New Roles

"Heard you were back in town."

"And you are?" James asked, there was no caller ID. He balanced the files he held in one arm and walked towards his car in the lot.

"Behind you."

James turned. David Richards stood a few meters away. A hedge of beautiful plants separated them from each other and a gardener worked them with his shears. People milled about going in or coming out of the bank, some were walking by, the traffic was bustling and a few relaxed on benches around.

Dave waved him over but James hesitated. He'd just left a bank and shaking hands with Dave Richards of all people would leave him open to a paparazzi/tabloid feast. One that could potentially lead to unnecessary questions and he knew it, especially after the issue with the video. He could already imagine the headlines.

However, Dave walked up to him and stretched out an arm for a shake. James exhaled, glancing both ways before taking the outstretched arm. Dave was pressing a crumpled piece of paper into his palm. He looked at their hands then at Dave.

"Don't be late." Dave said, smirked, and left.

James sighed and walked to his Bentley. He unlocked the car a few steps away and opened the passenger door, dropping the files on the seat. The paper read,

"Sunset Lounge, 19:30"

James sighed, tore it up, and went round to the other side. Then he got in and pulled out of the lot.


"For the umpteenth time Ryan, I'm not coming to star on a reality TV show with you or anyone else."

He sighed, glancing at her while one arm maneuvered the wheel. They'd spoken about her job issue and he'd seized the opportunity to remind her of acting but she refused vehemently.

Ryan had picked her up from the house, amidst cheers from the girls. Now they were somewhere downtown. The car slid to a stop at the front of a line at a red light and Ryan relaxed, facing her,

"I guess we could fit you in somewhere. But that depends on you. We'd need your major, Your minor, any preferences you have. Just anything you feel I have to know."

Sofia avoided eye contact, focusing instead on twirling her nails.

"You're not saying anything," Ryan noted.

She looked up, "Look, the lines moving."

He faced, the wheel, and the burst of acceleration jerked them backward. Ryan turned onto the first avenue on his right, following the speed lane.

Now she wasn't under his gaze, she spoke up.

"Can we just go through the options, Ryan?" She breathed. She couldn't bring herself to tell him she didn't go to college. At least not yet.

Ryan shrugged, glancing at her.

"Of course. But there's a lot of ground to cover and I just want to start at the best option available to you."

"Start anywhere, we might be surprised after all."

"Ok then," he said, glancing both ways before sliding the car to a stop in front of an imposing glass-steel building.

"This is all yours?"

"No, just the top floor and the penthouse suite, which is private by the way. We could check it out lat..."

"I am not checking out a penthouse suite, alone with you Ryan."

Ryan chuckled, a valet walked over and he got out, handing him the key. He was immediately surrounded by reporters asking about the latest collection released by the company. He looked lost, what collection were they asking about?

Sofia hesitated to leave the car, still, she was spotted by the reporters who immediately started taking pictures, pressing their faces close to the window.

Ryan intervened and got her out, leading her, hand in hand, through the horde. Just as they entered, she glanced back and saw someone afar off, probably a reporter. His camera blocked out almost the entirety of his face. He immediately dropped down, confusing her...

Ryan waved to the building's security as they walked to the elevator and Sofia released her arm from his once they got to the elevator doors.

Three people came out, gushing over Ryan but he waved them all off, guiding Sofia in. He tapped the buttons and they were on their way.

"Why were those reporters there?"

"I don't know but I've been feeling like I'm forgetting something, could be that today is exhibition day. But that doesn't matter now... You do know we're alone..." He winked.

"You do know there's a camera in here?" She countered and he scoffed,

"If I couldn't kiss in front of a camera, you probably wouldn't know the name 'Ryan Barnes'"

She slapped her forehead,

"Please just stop."

On the 5th floor, they were joined by 2 ladies who could barely keep it in upon seeing Ryan. They insisted on taking selfies, even attempting to relegate Sofia but Ryan refused, pulling his silent partner back into the picture, even holding her closer to silence them.

They got off after 2 floors and were replaced by 3 people - an elderly couple and a middle-aged man. This group continued till the 28th floor, then Ryan and Sofia went up the next two floors to his company's office.

Ryan closed Sofia's eyes with his hands so it'd be a surprise and when the doors slid open, it was.


Sofia took off his hands and there she was, standing next to a blonde dude, a petite lady, a news reporter, and her cameraman.

The reporter gave her colleague a sign and he panned the camera to face them them.

"Ryan Barnes just showed up," she said into her mic, backing her way towards the couple, so they could all be caught live. ", and he's not alone, alongside is internet sensation, Sofia Delacruz."

Sofia swallowed hard, if looks could kill, Amanda would've already made quick work of her.

"We were told not to expect your presence at today's exhibition, Mr. Barnes," the reporter continued, oblivious to the obvious.

"I guess it's your lucky day," he smiled.

"So you're here for the exhibition?"

Ryan looked to the blonde dude for clues but nothing was forthcoming.

"Yes," Sofia said, shocking all present - save the reporters. "Hope it didn't start without us." She added, hooking Ryan's arm and leading him into the nearest hallway.

"Sofia," he whispered.

She shushed him.


She shushed him again.

"Sofia," he called once more, this time a bit more forceful. He'd followed her past a corner and into a short, dark passageway.

"Ok, what now?" She asked, letting go of his arm. "Don't you get what I'm trying to do?"

"Damn, I knew I was forgetting something and yeah, I get what you were trying to do but we're going the wrong way!" He reached for her but she'd already stepped out into the light.

Time stopped. There she was on the runway in her Palm Beach-inscribed white top over very dark denim pants and heeled boots - all low price, even down to the petite bag hanging off her shoulder and pretty little earrings. Everyone was shocked.

Then Ryan stepped out, applauding and life came back to the place. He took her arm and raised it, cameras flashed and the audience clapped. Then the DJ passed him a mic and he started the show, welcoming everyone.

Amanda, the blonde guy, the petite lady, and the reporters arrived through the back - where the couple should have followed, Amanda scowled to her seat at Sofia's feet.

Ryan soon led Sofia down to a seat behind them and he chuckled at the look on her face,

"I kept warning you." Then he pointed out the group to her, "That's my designer, Dani Lopez, his assistant, Cherry, and of course, the ever beautiful Amanda."

Neither of the previously mentioned duo dared turn, to avoid Amanda's wrath and the tension grew palpable, luckily though, they were soon engrossed.

Midway through, Sofia leaned into Ryan, "I can't work here though... It's all too much," she whispered.

Ryan chuckled. Just then, his phone rang and he reached within his suit pocket to pull it out.

Sofia glanced at the caller ID, it read, "Bastard"

"It's James," Ryan hissed, declining.

She shook her head and the call came again, he declined it but it came again and this time he answered.

"Why the hell are you at the exhibition?"

Ryan chuckled, word traveled fast.

"I don't know, maybe cause I own the company dimwit."

"I told you we had deals to look over. I called yesterday and we agreed on this morning and now I've had to go through a whole hell of paperwork, Guess whom Brooke Enterprises flew in from New York and you're at a fashion exhibition? I don't care if you own the company or even the entire state. Get your ass to my office ASAP,"

Ryan sat up in his seat,

"No way, is she the one?"

The line went dead and Ryan groaned,

"Damn. Knew I was forgetting something," he sighed, "See Amanda? I told you I was a busy man."




"Um, I saw the sign out front," Alicia said, pointing behind her.

"Oh that, well, Soph quit," Fred said, dumping the trash in the garbage can.

"I heard," she replied, her palms resting on the back of her waist. "I'm surprised you didn't say anything when we met."

"Wasn't my place to, I knew she'd still tell you all though," he replied, slipping off the latex gloves.

She nodded,

"Yeah, I get that."

An awkward silence descended on them as she glanced about the alley.

"So you were saying?" Fred asked, bringing her back to the present.


"You were saying something about the sign...?"

"Oh yeah, so I want to apply."

"Oh cool, um let's go in."

She smiled and walked up the steps to the kitchen door with Fred following behind.

Something ahead must've distracted him because he didn't notice her hesitate and bumped straight into her.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"It's fine." He managed a smile, rearranging his face cap. He opened the door and led her into the delicious aroma-filled kitchen where he washed his hands then through to the counter where he picked a pad and its pen. "Hey Sandra, she's applying for the waitress position." He handed them to Alicia. "Good luck," he smiled and disappeared into the kitchen.

She watched after him, then turned and went back to join Tanya where she sat, her usual order - a mixture of tacos, nachos, fries, and sauce with a cup of Chapman.

Alicia slid into the seat, took off her blue-black checkered long sleeve shirt, and hung it on the back of her seat. Her grey tank top remained, over grey fitted pants and heeled boots.

"What was that about?" Tanya asked, nodding toward the kitchen and taking a sip of her drink.

"Nothing really, I applied for the waitress position."

"Oh, and you couldn't have come through this door? Come on you know what I'm talking about."

"What?" Alicia asked, chuckling. She glanced back at the kitchen, her gaze crossing with Fred's. She smiled and Tanya scoffed.

"Y'all be looking like some low-budget Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. Emphasis on low budget."

Alicia shook her head, "Allow me to focus ok?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Tanya shook her head, *kids these days*.


Ryan slid the car to a stop in front of a block building. It looked like it had up to 20 floors. He handed the keys to a valet and rushed in, Sofia was close behind.

"Who were you asking James about?" She asked sharply, a frown on her face as they entered the elevator. Ryan glanced at her and she tried to look as unconcerned as possible.

"She's the daughter of the owner of Brooke Enterprises," he leaned in and said, emphasizing the name.

When he didn't add anything, she sighed,

"Am I supposed to know who that is?"

"Oh sorry, sorry she's a really powerful businesswoman and she wants to sign an endorsement deal with me on behalf of her company."

"Oh, but why you? What are they into?"

Ryan looked at her.

"Uh, because they want the best, obviously. They're mostly into real estate but they also have major dealings elsewhere, we're partners even."

The doors clicked open and Ryan led her, under the gazes of everyone, to the receptionist who directed them to the conference room.

In there, James sat at the head of a long oak table and a blonde lady stood off to one side, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Ryan cleared his throat as they came in, catching both their attention.

James sighed in obvious relief and she walked to the table, extending an arm for Ryan and then Sofia,

"Licia Brooke," she smiled. "Remember the name."


19:30, Sunset Lounge.

James walked in, his identity partially hidden by the hat and overcoat. He spotted Mr. Richards at the last booth and slipped in, taking off the hat and smoothing out his hair.

David smiled, dropping his glass of beer.

"There's a saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"What do you want?"

He held up an envelope and slid it across the table. James sighed, glancing, first at him, then at the package.

"What's that?"

"Open up, it's not a bomb."

James sighed, glancing about himself. He picked up the envelope and opened it up, sliding an arm in with his eyes on David. He brought out pictures. A whole lot of them. Mostly of Ryan and Sofia but also a few of Rico. The shots of Rico were taken mostly around the studio, at the mall, at swimming pools, or on the beach.

David scoffed,

"He's gay and yet he's always with that woman."

James shrugged, truly Jessi was in almost every shot of his. As for Ryan and Sofia, it seemed like their shots had been taken ever since the interview at the cafe. There was even a shot of them entering the building that housed Ryan's fashion company.

James looked through and passed the package back to David.

"So you called me out here to look through your paparazzi album?"

"No, I called you out here because we both share a problem, and I propose we find a solution to this together while taking care of a few bumps along the way."

James chuckled.

"What makes you think I'd agree to this?"

"It's no secret the nature of the relationship between you two. I bet it's mutual understanding keeping you both together. Beer?"

"No thank you."James smiled tightly. "Let's say I have the slightest interest in this... plan. How will it work when I can't even trust you."

"Trust is not necessary. I'm not asking for friendship. Are you in?"

James stood up, smoothening his coat. He grabbed his hat and got up, one hand remained on the table.

"Good day Dave." He nodded and left.

David smiled and grabbed the piece of paper he'd left behind. On it was written - in print, "I'll call."

Then he reclined against his seat and sipped from his beer.