Breaking News

Over a month had passed since the announcement.

To ride the crest of Sofia's fame wave, the studio kicked off the shooting ASAP and announced it at a press conference soon after. The hype was up. It was everything Rico had promised and then some. They quickly dropped a teaser episode and the projections were going through the roof. The performance of Heart Of Stone took a dent in the following weeks.

At that time, Sofia was arguably the biggest star around. The deals were coming in thick and fast, however, Tanya worked them like a pro, making sure she got only the best whilst keeping the image Rico had talked about.

Noah was Rico's assistant director on the tv show and therefore was constantly around Rico. Much to Jessi's disdain.

Amanda grew bitter by the second and Sofia's continued dominance was not helping matters. It was as if Sofia was everywhere she turned.

James and David had taken on more of a "silent watcher role" with regards to their targets.

Paco's Tacos was officially a brand and of course, they were endorsed by Sofia and even Ryan. The business was booming.

Fred and Alicia's connection was quietly budding into a beautiful relationship.

And as for Ryan, he finally seemed settled, he was massively successful in business, he and Sofia were officially an item and he was even caught on camera leaving a prestigious ring store.


"Would you look at that," Ryan whistled, nodding.

Rico turned and saw Jessi coming back from the water with Sofia. Jessi had a gorgeous, yellow two-piece on, while Sofia decided to show less skin with a striking black bikini from the Venus bikini line.

The girls soon joined them, Sofia immediately reaching for her towel behind Ryan. He took advantage of the proximity to engage her sultry lips in a light kiss.

"I think I'm gonna turn in," she mumbled, wrapping the towel around her shoulders.

"Why though? We just got here," Ryan responded, sitting up on the recliner.

"Some weirdo came after her, said he was her biggest fan, he tried things but I stopped him, with aid from the lifeguard," Jessi replied.

"For real girl?" Rico asked, sitting up too.

Sofia hissed, dabbing her hair,

"I don't want to talk about it, I need to take a bath,"

"Come on Sofia, you know you're a star now that's why this happened. Ignore it, besides, today's June 8th. It's a day of celebration," Rico consoled.

"What's it about the 8th of June that makes it a holiday?" Jessi asked, reclining next to Rico, with both arms as support.

"I don't know, all over the world, it's always been that way," Rico replied, shrugging.

"That doesn't matter right now guys, Sof's not in the mood," Ryan said, getting to his feet. "Come on, I'll drive," he gave Sofia a hand.


"What?" Ryan asked, "Why y'all looking at me like you expect me to pull a rabbit from a hat or something?"

"Cause you Ryan, are the last person we'd expect that from," Rico sounded like he was still very much in shock.

"What can I say?" Ryan knelt on one knee. "Sacrifices we make for love," he sighed, caressing Sofia's skin.

"Not here Ryan," she whispered, taking hold of his arm. She nodded outward and Ryan took note of the slowly gathering, phone-armed crowd.

"Oh," he chuckled. "Let's be on our way then," he added. He sprung to his feet taking her with him, so her body collided with his. Then he smiled.

They all knew that one was for the cameras.

"Ryan," Sofia sighed, shaking her head.

"Some things just never change," Rick tutted, shaking his too.


The couple got back to the hotel room and Sofia flew into the bathroom, while Ryan ordered something to eat. She got out in a white, gold-lined, satin robe. Her hair was in a turban and her feet were in dainty slippers. The aroma wafting from the tray on the centerpiece table was glorious and she waltzed to it, her appetite fully engaged.

Ryan came from behind, his arms sliding around her waist while he showered her neck with kisses. Those well-placed kisses were sending her senses into overdrive and tingles raced down her spine. Sofia shuddered, awash with a fresh wave of desire.

"It's been so long," he whispered against her skin.

His breath was giving her goose bumps.

Ryan's arms sketched upward, caressing her skin through the fabric. The satin seemed to heighten every touch, leaving her aching for more. The heat was building up from her core, and spreading to the rest of her, she curled her toes, losing control.

Her arms slid up, against his, caressing his skin through his T-shirt up to his neck. She felt him harden against the small of her back and pushed against him, pulling him closer. Her fingers skimmed his skin, sweeping into his hair.

His kisses trailed on, past her jawline, behind her ear, and onto her temple, the turban posed an obstruction but he easily removed it and her soft, slightly wet hair fell back into place, shimmering with droplets. Then his hands skimmed downward, till he cupped her breasts through the material. A loud sigh escaped her lips and she arched, pushing herself up against him. Sofia felt him press harder against her rear and inhaled sharply, biting her lower lip. She tilted her head against his right shoulder, her eyes almost shut, then he leaned in and captured her lips in a hungry kiss. His hands rubbed and caressed her aroused nipples, pressing his palms against them. Another moan escaped her lips, her body reverberating with the emotion. Their lips separated for moments, she faced him and swept off his T-shirt, her fingers scaling the planes of his chest. Ryan took hold of both arms and placed them on his shoulders, then held both thighs and helped her onto him. She hooked her legs behind him, taking his jaw in one hand and drawing him into another ravishing kiss. Her free hand trailed a path down his back. He moved to her neck once more, slathering the bare skin with kisses, while carrying her to the bed. Sofia felt him move between her legs and gripped him harder, with both feet, her body vibrated with desire and she pressed their bodies even closer. He moved up, giving himself space to undo her sash, and her breathtaking body lay bare; naked and inviting.

However, Sofia suddenly stiffened under his gaze and tried to stop him.

"D*mn," he muttered, leaning in.

She moved at the last minute, and his lips grazed her skin instead.

"R-Ryan, let's stop now," she stuttered, her palms against his chest.

Ryan continued a trail of passionate kisses, from her cheekbones, trying to get her back in the mood. He didn't say anything. He knew that would only cause more reasoning and rational thoughts were the last thing he needed right now.

"Ryan," she urged, trying to keep her mind despite her body and what he was currently doing to it. "Ryan, please," she sighed against his shoulder, his hands were cupping her breasts again, his thumbs messing with her nipples and her mind.

"D*mn," she swore, biting her lower lip, her hands slipped to his sides, her nails scraping his skin. A small sigh escaped her lips, she was slowly losing control...


"Tomorrow's the big day huh?"

"Yeah," Rico smiled. "Woulda been today but, I let everyone go home for the holidays. Once we wrap up shooting tomorrow, the first episode of The Spark goes live," he grinned, clicking his glass with Jessi's. "It's gonna be a bang."

Jessi took a sip and relaxed, dropping her glass on the stool between them. She'd replaced Sofia and Ryan on the recliner and they'd been speaking since then.

"Hey, Rico didn't know you guys were here."

Jessi's countenance darkened instantly.

"Noah," Rico greeted, tipping his green framed shades.

She immediately perched on his recliner, leaning back on one arm. She had a skimpy flowery-themed bra on, and a similarly themed scarf was knotted at her waist, over a throng. Her feet were bare.

"Hey Jessi," Noah gave her a dainty wave.

Jessi raised her glass in reply, getting to her feet. She downed her drink and dropped it on the stool.

"I'm a bit tired, I think I'll go back to the hotel now," she quipped and was gone.

"I don't think she likes me much," Noah remarked.

"Nah," Rico replied. "Jessi's the nicest person I know, unless Sofia."

"And Noah?"


"So I'm not on the list?"

"Who said anything about a list?"

"What's up between you and Jessi though?"


"I don't understand."

"You asked what's up between my P.A. and I, what did you expect?"

"Come on, why is she always with you then?"

"Again, P.A.," he sighed exasperatedly. "You know, you're asking too many questions Noah and they aren't enough about directing or The Spark."

"You're right," she exhaled, chuckling. "Who cares about Jessi, Let's talk about something else."

"Uh, Noah," he started, getting up. "Oh, hold on, Jessi's calling."

"Your P.A. right?"

Rico left her then.


"I no longer see you out here much, what's up?"

"Well, I'm now on kitchen duty."

"With Shawn Mendes?"

"Yes, with Fred," she replied, resignedly.

"Why though?"

"Well, it's something we tried once and it worked so well, Paco asked if I'd like to continue, and I said yes. Besides, Kendra needed the waitress position, so... " her voice trailed off and she shrugged.

"Kendra?" Tanya asked, dipping her fries.

"The new waitress, Kendra Ramsey."

"No f***** way. The Kendra Ramsey?"

"I don't get it," Alicia frowned. Tanya was getting hyper and that wasn't good.

"Where is she?"

"Her shift isn't on yet."

"D*mn," Tanya swore.

"Thank God," Alicia muttered, she was calming.

The door swung open and Alicia prayed fervently that it wasn't Kendra, but well, not every prayer was answered.

Tanya followed her gaze and found Kendra hanging her coat on the wall.

"No f****** way. Kendra Ramsey in the flesh, working at a cafe. I gotta get this," she whipped her phone out but Alicia intervened,

"You're not getting anything," she warned her friend.

"Ok, ok, I won't. Jeez," she complained. "You sound just like Jessi you know," Tanya said, puffing.

"Aww, thanks love, I'll be in the kitchen," Alicia said and got up, going back to work.

A few minutes later, Fred and Alicia heard some kind of commotion out front.

Alicia came out and saw Kendra with Tanya. Kendra looked flustered and no one's calls could stop her from rushing back to grab her stuff and leaving.

Alicia gave Tanya the devil stare as she ran after Kendra, finally catching up to her in the lot.

"Kendra, Kendra, where are you going?"

"I can't stay here," she whimpered, hand over her mouth.

"Why? Did Tanya say something?"

"You know her?"

"Well, we're friends..." Alicia started, but trailed off, as she watched Kendra's reaction.

"Just leave me alone," Kendra said, backing away. "I'm sure you all are happy to see me this way but sooner than later, I promise you will remember the name," she turned and walked away, muttering the words,

"I promise you." It seemed though, that those words were meant more for her than anyone else.


Alicia barged into the cafe and went straight to Tanya who'd just finished her meal.

"What is wrong with you?"

Tanya looked both ways, then back at her friend,

"I'm sorry, me?"

"I told you not to do anything-"

"And I didn't," Tanya cut in.

Alicia scoffed,

"Yeah right."

"What? I didn't do anything. You don't believe me?"

"I can't- I can't do this right now," Alicia shook her head, walking back to the kitchen.

Tanya dumped her napkin on the table and reclined in her chair. Then she got up and left, banging the door on her way out.


"Ryan, Ryan," she begged, moaning deeply, his tongue on her skin felt divine and when it made that movement over her nipple, he drove her wild with passion. One arm snaked to his neck and pulled him closer, the other slid down his spine. This was crazy. She wanted this so bad, yet...

Ryan knew there was no going back now. He knew she wanted this as much as he did. He just had to make her see that.

Her phone ringing jarred her thoughts. She moved, realizing that she'd hooked both legs around his waist again without even knowing.

"Ryan, Ryan," she called, a bit forceful. She'd been rendered fully conscious by the phone. "Ryan, hold on. Someone's calling."

"They can wait," he murmured, showering her with kisses.

Sofia wasn't having any of it though.

"Ryan. Ryan, listen to me. You need to stop," she propped her arms against his chest, trying to separate their bodies.

Ryan wasn't listening either, one of his arms slithered downward, past her navel, nearing her core but she was totally out of the mood. She pushed him with as much weight as she could and Ryan fell backward, tumbling off the bed. He yelled in pain and she scurried over, gasping at the sight of blood.

Ryan lay there, a huge gash along the inner length of his right arm. There was blood everywhere and Sofia was shocked motionless, one hand over her mouth. The steel frame of the recliner had torn through his skin as he fell.

"Ryan! Ryan!" She called, scuttling to his side. However, he gave her a look that sent chills up her spine. She almost choked on her sobs and he flinched at her touch.

"D*mn you woman," he swore.

"From the day we met, you accepted everything that came with being with me, yet you kept rejecting me. I've done everything for you. I would've done anything for you and you... and you... What the heck do you want from me? Is it the money? The fame?..." He turned away, wincing sharply.

"I can't even tell if you actually loved me or if you're just some social climber."

"I'm sorry," she sobbed, crumpled next to him.

"Just go. I don't ever want to see your face again," his face was contorted into a mixture of pain and rage.

"Ryan," she whispered, she knew he was blinded by the rage, she drew closer still, but he pushed her away.

"Won't you leave already? Haven't you wrecked me enough? Get out and take your things with you."

Sofia scrambled to her feet, running into the closet and rushing out in a whirlwind of motion, sobbing as she did. She threw her box on the bed and just began to stuff things into it.

She had put on a black floral short dress with a lace back. She gathered her things quickly while he lay there, bleeding. She took one last look at him and left, closing the door behind her.

Sofia rolled the box along the hallway, wiping her tear-streaked cheeks. At the desk, downstairs, she reported Ryan's situation and then left the building as they rushed to intervene.

She got into a taxi and asked the driver for tissues. He passed her the box and glanced at the rearview mirror.

"Where to ma'am?"

"Drive, just drive."