Chapter 16: Soul Rings and Secrets Unveiled

Xue Sha slowly rose to his feet, his eyes opening to reveal a new depth in his gaze. As he stood up, his companions sensed a change: he seemed taller.

Zhu Long, with a penetrating look, broke the silence that had settled over the group. "What power has your ring granted you?" he inquired, his tone filled with palpable curiosity.

Xue Sha hesitated for a moment, weighing the decision to share the truth of his new ability. With a decision made, he spoke with a firm and confident voice. "I have the ability to sow dark thoughts in the minds of others. Those of weak will could be consumed by these thoughts to the point of self-destruction," he confessed, aware of the weight of his words.

The children looked at Xue Sha with surprise, their faces lit up with fascination at the revelation of such a formidable power. There was no fear in their eyes, only a burning curiosity for the ability that could be key in upcoming battles.

Zhu Long, though clearly surprised, maintained his composure. "It is a power worthy of a Dark Bat," he commented, glancing at the lifeless body of the bat in the distance. With a slow nod of his head, he lamented, "It's a real shame they are on the brink of extinction."

"Let's go back," said Zhu Long suddenly, turning to lead the way back. As they walked away, the group once again encountered the wolves that had been lurking before. But this time, the threat was much greater: more than fifty wolves emerged from the trees, their eyes glowing with predatory hunger. The entire pack had arrived and, without hesitation, they began to attack.

Zhu Long acted swiftly. He summoned his martial spirit, and in an instant, cat ears and a tail adorned his body. Five rings shone on his feet, and he activated the first two with urgency. With supernatural speed, he pounced on the pack.

The ensuing fight was brutal and bloody. Zhu Long's claws tore through the wolves' flesh with deadly efficiency, each strike precise and lethal. Blood soaked the forest floor, and the creatures' howls of pain filled the air. One after another, the wolves fell, their bodies torn apart by the relentless force of Zhu Long's martial spirit.

From each fallen wolf, a soul ring emerged. Most were white, but some glowed with a faint yellow light, indicating superior quality.

When the last wolf fell, Zhu Long deactivated his martial spirit. The children, visibly shaken by the violence they had just witnessed, gathered around him, and together they left the forest.

Upon reaching the entrance, Zhu Long approached the same guard as before and handed him a token along with a gold coin. "You can return it yourself," he said firmly.

The guard nodded, accepting the coin and the token. "Of course, I'll return it right away," he replied, his voice tinged with respect for the unexpected generosity.

"Thank you," said Zhu Long, and he walked away with the children following him. Zhu Xiang, with a mix of curiosity and admiration, asked, "Dad, where are we going now?"

The other children also looked at Zhu Long, waiting for his response. "Now we head north," he declared, his gaze briefly lost in the distance before focusing again on the path ahead.

Although the children did not understand the purpose of their new destination, they trusted Zhu Long and followed him without question, ready to face together any challenge that awaited them in the north.

Seven days later, in Yolin City, Zhu Long and the children found themselves in a cozy restaurant, enjoying a meal that showcased the richness of Chinese cuisine. The table was laden with traditional dishes: lacquered duck with its crispy, glistening skin, steaming xiaolongbao with each bite, zhajiangmian noodles covered in a thick and fragrant sauce, and a heap of stir-fried vegetables that crunched with each bite. The children, with chopsticks in hand, explored the flavors with curiosity and delight.

As they savored their meal, a conversation at the next table caught their attention. Two men, with frothy beer mugs in front of them, spoke in low but intense voices that cut through the bustle of the place.

"Have you heard what happened?" the first inquired, taking a sip of his beer before continuing.

"No, what happened?" the second responded, setting his mug down on the table with a gesture of interest.

"Well, do you know what Tang Hao did?" The first seemed eager to share the news, looking around to make sure no one else was listening.

"Wait, are you talking about Tang Hao from the Clear Sky Clan?" The second man seemed surprised, almost spitting out a mouthful of food.

"Yes, that very Tang Hao. I just got news that, when he was passing through a village at night, looking for a place to sleep with his wife, but the villagers refused. Then, he took his hammer and... killed all the villagers in the town." The first man's voice turned somber as he revealed the end of the story.

The second man, clearly enraged by what he had just heard, slammed the table with force, causing the mugs and plates to shake, startling some nearby diners. "That's monstrous! How can someone commit such barbarity? I hope they catch him and make him pay for his acts!"

"The good thing is that His Holiness the Pope was passing by there and saw it. Now he's chasing him. I hope he kills him sooner rather than later," said the first man, with a nod of approval, as if the possibility of vengeance gave him some comfort.

"And which village was it that was massacred?" asked the second, still shocked, as he took another swig of beer to calm his anger.

"I think it was Ba Hun Zhuang or something like that," replied the first, frowning in an effort to remember the exact name.

Hearing the conversation of the men at the next table, Xue Sha visibly paled. His gaze shifted to Zhu Long, filled with uncertainty and a silent question: Could what they had just heard be true?

Zhu Long, sensing Xue Sha's gaze, sighed deeply. He continued to eat calmly before responding. "It's true," he said in a low voice, "but it wasn't Tang Hao. It was the Pope."

Zhu Long's words fell like a stone in Xue Sha's stomach, who paled even more, if possible. After a few moments of tension, in which he seemed to be struggling to maintain composure, he resumed his meal. However, his movements were mechanical, almost violent, as if each bite were a contained blow. It was evident that, in his mind, Xue Sha was already waging a battle, wishing to confront the true culprit of the massacre.

Once the meal was finished, the group rose from the table. Xue Sha had regained some of his serenity, but anger still burned in his eyes. As they walked towards the exit of the city, his thoughts were a bitter whirlwind. He looked at the ring on his finger and reflected, "So, I guess that was why we were moving away from the village..."

Crossing the city gates, Xue Sha's gaze turned cold, devoid of emotion. There was a steely determination in his expression, a resolution that had been forged in the fire of injustice and revelation. With each step they took away from Yolin City, Xue Sha and his companions left behind not just a place, but also the innocence they had lost upon discovering the truth about the massacre.