probably every single sector. It's like he's sworn never to be poor. No matter what," she chuckled.

"So you're saying he's not just an actor?"

Jessi scoffed, "Have you seen this guy's net worth? I mean, sure, Ryan is the A-lister. But not even Ryan Barnes can make all that from acting alone."

"For real?" She leaned back, looking at her sideways. "So where's he getting his money from? Why does he still try so much?"

"If you listened to us close enough, you'd know he has a record label, he used to sing I think... He has a fashion line and a football club. He's into stocks, real estate, steel, Tanya would give you a much better run down."

"So he's a multimillion..."

"No, uh," Jessi cut in, "Billionaire. Besides, let's not go into what he's received as gifts. And I'm speaking of things like an impressive island in Dubai," Jessi sighed, "You fell in love with a blessed man, that's for sure." She smiled at her friend.

Sofia blushed, averting her eyes.

"Jessi, stop."

"What?" She chuckled.

"You're making me feel like some gold digger."

"Come on dear, I'm just pulling your legs," she chuckled. "But you're not, right?"

Sofia frowned and she burst into laughter, apologizing. "Ok, ok, I'll stop. Just talk to him, ok. I know Ryan and I'm sure he'd be glad to help. As for why he still tries so much, only Ryan can answer that, I feel he's really into acting," she added, looking thoughtful.

"I just don't want it to seem like I'm handing him all my baggage."

"Pfft," Jessi scoffed. "Who cares? Besides, you picked him. You're his responsibility now."

"Forget it. I'll just..."

"Chill babe!” Jessi chided playfully amidst laughter. "I'll stop, I'll stop now ok?" She said, wiping her eyes. "But really, you have to call him. Talk to him or I will " She nodded, smiling at her sour expression, exactly what she wanted.

Sofia sighed exasperatedly, "Fine, I will " She waved her hands in the air, admitting defeat.

"So fill me in on the main gist," Jessi nodded at her. Sofia blushed and Jessi chuckled. "You thought I skipped that? Naw babe saved the best for last." She smiled.

"Well, we're taking things slow for now..." She trailed off.

"Baby steps? Aww, that's so cute. I'm so happy for the both of you and I'm sure Ryan is even happier he's finally making headway."

Sofia scoffed, "Happier? He's elated. So much so that it kinda scares me. I mean, at times, I feel like he loves me to an extent I'm not sure I can replicate and he doesn't deserve that either."

Jessi smiled, she looked motherly with that smile on her face.

"That's one of the most beautiful things you've said to me babe and I get, I get that and it's perfectly normal for you to feel that way. I mean, at times, I wonder if it's all an act. The way he is around you. But then, I look at you two and I'm like, naw, naw, this all just can't be an act. Call it blind faith or whatever but this has to be the most real connection I've ever seen and sis, you are not expected to replicate his love for you. It's a journey, not a competition. You'll surely get there someday. Besides if Ryan loved you because he expected you to love him the same way, you two won't have made it this far. It's like you said... Baby steps right?"

Sofia smiled at her friend and sniffed,

"Where would I be without you?" She embraced her, "I love you," Sofia sighed and Jessi chuckled,

"Like you have a choice. Now, fill me in on the main gist. I'm sure you know what I mean." She smiled, as they separated.

Sofia smiled, Jessi really loved her scoop.