Chapter 26: The Sword Tournament: Part 2

The master, with a discreet cough, captured the congregation's attention. "Xue Sha, you have shown admirable courage," he said firmly, "but I urge you not to attempt channeling your soul power into a wooden sword again. It's a practice that requires discernment and control." His gaze settled on the young man, conveying the seriousness of his advice. "Now, as is customary at the end of a duel, I ask that you shake hands as a sign of respect and sportsmanship."

Xue Sha nodded resignedly. He approached He Ming, who stood with crossed arms, and extended his hand. He Ming hesitated for a moment before accepting the gesture, his eyes showing a hint of reconciliation. As their hands met, the atmosphere in the clearing relaxed slightly, as if the tension had finally dissipated.

"Very well," concluded the master, his voice reflecting a note of approval. "It's time to return to your peers."

Both young men returned to the circle where their peers watched in silence, some with curiosity and others with relief.

The master surveyed the gathered students, his countenance serious and resolute. "Number two," he called, his tone clear and authoritative.

Two students stepped forward. With an honorific salute, they clasped fist and palm, bowing before engaging. The contest was swift and precise, concluding when one disarmed the other with skill.

"Very good," approved the master. The students shook hands and returned to their places. "Number three."

The next pair of students presented themselves. After the salute, the battle intensified. One seized an opportunity to topple his opponent.

"Number four," the master continued.

This duel showcased equal skill between the opponents. After a respectful salute, they fought until a blow to the torso decided the victor.

"Let's continue. Number five."

Two more took their positions, exchanging greetings before the combat. One demonstrated technical superiority, overwhelming his opponent with agility.

"Number six."

The fighters exhibited great technique. After a fierce clash, one tapped the other's chest with his sword. They shook hands and rejoined the others.

The master scrutinized the circle of students with a penetrating gaze. "Number seven," his voice resounded, marking the beginning of the duel.

Xue Feng and Mei Ling, the lone female warrior among them, stepped forward. They exchanged a martial salute, closed fist against open palm, a gesture of respect before the engagement.

From the shadows, Xue Sha observed, his eyes sharp as daggers, analyzing every move of Xue Feng, filing away each weakness for future encounters.

The tension hung in the air like a swordsman's blade. Xue Feng, with the grace of a swan, slid his feet in a dance of combat, while Mei Ling, agile as a panther, responded with feline reflexes. Every clash of steel was a symphony of strength and grace.

With an artistic twist, Xue Feng launched an attack that cut through the wind. Mei Ling, in a flash of intuition, stepped back and riposted with a decisive thrust. But Xue Feng, master of anticipation, parried the blow and countered with a flurry of thrusts that Mei Ling could barely block.

The duel escalated in fervor. Xue Feng executed a downward strike, his sword whistling with deadly precision. Mei Ling intercepted it, but Xue Feng, in a whirl of movement, slipped behind her, his sword brushing against her neck, a whisper of wood signaling the end of the match.

Xue Feng offered his hand to Mei Ling, who accepted it with a smile as they returned to the circle.

The master, with his firm yet compassionate gaze, addressed the students gathered after the thrilling duels. His voice carried authority and warmth, capturing everyone's attention.

"I congratulate all of you for your efforts in the bouts. Those who have advanced showed great skill and courage. It's an achievement deserving of recognition," declared the master, applauding sincerely. "For those who didn't advance, do not be discouraged. Every bout is an opportunity to learn and grow."

He then instructed, "Divide into three groups. On the right, winners 1, 2, 3, and 4. On the left, winners 5, 6, 7, and the one who was blank at the end of the day, al final los demas."

The students quickly organized themselves as per the master's instructions. Those who didn't make it past the round positioned themselves behind, observing attentively and mentally noting the techniques and strategies they had witnessed.

"Let's proceed," the master urged calmly. The students' anticipation was evident, each mentally preparing for the impending sword dance.

Xue Sha, sword in hand, faced off against number two. The battle was a ballet of thrusts and parries, where Xue Sha, with impeccable strategy, disarmed his opponent, claiming victory in the tournament.

The duel between number three and number four was a display of technique and determination. With a series of precise movements, number three demonstrated mastery in the art of fencing, winning the match.

Next, numbers five and six crossed swords in a duel that was a storm of attacks and defenses. Number six, with superior skill, executed the decisive blow, securing his place in the next round of the tournament.

In his own bout, Xue Feng showed why he was the tournament favorite. With movements flowing like verses of a poem, he dominated the duel, his sword dictating the rhythm until he achieved an indisputable victory.

In the subsequent round, Xue Sha faced off against number three in a duel that pushed their limits. Xue Sha, with a series of masterful counterattacks, emerged victorious.

The final match of the round featured number six against Xue Feng. In an exchange of blows that seemed like a rehearsed choreography, Xue Feng, with a combination of elegance and precision, defeated his opponent, advancing to the next phase of the tournament.

The master, with a look of approval and anticipation, knew that the final duel would be the true testament of the skill and spirit of the swordsmen.

Under the watchful eye of the master and the expectant silence of the students, Xue Sha and Xue Feng positioned themselves in the clearing, ready for the duel. With a martial salute, their swords rose in a gesture of respect and challenge. Xue Feng, with a confident smile, glanced at Xue Sha, who returned the look with equal intensity.

The tension was palpable, like a taut rope on the verge of snapping. Neither made the first move; they merely observed each other, each seeking any revealing sign. A solitary leaf, detached from a nearby tree, began its slow, serene descent to the ground. It was as if time had stopped, and all eyes were fixed on this small symbol of imminent change.

When the leaf touched the ground, it was the agreed signal. Like two rays of light, Xue Sha and Xue Feng launched their attacks. The battle that ensued was a whirlwind of wood and shadows. Xue Sha, now a master of basic movements, unleashed a series of personal techniques, each more lethal than the last, regardless of the consequences to himself. Xue Feng, on the other hand, moved with evasive grace, his eyes searching for the perfect opportunity to counterattack.

The clash of swords rang out with each encounter, a combat melody filling the air. In a twist of fate, Xue Sha found his moment and struck Xue Feng's wrist, disarming him in an instant of pure precision. With Xue Sha's sword now aimed at Xue Feng's neck, the clearing fell into absolute silence.

"I have won," declared Xue Sha, his voice calm but laden with victory.

Xue Feng, surprised and disarmed, raised his hands in surrender. "I surrender," he said, his voice a mix of respect and acknowledgment.

At that precise moment, the end-of-class bell rang, marking not only the end of the lesson but also the thrilling duel.