Chapter 7: Su Yuntao's Urgent Mission: Part 2

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon when Su Yuntao, already awake, headed for the shower. The hot water cascaded over his body, washing away the fatigue accumulated from the previous days. After drying off, he took care of his personal hygiene with the items the hotel had provided for him. Once ready, he took his clothes, which hung on the makeshift clothesline, and dressed in them, feeling the fresh, dry fabric sit comfortably on his skin.

With keys in hand, he walked down the stairs to the reception. "Here are the keys," he said, placing them on the counter. The receptionist, with a friendly smile, replied, "Thank you for the trouble and I hope you rested well, until next time."

Upon leaving the hotel, the aroma of barbecue immediately captured his attention. Right in front, a restaurant enticed passersby with the smell of meat grilling over flames. Su Yuntao couldn't resist and crossed the threshold, finding the owner, who skillfully worked the grill.

"What do you have on the menu? Or better yet, surprise me. But my budget is only one gold coin," said Su Yuntao, flipping the coin in the air with a deft thumb movement before pocketing it again.

The owner, without taking his eyes off the grill, nodded. "Alright, I'll surprise you. In 20 minutes you'll have everything. For now, take a seat. What would you like to drink?"

"Give me water, or you know what, better a beer," Su Yuntao decided, opting for something to help him relax.

He sat at a nearby table and soon after, the owner brought him a jug of beer and a small plate of peanuts. Su Yuntao began to eat the peanuts in a peculiar way, tossing them into the air and catching them with his mouth, enjoying the little game. After each sip of beer, he would pass his hand over his mouth to remove the foam or let his tongue catch the last drops that escaped.

When the peanuts were gone, the owner arrived with a tray containing the first dishes. Su Yuntao was surprised to see the variety: rattlesnake meat skewers, promising a crunchy texture and intense flavor, and a tiger loin, a delicacy that melted in the mouth releasing a burst of wild flavor. Alongside these, there was a selection of roasted vegetables that perfectly complemented the meat, providing freshness and balance to the feast.

The owner watched with satisfaction Su Yuntao's reaction. "I hope you enjoy the meal. If you need anything else, just ask," he said before returning to his chores.

Su Yuntao nodded with gratitude and began to taste the food. He took a skewer of snake meat and bit into it with curiosity, savoring the mix of spices that enhanced its unique flavor. Then, he cut a piece of tiger loin, delighting in its softness and juiciness. With each bite, he felt more grateful for this moment of peace and culinary pleasure, knowing that soon he would have to face the challenges of the road again.

The sun rose higher in the sky as Su Yuntao finished his feast of exotic flavors. He got up from the table, satisfied and ready to continue his journey. He approached the restaurant owner and handed him the gold coin, with a smile of gratitude on his face. "You really surprised me, it was delicious. Next time I come to this city I'll stop by to eat here, goodbye."

The boss, with an equally wide smile, replied, "Well, until next time, goodbye." Su Yuntao left the restaurant and headed towards the city exit. For a moment, he contemplated the possibility of taking a carriage, but then decided that, being halfway there, it would be better to complete the journey on foot.

As he crossed the city gates, he invoked his martial spirit, Lone Wolf. "Possession!" he exclaimed, and the figure of the wolf emerged behind him as a white ring appeared around his feet. He began to run at great speed, merging with the shadow of his spirit.

Twilight began to stain the sky with shades of orange and violet when Su Yuntao estimated that he had about 30 minutes left before night fell completely. He decided to prepare his camp for the night. With the strength of his martial spirit, he knocked down a tree and used it as firewood, table, and chair, cutting it into more manageable pieces.

As he prepared, a thought crossed his mind. "I should go hunting for dinner, but I don't know why I have a bad feeling. Better to let it pass; after all, nothing happens if I don't eat for a day." He took a handful of special powder from his bag and began to spread it around his camp. It was a powder designed to keep wild beasts at bay.

Once he finished spreading the powder, he lit the fire with his own hands and set out to meditate. Before closing his eyes, he took one last look around. "I don't think anything will happen if I leave the fire on. In this part, there are no beasts, almost for sure, and the ones that are, I doubt they will come close because of the powder. So I don't think anything will happen."

With that last reflection, Su Yuntao sat cross-legged in front of the fire, letting the heat caress his face. He began to concentrate on his breathing, letting the tranquility of the night and the soft crackling of the flames envelop him.

Just before dawn, Su Yuntao stopped meditating and the first thing he did was carefully observe his surroundings. The night had passed without incident. He approached the fire and, with a stick, stirred the ashes in search of any embers that might have survived, but found none. Without wasting more time, he invoked his martial spirit, Lone Wolf, and set off at a run, taking advantage of the coolness of the morning to move quickly.

The day passed uneventfully, following the routine of previous days. On the sixth day since he had left the city of Nuoding, and a few hours away from the city of Soto, Su Yuntao calculated that, with a good rest that night, he would be in the city of Spirits the next night or at the latest, the following morning.

As he reflected on his itinerary, four figures jumped out from among the bushes, blocking his path. They seemed to be quadruplets, each with a martial spirit hoe in their hands. The one behind Su Yuntao was the only one with a spirit ring, a white ring that indicated his level.

The thieves, with rehearsed coordination, each recited a line in a macabre poem of threat:

"Lonely traveler, your steps stop here," said the first, with a sly smile.

"Your fortune and your life, you will generously share with us," continued the second, licking his lips with greed.

"Hand over your treasures, without any fuss," added the third, brandishing his hoe.

"Or your blood will be the tribute that soaks this arid land," concluded the fourth, the one behind, with a voice that tried to be intimidating.

However, Su Yuntao showed no signs of fear. With a thought, he made the image of the lone wolf overlap with his body. His hair turned gray, his stature increased, his eyes glowed with a faint green, and sharp claws sprouted from his fingers, ready for combat.

Su Yuntao's ring shone brightly, giving him supernatural speed. The thief behind him also activated his ring, improving the quality of his hoe, but it was evident that he was not at the same level as Su Yuntao.

The battle that ensued was a whirlwind of violence and blood. Su Yuntao, with the agility and ferocity of his martial spirit Lone Wolf, faced the thieves who had ambushed him with the intention of robbing him. The first thief barely had time to raise his hoe before Su Yuntao pierced his chest with a claw, ripping out his heart in a brutal and efficient act. Blood splattered the ground as the lifeless body fell heavily.

The second and third thief, brothers in crime but not in skill, attacked together, hoping to overwhelm Su Yuntao with their number. But he, with superhuman speed, dodged their attacks and, with an agile twist, decapitated the second thief with a single claw movement. The head rolled on the ground, leaving a crimson trail. Without pause, Su Yuntao plunged his claws into the eyes of the third thief, and with a violent pull, ripped out his throat, silencing his screams of terror forever.

The fourth thief, the one who had spoken last and who wore the spirit ring, tried to flee, but Su Yuntao caught up with him in an instant. With a fierce leap, he plunged his claws into his back, piercing his heart from behind. The thief fell to his knees, and with a last breath, collapsed on the ground, joining his fallen comrades.

Once the threat was neutralized, Su Yuntao took a moment to catch his breath. Adrenaline still ran through his veins as he observed the motionless bodies of the thieves. He approached the first one and, with a cold and methodical gesture, cut the neck of the corpse to make sure there was no trace of life left. Then, he began to search their clothes. In the pockets of the thief, he found a gold coin and several silver ones.

He proceeded to do the same with the other three, and at the end of his macabre collection, Su Yuntao had accumulated a total of 24 gold coins, 38 silver coins, and 57 copper coins. Despite the bloody nature of the encounter, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he counted the loot. He had emerged victorious and, although violence was not his preference, he knew that on the path of a warrior, such encounters were sometimes inevitable.

With the coins secured in his bag, Su Yuntao looked once more at the horizon. The city of Soto was near, and with it, a well-deserved rest.

With a sigh of relief, but also of regret for the unnecessary violence, Su Yuntao deactivated his martial spirit and continued his way to the city of Soto, leaving behind the memory of an encounter that, for him, had been just a minor obstacle on his long journey.