SuperStar 2

After setting up her phone, Sofia sent a broadcast text to Ryan, Rico, Jessi, Fred, Tanya, Alicia, and the rest of her girlfriends.

Surprisingly, Fred was the first to get back to her.

"Hey Soph, congrats, heard the news. Someone left something for you though,"

"For me? Who? What did they leave?"

"An envelope. He left his card and said he was from a fashion company. Venus," Fred shrugged, mouthing "it's Sofia," at Alicia, who immediately scurried over.

"Fashion company? Venus? I have no idea who..."

"Ryan owns Venus," Rico cut in.

Sofia glanced at him, "Ryan?"

Rico nodded, "Yeah, the fashion company you two were at that day."

"Oh," Sofia chuckled.


"Oh sorry Fred, I just heard from someone that Ryan owns Venus. Is he there? Was he the one that gave you the envelope Fred?"

"No, Ryan wasn't here. it was some guy, Peter Andrews, said he's the CEO at Venus," Alicia chirped in. "Heard the news though, I'm so happy for you," she added.

Sofia smiled,

"I'm on my way," she said.


Knowing fully well the way the business worked, Rico had Alicia bring the envelope to the car, along with an order for three. That way it wasn't very suspicious.

Sofia opened the envelope and within was a letter with a cheque for five million dollars attached and the card.

Fortunately, Rico was around to stop her from concluding it was a gift from Ryan. He read the letter for her and explained it was a necessary compensation that they were law bound to grant her. It was only then that she accepted it, sighing resignedly.

*D*mn,* Rico shook his head. Never had he seen someone like her before.



"Amanda, it's been a while, seen the news yet?"

"Arrgh," she groaned, "That side chick still doesn't know her place."

"My thoughts exactly. Well about that, let's talk over a cup of coffee, Sunset Lounge, 19:30."

"Um, I was planning to have a meeting with Rico, but I'll see what I can do, see it's almost 19:30," she replied, checking her Richard.

"I'll be expecting you. There's someone you have to meet."

"Ok, later then," she hung up.

"You should've told her on the phone call," Dave said to James, stopping mid stride. He'd gotten to his feet during the call and paced impatiently.

However, James reclined against his seat and shook his head. "Two things you have to keep in mind; One, every word weighs a bit more when it's said to the face," he exhaled deeply.

"And two?" David asked.

"Phone calls can be overheard or recorded," James said and got to his feet, smoothening his suit.

"Pretty cautious eh?"

"You can never be too safe my man," he said, tapping Dave at his forearm. "See you at the lounge," he nodded and turned to leave.

"Ask my secretary to come in on your way out."

After James left, Sylvia came in. Dave was grabbing his coat from the rack in one corner.

"Arrange my things, oh and," he stopped on his way out, "Move any appointments I have to tomorrow," then he too was gone.


"Babe, we have a lot to talk about," Jessi chuckled.

"I know, I know," Sofia smiled. "Rico's pulling up to the studios."

"No, no, don't!"


"Boss," Harry called out, "You need to see this."

There was a crowd out there. Like a massive number of human bodies, reverberating with noise and excitement.

"," Rico gushed, tapping Sofia, she looked and gasped, the phone slid out of her hand, falling to the floor.

Just then, someone pointed at Rico's SUV, and they started coming.

"Go! Go! Go!" Sofia yelled, her nails gripping Harry's shoulder. He was shocked and motionless but immediately handled the reverse so well, "Dominic Torreto" would've been proud.

The trio sped away from the wave of human bodies flying at them in "Fast and Furious" style and could only settle once they were back on the road. Harry drove to a gas station downtown and for the first time, the car slid to a stop.

"I'm so sorry Harry," Sofia breathed, her face in her hands.

He nodded in response, exhaling deeply. He didn't seem to mind though, the last few minutes had been exhilarating.

Rico, on the other hand, was dumbfounded. Like who ran from publicity? Good or bad, publicity was publicity. This was a whole new level of crazy. He slapped his forehead,

"Y'all are gon' be the death of me," he sighed.

"I'm sorry," Sofia muttered.

"Are you crying?" Rico asked, reaching for her.

She wiped her cheeks, raising her head for the first time.

"I'm not sure I can handle this," she shook her head.

*Damn,* Rico swore, how he survived the heart attack, only God could tell. *She couldn't be serious...right?*


"It's just... I fret easily and I'm not a crowd person except at work..."

"Thought you quit."

"Hmm?" She looked at him.

"Thought you quit."

She slapped her forehead,

"Pardon me, it slipped my mind," she exhaled deeply. "This is gonna take a while getting used to," she groaned. "I didn't think this through. What do I do when the crowd swarms around me? Or when I'm at interviews or on tv or something"


"I'm sorry..." She trailed off.

Rico slapped both hands on his face and slid them down along his face. He must've said "d*mn" more times today than his entire life. She was even harder to handle than Ryan. How was he to take her mind off the direction it was heading toward, without stating it?


She tried to cut in but he held up both hands, his face pleading. She gave in and he exhaled ruefully.

"Sofia dear, don't be scared," Rico said. *Says the one who's freaking out,* he muttered within him. "In your case, it's perfectly normal to feel this way," he spoke slowly, choosing each word carefully.

"It is?"

"Yeah, I mean, you're not familiar with any of these things so your reaction is perfectly understandable. I'm sure you realize by now that a lot of things in your life are gonna change," he paused, letting it sink in. His words were gaining confidence. "I assure you, it's not yet over. So what we're gonna do is to get you an agent. Someone who'd not only help you sign deals but also groom you, mold you to become the star we want you to be, but it has to be someone you know, I don't want you to lose that original next-door girl vibe. I think it's your mojo," he nodded and for the first time, she smiled.

*Phew, Rico, once more you pull through.* He sighed then said,

"So, I was thinking Jessi, What about you?"

Just then someone called Sofia and she smiled,

"No, I think that's too much to ask of her, with her job and all, besides, I've got someone else in mind," she held up her phone.

"Oh," Rico nodded. "Heard about that one before, really fiery, you sure about this?"

"Yeah," she smiled, answering the call.

"Baby gurrrrrlllll!!! I saw the news damn. You sure took it personal when I said I wanted all my babes to go higher, seen your Gram yet?"

"No, but come over to the studio, we need to discuss something important."

"Oouuu, sure thing babe."

Sofia hung up and Rico smiled,

"All in a day's job," he muttered, disguised as a sigh. However, within, he was going crazy.

"Harry, take us to the studio if you would."

"Sure thing boss," Harry sniffed, starting the engine.


Amanda got down from her chauffeured G-Wagon and walked into the lounge. She was immediately surrounded by autograph and picture requests.

"D*mn, shoulda told her to disguise," James muttered.

"What do we do?"

"Don't worry too much, it's dark here, you won't be seen. You have to wait a while after we are gone, to slip out. You can't be seen with us, you know that. I'll have her draw attention on our way out," James said, taking a sip of his beer. He waved Amanda over and she came and sat with them.

"Aren't you David Richards?"

"Amanda, did you see the news," James cut in.

She hissed,

"Don't even remind me."

"Hit hard right? Well," he coughed a bit, "How are you?"

She chuckled drily,

"How do you expect me to be James?"

"Hey, hey, calm down ma'am, silly me for caring about my friend's wellbeing."

She sighed,

"That roadside chick really doesn't know when to stop-"

"What if you got the chance for a payback?" Dave cut in, the words flying out so fast, that Amanda could barely even hear.

James nudged him with his knee. He shook his head, the man was very impatient.


"It's nothing Amanda, your relationship with Ryan though. How's it faring?'

"Not gonna lie, it's taken a huge hit since she came around, but the worst part of this is that, though I've warded off advances from other celebrities and even royalty, there's just something that scares me with this chick, and I just can't place my finger on it."

"Maybe it's that this time it's for real?" James offered, gazing at her intently

She scoffed,

"Ryan? Yeah, right."

"Or maybe, you just can't understand what he sees in her, you don't know why he's attracted to her so you don't know how to counter."

"Exactly," she replied, waving a waiter over and ordering mineral water. "Exactly," she said again, pointing at James. "I mean, look at me, she doesn't compare in any way," she sighed, "I just don't get it. Well, enough about me, what's up with you? Why the two of you looking like the dynamic duo?"

James sighed and reclined against his seat,

"It's all a bit tiring, the shit we've taken from these stars, Dave from Rico, and Ryan, I from Ryan and you, Sofia, and in his own way, Ryan" he paused, letting it sink in while monitoring her expressions.

"Ryan hasn't really done anything to me."

"Oh for Pete's sakes Amanda, don't defend him. It's not exactly a secret, what he's done to you."

"So that's why you called me here right? To what, have revenge?"

"Yeah." "No." Both men said simultaneously.

Amanda scoffed,

"Is this some kind of joke James?"

James sighed, he was losing her. D*mn that Richards sonofabitch.

"No, I just felt we were really relatable with one another and could just..." He trailed off, he was running thin.

"Just what huh?" She asked, "Relate? Oh come on James, think twice before you call me out for something like this," she got up. "I think this should handle the bill," she dropped a wad of cash on the table and left.

"She's not quite there yet," James said. "Soon," he added, sipping from his beer.

"You think the relationship between those two would push her over the edge?"

"It should, but that relationship isn't gonna last much longer," James replied, exhaling ruefully.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Just a hunch brother, just a hunch."