SuperStar 3

This time when Rico's SUV pulled up at the studio, Sofia managed to restrain herself from freaking out. This time too, security was in place, under Rico's orders so the crowd couldn't get too close. Still, they were deafening, yelling her name and all that. Rico got down, came around the side, and opened the door for her. There was a whoop to welcome her while Sofia flushed scarlet. The tips of her ears had a reddish tinge to the, as did her cheeks and the rest of her face. She felt giddy within. Her feet touched the ground gingerly and she waved, driving them crazy. Autograph requests lined up and Rico let her sign just three, before stealing her away.

Sofia received a huge welcome at the studio. Ryan and Jessi were there and Jessi rushed into her embrace.

"Finally," she said as they separated. She was tearing up. "Abuela would be so happy right now, at least she's smiling down on us."


Jessi nodded, dabbing at her eyes,

"Before she died last year, she wanted me to take you to the studio with me, however, our schedules wouldn't let us, and when Black Dawn's premiere came around, I just knew I had to keep my promise and now look at you," Jessi leaned back like she needed to get a better view of her. "You've come so far, babe."

"I don't understand, my Abuela asked you to take me along with you?"

"Yeah, hard to believe huh?" She chuckled. "She said something about it being part of who you are and how growing up with her had impacted you in ways she hoped we could repair."

"Wow, it's like y'all know her more than I do," Sofia shook her head.

"What did someone say something?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, Tanya is the reason I'm here."


"Did someone say my name?"

The both of them turned and Tanya was right there, she screamed and rushed in for a three-way embrace.

"I am so happy for you girlfriend," she said, planting light kisses on both sides of Sofia's face.

"I'm glad I listened to you," Sofia acknowledged, smiling.

"Oh, so you making moves on my girl right now?" Jessi asked, crossing her arms and they all burst into laughter.

"No, we all sistahs, babe," Tanya responded, smiling at the both of them.

"Look at them, they sure brought some vibes along, why don't you go speak with her," Rico urged, nudging Ryan.

Ryan chuckled,

"I'm waiting for them to be done talking," he mumbled, toying with his drink.

"Yeah ," Rico scoffed, then pushed him off the stool. Ryan smoothened his suit and walked to where the bevy stood.

The girls, save Sofia, saw Ryan coming, and "conveniently", Tanya remembered she needed to speak with Jessi about the utility bill for her apartment.

Sofia knew something was up and her suspicions were confirmed when his arms slid around her waist. She leaned against him.

"I heard the news," he whispered, planting a kiss on her head, "Welcome home my love."


"Uh Rico, Michaelson's calling for you ASAP," Jessi told Rico, while, checking the notification on her phone.

He sighed,

"Saw that one coming, hold down things around here, I'll be back."


"I see we made a new signing," Michaelson said, looking up from his desk as Rico walked in.

"I was gonna tell you once everything was done. I had to close this one before someone else did."

"Oh ok, and what's her contract look like?"

"She's gonna work on a new show along with Ryan."

"New show? I don't understand. What new show? And H.O.S.?"

"H.O.S. is doing great but trust me, this is gonna be one for the ages," Rico said.

"Bigger than H.O.S.?"

Just then, his secretary interrupted them, her head appearing around the side of the door.

"Sir, you've got Craig Glenday on line three."

"Craig Glenday? Put him through ASAP," he spelled, grabbing the telephone on his desk and excusing himself from Rico.


"Thanks for letting me speak with Sofia," Alicia said, standing in the changing room's doorway. Her shift had ended and she was about to leave.

"Nah, it's cool," Fred glanced at her, returning to the grill. "I guessed you'd have something to say. How was your first day?"


"Order up!" Sandra announced, handing Fred the papers.

"Hey, we feeding the entire LA now?" Fred asked.

Alicia chuckled,

"We are fairly popular, I see you're busy..." She trailed off.

"Yeah, so we could..."

"Talk over dinner, after I'm done giving you a hand here? I mean, if you're in." She stepped back, hoping she wasn't coming on too strong.

"You wanna give me a hand?"

"I mean if you need anything..."

"Well sure, I mean I'm in," he stuttered, avoiding eye contact. "I'll serve 'em up and you help me with the placing."

"Ok, let's get to work," she said, grabbing her apron.


"Oh my God!"

"What did he say?" Rico nodded, he'd been watching Michaelson's reaction to the discussion on the phone.

Michaelson placed both hands on his face and let them slide, his mouth forming an "o"

"Where you find that Sofia chick Rico?" He asked, swinging his hand in awe.

"What's up?" Rico chuckled. He was interested now.

"Just that she just set at least three unbreakable world records. According to Mr. Glenday, Ms. Delacruz has garnered 400 million+ followers on the Gram since you made that post and that alone let's her set at least three records."

Rico moved back in his seat.

"He said that's not all but they're closely following the situation so they get everything ready in one go. Damn, haven't seen anything this big since Ryan's breakout year," Michaelson confessed, shaking his head.

"Might even be bigger. See now? Why I signed her ASAP?"

"Smart move Rico, we need her."

Rico almost rolled his eyes.

"And the show sir? You know we gotta ride this wave before it dies down."

The men were interrupted by the entrance of a young dark skinned lady. She looked to be in her early twenties.

"Hey Dad," she greeted.

"Noah, what's up? Thought you and your mom weren't in town for another week."

"I left her in Milan, I came as soon as I heard the news. What's with the new actress dad? She's making waves even over there in Milan," she paused. "Hey Rico," she leaned down and hugged him. "How you been? It's been a while," she smiled and took the seat next to him.

"Well, Rico and I were just talking about her. About the show," he exhaled deeply, moving closer to the table. He had both elbows on the table and his gaze darted around as he thought things through.

"What show?" Noah sat up in her seat.

Michaelson sighed deeply,

"You know what, kick the show off. H.O.S. performances look to be hugely affected but this is an offer too tempting to resist."

"You got it, boss," Rico said and made to stand up.

"Wait, don't y'all just leave me hanging like that, it's not fair guys," she was getting emotional.

Michaelson exhaled ruefully,

"It's a new show we're planning on starting ASAP, with the new star of the family."

"A new show? What's gonna happen to H.O.S.?"

"Well, we just have to wait and see my love, anything else?"

"You have to let me co-direct with Rico. You promised dad, and I've graduated now plus the experience I stand to gain working with the best, it's a new project so you have to say yes, daddy," she persuaded, whining.

"Well, you're not giving me any other option now my love," he conceded and reclined in his seat.

She squealed, running around the desk to wrap her arms around his chest.

"Love you, Dad," she planted like three kisses on his cheek. "Thank you so much, daddy, I promise you that it's going to be a bang, plus the chemistry between Rico and I," she added, the last part, going to rest one hand on Rico's chest as she said it.

Michaelson chuckled drily,

"Don't start getting any ideas, Noah."

"No bad vibes allowed," Noah said, taking Rico by the hand. "Come on, let's go where we are accepted."


"So the Amanda plan didn't work out, what next?"

"I don't know David, but I had the same question on my mind? What next? Don't tell me you pulled me into this without having a plan."

"Well, it's not that I don't have a plan. I felt two heads were better than one. Besides you're a smart one. That's why I went for you."

"So you don't have a plan."

"We were supposed to put our heads together on this, work together. That's my plan."

James chuckled drily,

"Oh, ok. See you around genius," he got up with a mock salute and left David sitting there.


"I think someone has to remind Noah that Rico is gay," Jessi said, coming to sit with Sofia and Tanya.

The girls peeked and Tanya chuckled drily,

"I believe you should be the one reminded," she said, accepting her cocktail from the guy behind the counter. Sofia got one too, and she immediately put the straw to her mouth, chuckling with Tanya.

"What do you mean Tanya? Of course, I know Rico's gay."

"So why you worried then?"

"I'm not worried," Jessi argued, turning bright pink.

"I see that," Tanya countered, sipping her drink.

"No, I'm not, I just don't want her to get her hopes up over something that's a lot less likely than Ryan and Sofia breaking up.

"What have I got to do with anything?" Sofia let out, almost choking on her drink.

"You're ignoring me," Jessi complained.

"Come on Jess, you know I can't do that. I just felt the conversation was between you two."

"And that's why I said your name. You're part of the convo my love."

Sofia breathed deeply,

"Well if you feel that way then, I think you should let her know."

Tanya giggled,

"Yeah right," she let out.

"What?" Sofia asked, turning to look at Tanya.

"I completely agree with you on that, Jessi you should let Noah know what you think," she said, amidst barely concealed giggles.

"Come on girlfriends you know I can't possibly do that," she grumbled.

Tanya nodded,


"Who is she though?" Sofia asked.

Jessie shrugged negligently,

"Noah Campbell Michaelson is the step daughter of Pete Michaelson, the chief of the studio company. Her mom, Trish Campbell was once a supermodel now she's not much of a name anymore."

"So why is she hanging around Rico so much?"

"She studied filmmaking and the like, so she wants to be a director. I guess she want to learn from the best," Tanya revealed.

"Oh," Jessi nodded, "Didn't know you two were friends?"

"I follow her Jessi, we've never even met. That reminds me, a selfie with Noah won't look bad for my page," Tanya made to get up but Jessi held her back.

"Hold on superstar, let's take a look at her page," she said.

Tanya snickered,

"Wanna check the opposition out eh, nice move sister," she said, handing Jessi the phone.

"Hmm," Jessi let out, swiping upward.

"Doesn't look too bad eh?" Tanya joked, rubbing her elbow against Jessi's side.

"She looks ok still, Rico isn't gonna take notice of that cause he's gay, I mean, we all know that don't we?" She asked, swinging her arms in emphasis.

"So don't worry about it girlfriend," Tanya replied, saving her phone.


"Thought your shift already ended Alicia?"

"Oh, hey boss," she greeted, looking up from the order she was placing. "Just giving Fred a hand here," she explained.

"Oh, no wonder sales are flying through the roof. Ok, I'll take it on from here, see you both tomorrow."

Alicia glanced at Fred, he'd just pulled the last batch of Tacos from the oven. He took off his gloves and hung his apron next to Paco's on the rack.

"I'll give Alicia a hand placing this last batch then we'd leave."

"Whatever you say boss," Paco joked and left the kitchen.


Few minutes later, Fred and Alicia were leaving out back. Paco had gifted them some tacos and Fred carried them in the cafe's bags.

"So, got any place in mind?" Alicia asked as they walked out the alley and into the warm, amber embrace of a street light.

"Not sure we'd be welcomed with these two," he said, lifting both bags.

Alicia chuckled,

"Silly me," she sighed, slapping her forehead. "Uhh, lets take a walk, see where the night leads us," she smiled, looking up to his face which his face cap partially hid from the light.

He chuckled drily, but smiled too,

"Ok, lets see what happens then."


"So, how's college?" Fred asked after they'd walked for a while.

She shrugged,

"So so," she replied. "I just got in and it's already daunting." she sighed, "I'll be taking late shifts from next week. "

"Oh, and what are you studying?"

"Guess," she giggled, smiling at him with those sparkling eyes.

"Uhh," he glanced around, like the answer was hidden somewhere. "Nurse?"

"No, try again," she urged.

"Got anything to do with fashion?"



"No," she replied once again, a bit forced this time. Something about the way his answers sounded disturbed her.

"What then?"

"Nah, never mind."

They walked on, enveloped in an awkward silence and Fred sighed,

"And your parents?"

"Ice Cream!" She squealed.

"Huh?" Fred looked up but she'd already darted away from him and gotten to the ice cream cart. He chuckled and went after her, getting there just as she ordered two cones; a chocolate, vanilla double scoop for him and a chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry triple for herself.

She handed him his cone and paid then they sat on a park bench nearby. He led her in saying the grace and they dug in.

As they ate, he spotted a smudge next to her lips.

"Hey, you've got a little something..." He moved to swipe it off but she turned at the last minute and their lips met instead. The kiss was light and they immediately shot apart.

He tried to apologize but she immediately stopped him, coming to stoop by him.

"I got it on you too," she said and swiped the smudge off his cheek. With his face in her hands, they gazed at each other. She hesitated before bringing his face to hers and locking their lips in a beautiful, beautiful kiss.


Back at the studio, Rico and Ryan had been conversing since he returned from Michaelson's office. With Noah hanging just around.

Soon enough, the duo called everyone together,

"Gather around everyone, we've got news from the top."

Just then Amanda stormed in, followed closely by her agent.

"No way! My role in H.O.S. is untouchable!"

Everyone turned to look at her, clad in an all white ensemble that would only ever had fit a queen.

"No one's touching your role Amanda. Chill. Now, as I was saying, The Spark has been cleared for shooting to begin!"

Sounds of applause filled the air as everyone cheered them.

"That remind me," Sofia said, tapping Tanya. "How would you like to be my agent?"

Tanya gasped,

"Please don't ask if I'm tripping, I'm really serious and-"

Tanya hugging her cut her short, and she leaned against Sofia.

"I love you, superstar."