Chapter 17: The Edict of Death

Six days ago

On a road, one could observe an extremely luxurious carriage, drawn by horses with dragon-like features, surrounded by 21 people.

The carriage, a work of art in itself, boasted intricate ornaments depicting mythological scenes and divine battles carved with great detail into the polished wood, which shone under the rays of the setting sun, granting it a golden glow. The horses, strong and majestic, displayed shiny scales on their flanks that sparkled like gems, and their manes waved gently with the breeze.

Inside, the opulence was equally evident. The seats were upholstered with the finest quality velvet, a deep red with golden trim, and the space was ample enough to comfortably accommodate its occupants. An ornately carved small table stood in the center, upon which rested a delicate porcelain teapot exhaling scented steam, filling the atmosphere with the intoxicating aroma of high-quality tea.

Pope Qian Xun Ji, a man of imposing presence and penetrating gaze that missed no detail, held a teacup with an effortless elegance. Yue Guan and Gui Mei, his imposing companions, drank the tea with a reverent silence towards the ritual, their expressions serene yet inscrutable.

As the carriage smoothly progressed down the road, the tinkling of the fine porcelain and the murmur of conversation were the only sounds that disturbed the tranquil interior atmosphere, creating a stark contrast with the powerful escort marching silently outside.

The ostentatious and majestic carriage continued its journey until it reached the entrance of Nuoding City. As it crossed the grand gates, the city's people couldn't help but stop and stare. They had never before witnessed such a display of luxury and power. The soul beasts pulling the carriage, with their draconian features, were a sight that caused as much awe as envy among the bystanders.

"What luxury! They're even using soul beasts to pull the carriage," commented a citizen with wide-open eyes.

"Quiet, don't you see whose carriage it is?" replied his companion, with a tone of voice that denoted a mix of respect and fear.

"Oh, so the carriage belongs to someone from the Spirit Hall," deduced the first, his voice tinged with wonder.

"Yes, I can even guess that it's an elder or even the Pope himself inside," said the second, his gaze turning fanatical at the mere idea of such an exalted figure's presence.

The carriage approached the city's branch of the Spirit Hall. Upon arrival at the front, the 21 people escorting it positioned themselves on both sides of the carriage door, forming a ceremonial aisle, and knelt reverently. A guard, witnessing the scene, immediately understood the gravity of the moment and quickly entered the building in search of Ma Xiu Nuo.

First to descend from the carriage was Qian Xun Ji, with a dignity that seemed to emanate naturally from his being. His figure imposed a reverent silence. Behind him, Yue Guan and Gui Mei emerged, their presences almost as overwhelming as the Pope's.

Qian Xun Ji, with the dignity and grace that characterized him, advanced towards the Spirit Hall while the crowd watched in reverent silence. "You may rise, follow me inside," he said with a firm but calm voice, addressing his escorts who had formed the ceremonial aisle.

The 21 people responded with a resonant "Yes!" and stood up with coordinated and disciplined movements. They lined up behind him, following him into the building with almost military precision.

Once inside, the atmosphere of the Spirit Hall was a whirlwind of frantic activity. Ma Xiu Nuo, the deacon of the branch, hurried towards them, with beads of sweat dotting his forehead, a clear indication of the anxiety the unexpected visit provoked. He stopped in front of Qian Xun Ji, knelt deferentially, and said, "I see His Holiness the Pope. I am the deacon of this branch, Ma Xiu Nuo. I wonder what occasion brings you to this small city."

Qian Xun Ji looked at him with an expression that revealed none of his thoughts. "Am I supposed to announce or ask for permission to come?" His tone was calm, but there was an edge to his words that could not be ignored.

Ma Xiu Nuo, feeling the pressure of the imposing Pope's presence, began to sweat even more and became visibly nervous. "No, no, of course not, Your Holiness can go wherever he wishes," he stammered, trying to regain his composure.

Qian Xun Ji seemed satisfied with the response and, as he walked towards the throne room present in all branches of the Spirit Hall, he said to Ma Xiu Nuo, "You may rise, follow me."

The deacon immediately obeyed, standing up and following the Pope and his companions.

Upon reaching the throne room, Qian Xun Ji settled into the throne with a presence that seemed to naturally claim the seat of power. Beside him, Yue Guan and Gui Mei stood, emanating an aura of unbreakable strength and loyalty. The escorts positioned themselves on both sides of the room, forming two impeccable rows, while Ma Xiu Nuo stood in the center, facing the Pope.

"Kneel," commanded Qian Xun Ji with a voice that resonated with authority. Ma Xiu Nuo, consumed by anxiety, quickly complied, his body trembling slightly under the weight of the moment.

The silence that followed was overwhelming, each second stretching as if it were hours, until Qian Xun Ji broke the stillness. "Is it true what Su Yuntao has told me, that there is someone with innate soul power level 10 who has refused to join?"

Ma Xiu Nuo swallowed hard, his nervousness palpable in the air. "Your Holiness, I would not dare to lie to you, it is true. He refused to join. Here is his information," he said, pulling a document from his coat pocket.

With a gesture of his hand, Qian Xun Ji drew the paper towards himself using his soul power and began to read. After a few moments, he looked up and, with an emotionless voice, ordered: "Yue Guan, Gui Mei, I want you to take everyone and go massacre the entire village. I want no one alive."

Yue Guan and Gui Mei nodded without hesitation and left with the 21 escorts, preparing to carry out the order without question.

Once alone, Qian Xun Ji turned to Ma Xiu Nuo, whose soul power level was 29 and, due to his age, had little chance of reaching level 30. From his collar, the Pope extracted a small box and, with a movement of his hand, sent it floating towards Ma Xiu Nuo. "This is your reward," he said.

With trembling hands, Ma Xiu Nuo opened the box and discovered what appeared to be a right leg bone. His breathing quickened and his eyes moistened as he recognized it was a 400-year-old Spirit Bone. Gratitude overwhelmed him, and he knelt deeply. "Thank you very much, Your Holiness," he expressed with a choked voice.

"Go somewhere quiet to absorb the Spirit Bone," instructed Qian Xun Ji.

Ma Xiu Nuo stood up, bowed at a 90-degree angle in a sign of deep respect and gratitude, and left the room to prepare for the process that could elevate his soul power to a level he had never imagined possible.