Chapter 15: Xue Sha's First Ring

Zhu Long slipped through the crowd like a shadow, his predator's eyes scanning the streets for his prey.

Finally, his gaze settled on an individual. Zhu Long knew he had found what he was looking for. With an imperceptible gesture, he released a stream of murderous intent, a silent provocation that only his victim could feel. The man, sensing the threat, showed no signs of fear. Instead, he calmly turned into a deserted alley, inviting Zhu Long to a confrontation away from prying eyes.

Once in the alley, the man turned to face Zhu Long and, with a fluid motion, activated three energy rings that emerged from his feet: one white and two yellow. Behind him, the phantom of a tiger roared, and with a cry of "Possession!", the spirit of the tiger merged with his body. Tiger ears and a tail appeared, and his muscles swelled, ready for battle.

Zhu Long remained unfazed by the transformation. Five energy rings shone around his feet: two yellow, two purple, and one black. The martial spirit of a feline, akin to a cat or a civet, emerged and joined him. Civet ears and a tail adorned his body, and a sly smile spread across his face.

The tiger-man roared and lunged at Zhu Long, his rings glowing with power. But Zhu Long, with supernatural speed granted by his first ring, dodged the incoming attack. His movements were a blur, each step calculated with surgical precision. Zhu Long's claws, now coated in a purple venom, flashed with each strike.

The air filled with the sound of combat, a whirlwind of movements and flashes of energy. Zhu Long unleashed a storm of attacks, each aimed at vital points. The tiger-man tried to counter, but Zhu Long's speed and ferocity were overwhelming. In a display of martial prowess, Zhu Long executed a combination of strikes that seemed to dance on the edge of the impossible.

Finally, with one last fluid movement, Zhu Long delivered a critical blow. The tiger-man fell to the ground, defeated, his blood staining the alley floor. Zhu Long, without a hint of remorse, quickly searched his victim's pockets. He found a bag containing an access token to the forest and 200 gold coins.

With the coins and the token now in his possession, Zhu Long exited the alley. He merged with the crowd, his casual whistle masking the adrenaline still coursing through his veins.

Zhu Long crossed the hotel lobby, where the daytime bustle was beginning to give way to the calm of the evening. He ascended the stairs with a measured pace, his thoughts still on the access token and the gold coins he had acquired. Upon reaching the third floor, he headed to room 47 and tapped the door softly.

The door opened slowly, revealing Yu Wen in pajamas, with tousled hair and eyes half-closed with sleep. "What's up, uncle?" he asked with a hoarse voice, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Zhu Long gave him a sympathetic look. "How are things here?" His tone was low, mindful not to disturb the tranquility of the place.

Yu Wen, still half-asleep, shrugged and replied with a voice dragged down by fatigue. "Most are sleeping, only a few are meditating." He leaned against the door frame, trying to wake up.

"That's good," said Zhu Long with a nod. "Remember, we need to get up early tomorrow, at five. Rest well." His voice carried a hint of care and authority.

Yu Wen nodded, his yawn interrupting the response. "Understood, uncle. Good night." He closed the door slowly, and Zhu Long could hear the soft click of the latch.

Continuing down the hallway, Zhu Long repeated the notice at doors 48 and 49, receiving sleepy confirmations and murmurs of assent.

Entering room number 50, Zhu Long took off his shoes and settled on the floor. The evening light bathed the room in warm, golden tones. He sat in the lotus position, his hands resting on his knees. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting the serenity of the moment envelop him.

At 4 a.m., the silence of the hotel was almost absolute, broken only by the occasional creak of a door or the murmur of early risers. Zhu Long stepped out of his room, his figure barely disturbing the calm of the hallway. He headed to door number 49 and knocked firmly. Liu Kang opened the door, already dressed and ready for the day ahead.

"Are you ready?" asked Zhu Long, scanning the room with a quick glance.

"Yes, we're almost done. We'll be ready in five minutes," replied Liu Kang, adjusting his gear.

"Good, I'll go call the others," said Zhu Long, nodding in approval.

He continued his rounds, knocking on the remaining doors. The responses were similar: everyone would be ready in five minutes. Zhu Long could feel the energy of anticipation in the air, a mix of nervousness and determination emanating from each room.

Five minutes later, the children began to emerge from their rooms, one after another, with their belongings and focused looks. They descended to the lobby, where Zhu Long was waiting. "Give me the keys," he instructed with a calm but firm voice.

One by one, the children handed over their keys. Zhu Long collected them and approached the reception desk. The receptionist, a middle-aged man with a kind smile, accepted the keys. "I hope you've rested well. Until next time," he said with a tone that mixed professional courtesy with a hint of sincerity.

Zhu Long nodded and, without further words, led the group out of the hotel. The coolness of the morning greeted them with a gentle breeze. They headed towards the entrance of the forest, where activity was already bustling with life. They could see hunters coming out with the bodies of the beasts they had captured, while merchants clustered around, haggling and making offers for the prized catches.

Upon reaching the guard post, Zhu Long presented the access token and slid a gold coin toward the guard. The latter, with an almost imperceptible gesture, accepted the coin and returned the token with a complicit look. "Everything is in order," he said in a low voice, opening the gate to let them pass.

Zhu Long's group advanced, leaving behind the bustle of the guard post and delving into the serenity of the forest, where each step took them deeper into the unknown.

As they ventured into the forest, Zhu Long's group found themselves increasingly surrounded by dense vegetation. The trees stood like silent sentinels, their intertwined branches forming a natural canopy that barely let through flashes of light. Occasionally, snakes, spiders, and wolves emerged from the shadows, their bright, curious eyes watching the intruders. But Zhu Long, with a serene and authoritative gesture, extended his soul power, emanating a wave of energy that resonated with the authority of a superior being. The animals, sensing Zhu Long's overwhelming presence, retreated in fear and disappeared into the vegetation.

The path wound between the trees, and occasionally they passed by a lone bamboo standing proudly among its wooden brethren. The group continued their march for hours, the silence only broken by the crunching of leaves under their feet and the occasional whisper of the wind.

Suddenly, without warning, a wave of dark and disturbing thoughts flooded the children's minds. Images of despair and suicidal acts began to assault them with overwhelming intensity. Zhu Long, alerted by the sudden change in the atmosphere, reacted quickly. With iron concentration, he dispersed his soul power into a protective shield around the group. Zhu Long's purifying energy acted as a balm, dispelling the malevolent influence that threatened to consume the young minds.

Xue Sha was one of the first to awaken from the induced nightmare. His breathing was rapid and shallow, and his eyes reflected the terror of the visions he had just experienced. Drops of sweat beaded on his forehead, and his body trembled slightly as he tried to regain control over himself.

Zhu Long approached Xue Sha, placing a firm but gentle hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, it's over," he said in a soothing voice, conveying security and confidence. "It was an illusion; you're safe now."

The other children, one by one, began to emerge from the trance, confused and frightened, but unharmed thanks to Zhu Long's quick intervention. They looked at each other, finding comfort in the presence of their companions.

In the tense silence of the forest, Zhu Long sensed a hidden presence among the shadows of the trees. With a fluid and precise movement, he activated his martial spirit, and his body began to transform. Pointed ears sprouted from his head and a slender tail emerged behind him, as his aura intensified with supernatural energy. He ignited the first ring on his hand, and in the blink of an eye, disappeared from the children's sight.

He reappeared next to a Sinister Bat whose eyes glowed with a malevolent light. With a quick and brutal movement, Zhu Long tore the wings off the bat, incapacitating it. Then, with superhuman strength, he drew it towards where the children were and threw it to the ground.

"This Sinister Bat is perfect to be your first ring," Zhu Long said, addressing Xue Sha with a penetrating gaze. "It's 500 years old; I believe with your body you can withstand it. Kill it and absorb the ring."

Xue Sha, still recovering from the illusion but filled with determination, nodded. He pulled a dagger from the ring he wore and, with a mix of anger and vengeance, stabbed the bat several times. From the dying creature emanated a yellow ring, which floated in the air, emanating an ancient and dark power.

Xue Sha sat in a meditative position and drew the ring towards him. As he came into contact with the ring, he felt an overwhelming power flood his meridians, heading towards his dantian, the energy reservoir located in the abdomen. But the flow of soul power was too intense, and his meridians began to swell dangerously.

Aware of the danger, Xue Sha quickly channeled the soul power through his meridian system, forcing it to complete several circuits to adapt and absorb the energy. The internal struggle was intense and exhausting, but after 40 minutes of effort and concentration, Xue Sha finally managed to subjugate the power of the ring and make it his own.