Chapter 6: Su Yuntao's Urgent Mission: Part 1

Su Yuntao was running with all his might to catch up to Ma Xiu Nuo, who was outlined in the distance. As he got closer, he began to shout in the hope of getting his attention, "Master, please wait!" Hearing the call, Ma Xiu Nuo slowed down, allowing Su Yuntao to catch up. Panting and trying to catch his breath, Su Yuntao asked, "Master, where are we heading now?"

With a gaze lost on the horizon, Ma Xiu Nuo replied with determination, "Let's return to the city of Nuoding." Su Yuntao, confused, inquired about the plans for the other villages, "And the other villages? Who will go to awaken the martial spirit in them?"

Ma Xiu Nuo, with a gesture of impatience, retorted, "Fool, forget about the other villages for now. I will send another disciple later. The urgent matter is to inform His Holiness the Pope about Xue Sha." Su Yuntao, still trying to understand the gravity of the situation, asked innocently, "Inform him about what exactly?"

With a look that reflected a mix of determination and an unusual cruelty, Ma Xiu Nuo said, "It's obvious. We must report that Xue Sha, with a martial spirit capable of controlling emotions and with an innate soul power of level 10, has refused to join the Hall of Spirits." His tone was severe, as if pronouncing a sentence.

Su Yuntao, surprised by the intensity of his master, opened his mouth to object, but after a brief moment of reflection, decided to remain silent. A shadow of concern crossed his face as he thought to himself, "I'm sorry, Xue Sha, but perhaps you shouldn't have rejected the offer from the Hall of Spirits." With a sigh, he followed Ma Xiu Nuo, wondering what consequences this decision would bring for all of them.

Two hours later, under a sky beginning to be tinged with the orange hues of sunset, Ma Xiu Nuo and Su Yuntao crossed the robust gates of the city of Nuoding. The guards, noticing the embroidered badges on their robes identifying them as members of the Hall of Spirits, allowed them free passage without hesitation.

They walked through the cobblestone streets, watching how the last rays of the sun played among the rooftops of the houses. The city's people moved around them in a constant flow of activity, but upon seeing the two men from the Hall, many stopped to offer discreet bows.

Upon reaching the branch of the Hall of Spirits, the guards stationed at the entrance bowed deeply, their armor gleaming with the twilight's reflection. Ma Xiu Nuo nodded solemnly, and together with Su Yuntao, crossed the threshold of the door.

The inside of the building was cool and quiet, a marked contrast to the bustle of the street. They climbed a marble staircase to reach Ma Xiu Nuo's study, an austere but elegant space, with shelves full of books and scrolls. Su Yuntao followed, watching as his master sat behind a finely carved wooden desk.

Ma Xiu Nuo opened one of the drawers and took out a sheet of exceptionally high-quality rice paper. With a carefully cut bird feather pen, he began to write the letter to His Holiness the Pope, his fluid and precise calligraphy reflecting the importance of the message:

"His Holiness the Pope,

With the utmost respect, I address you in my capacity as deacon of the Nuoding city branch to inform you of a matter of utmost urgency and relevance. It has come to my knowledge that an individual from this region, known as Xue Sha, has awakened an innate soul power of level 10, a rare occurrence that could have significant implications for our Hall of Spirits.

I deeply regret to inform you that, despite our efforts, Xue Sha has declined the invitation to join our institution. Given the magnitude of this event, I consider it imperative to bring it to your attention so that appropriate measures can be taken.

Awaiting your instructions, I assure you that I will remain attentive to your directives.

With the highest esteem and devotion,

Ma Xiu Nuo, Deacon of Nuoding"

Once the letter was finished, he carefully folded it and slid it into a thick paper envelope. Su Yuntao watched, aware that he was about to be entrusted with a task of great weight.

"This letter must reach His Holiness the Pope as soon as possible," said Ma Xiu Nuo, handing him the envelope along with an identification token that would grant him immediate access to the papal presence. "Take my token and go to the city of Spirits. Spare no speed."

Su Yuntao took the items with reverence and nodded firmly. "Yes, master. I will depart immediately. If you require nothing more, I bid you farewell."

With the letter and the token in his hands, Su Yuntao left the study and headed towards the city of Spirits, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders as the shadows of the night began to envelop the city of Nuoding.

The night had already wrapped the city of Nuoding in its dark cloak when Su Yuntao left the branch of the Hall of Spirits. He looked towards the stable, but his heart sank when he realized it was too late; the carriages had ceased their service for the day. "I guess I'll have to go on foot," he murmured to himself with a sigh of resignation. But then, with a spark of determination, he invoked his martial spirit, "Lone Wolf, Possession."

In an instant, the silhouette of a majestic wolf appeared on his back, and a white ring shone around his feet. With the speed granted by his spirit, Su Yuntao began to run, his light and rapid steps echoing in the silence of the night.

Whenever his soul power was depleted, he would stop to meditate and recover. Meditation was his only rest, a substitute for sleep that allowed him to keep moving. During the day, he ventured into the forests near the route, hunting 10-year-old spiritual beasts to sustain himself. With each victory, he lit a small bonfire and cooked their meat on an improvised barbecue, replenishing his strength with the hot food.

Three days passed in this exhausting routine, without sleep and almost without stopping, except to meditate and eat. When he finally arrived at the next city, he was visibly tired, his eyes heavy and his body crying out for a well-deserved rest. The guards, recognizing the emblems of the Hall of Spirits on his clothing, allowed him entry without asking for the usual fee.

Once inside, Su Yuntao set out to find a place to spend the night. Asking passersby and exploring the streets, he found an economical hotel that looked promising. He entered and approached the reception, where he asked, "How much for one night?" The receptionist, a middle-aged man with a kind look, replied, "One gold coin." Without hesitation, Su Yuntao paid the fee and received the keys to room number 26, located on the first floor.

He climbed the stairs, found his room, and once inside, the first thing he did was shed his travel clothes and enjoy a comforting shower. The hot water washed not only the sweat and dirt from his body but also the fatigue accumulated over the past few days. Afterwards, wrapped in a robe provided by the hotel, he washed his clothes and hung them on a small clothesline to dry.

Finally, he collapsed onto the bed, and as the softness of the mattress embraced him, a thought crossed his exhausted mind: "I still have almost half the journey left." With that reflection, and for the first time in three days, Su Yuntao closed his eyes and surrendered to sleep, knowing that the journey ahead would require all his strength and determination.