Chapter 27: From the Sword to the Jewels

The master, with a smile reflecting both satisfaction and pride in the displayed skill, addressed his students. "Xue Sha, Xue Feng, your sword mastery today has been admirable," he said, his voice resonating with genuine recognition. "You have fought with skill and precision, and for that I commend you." He paused, nodding with a smile towards the two young men before adding, "And now, with the sound of the bell, today's session concludes. You may take your leave."

The students, relieved and tired after the intense session, began to leave the premises amidst murmurs of conversations and laughter. Xue Sha turned to Xue Feng with a question she had been waiting to ask. "So, where is that shop you mentioned?"

Xue Feng, with a smile hiding his nervousness, replied, "Oh, it's just a few minutes from here," although his sense of direction was so poor that reaching it without getting lost seemed more like a wish than a certainty.

At a safe distance, two robust figures followed the young men. They were the bodyguards assigned by the students' families, their discreet yet constant presence ensuring the safety of their charges. These guardians, silent shadows among the crowd, maintained vigilant watch, ready to act at any sign of danger.

Just minutes after their departure, Xue Sha and Xue Feng ventured into the heart of a neighborhood forgotten by fortune. The scene was a stark contrast to the cleanliness of the school premises they had just left behind. Desolation hung over the place like a thick fog; corpses lay abandoned, almost blending into the urban landscape, while the living, skeletal figures wrapped in rags, wandered like shadows among the debris. Misery was not just palpable but seemed to permeate every surface, every corner, with people either collapsed or clinging to objects of dubious value, symbols of a survival that grew increasingly ephemeral.

Xue Sha glanced at Xue Feng, a mix of disbelief and disdain dancing in her eyes, while a nervous tic played at the corner of her mouth. "Are you sure the shop is around here?" she inquired, her voice tinged with skepticism that seemed more like a statement than a question.

Xue Feng, visibly nervous and with a smile that failed to conceal his discomfort, nodded hesitantly. "Well, I think so... at least that's what I remember," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper amidst the surrounding chaos.

With a gesture of exasperation, Xue Sha brought her hand to her forehead, lightly tapping it in a gesture of palpable frustration. "Let's call your bodyguards and ask them," she proposed, making an imperceptible signal that nevertheless prompted the trusted men to approach with diligence.

The bodyguards, two imposing figures dressed in attire denoting their position and loyalty, approached with firm steps and knelt before their lords with a synchrony that spoke of years of training and service. "I see the Young Master," declared one with a resonant voice, while the other, addressing Xue Feng with reverential respect, added, "I see His Highness."

With a voice tinged with nervousness and timidity, Xue Feng turned to his nearest bodyguard. "Um, where is the shop where I always buy my jewels?" he asked, his tone suggesting more of a plea than an order.

The bodyguard, whose helpless smile betrayed his own uncertainty, struggled to maintain composure. "Their Highnesses, please follow me," he responded, hiding his anxiety behind a mask of professionalism.

Together, they began to walk towards the coliseum, a monument that stood majestically in contrast to the depressing slum they left behind.

As their steps carried them away from the shadows of the marginalized neighborhoods and guided them towards the coliseum, Xue Feng broke the mantle of silence enveloping them with a question burning in his mind. "Sha Sha, what impression do those neighborhoods leave you with? If it were up to you, how would you transform them?"

Xue Sha's response came as a cold echo, devoid of any hint of emotion. "Those places shouldn't even exist. If it were up to me, I would eradicate all their inhabitants. Remove the source of the problem, and the problem disappears. If it persists, it's a sign that you haven't been thorough enough."

Xue Feng frowned, clearly disturbed. "Isn't there a less drastic way?"

Xue Sha's gaze locked onto his before continuing. "Of course there are alternatives, but none as direct, effective, and cost-free. The others involve expenses of up to 30 gold coins per head, and there are plans that amount to 200 or 300. It's a waste. I have another plan that would involve relocating these people near the soul beast forests, granting them land. No one wants to live near a forest stalked by creatures that could wipe out an entire village in the blink of an eye, so it can be taken advantage of. Of course, it would require turning them into soldiers for their own defense. That option seems the most viable to me, although its cost exceeds 1,000 gold coins per individual."

Suddenly, Xue Feng's eyes lit up, revealing a glimmer of inspiration. Without hesitation, he clung to Xue Sha's arm with unexpected tenderness, pressing it against himself. "Thank you," he expressed with genuine fervor, although he held onto the embrace longer than necessary.

Xue Sha coughed, a gesture that caused Xue Feng to blush to the root of his hair, quickly releasing his arm. An awkward silence hung between them, but it did not stop their steps towards the coliseum.

The coliseum stood imposing, a beacon of civilization amidst urban chaos. Xue Feng and Xue Sha slipped through the streets until the narrowness gave way to a wide and vibrant avenue. Life teemed on every corner, a tapestry of colors, sounds, and aromas inviting passersby to immerse themselves in its charms.

Xue Feng, with a smile reflecting both pride and familiarity, turned to Xue Sha. "Here you will find everything a noble could desire," he began, his hand gesturing towards a shop adorned with the emblem of a carriage. "And right there," he continued, pointing to a window display exuding elegance, "the latest fashion trends."

"There is our destination," he announced, directing his attention towards a shop whose golden sign competed with the sun in its brilliance. Upon crossing the threshold, a tinkling bell welcomed them. Inside, an elderly jeweler, whose glasses magnified eyes filled with wisdom, weighed a diamond with the delicacy of one who understands its value. Upon recognizing his visitors, he set aside his task and approached with a reverence bordering on veneration.

"Your Highness, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?" he inquired, his bow a dance of shadows on the floor.

Xue Feng, with the ease of one accustomed to such deference, responded with a friendly smile. "I have brought my friend in search of exceptional jewels, such as only you can offer."

The jeweler directed a gaze filled with curiosity and respect towards Xue Sha. "It is a pleasure to meet you. What piece do you have in mind?"

Xue Sha, whose eyes distilled a mix of determination and refinement, wasted no time in responding. "Could you create something unique for me?"

The elderly man nodded, his enthusiasm palpable. "Of course, though it will take time and will be more costly."

"Price is not an issue," affirmed Xue Sha serenely. "I am looking for medium-sized earrings, something like this," she requested, and with a gesture, the jeweler provided paper and pencil. Xue Sha's strokes came to life on the paper, outlining a small and simple cross.

"Something along these lines," she concluded, "and not larger than the size of my little finger. If the result pleases me, I will consider this place for future acquisitions."

The jeweler studied the design with attention, his expression a reflection of the complexity of the commission. "It will be approximately three thousand gold coins. I will need a ten percent deposit."

With meticulousness, Xue Sha withdrew coins from her ring, counting them precisely until she completed the required sum. The metallic sound of the coins intertwined with the murmur of the shop, capturing the attention of those present.

Before leaving, Xue Sha inquired about the wait time. "Two weeks," assured the jeweler with a smile promising wonders.

With a gesture of approval, Xue Sha bid farewell with a nod of her head, and alongside Xue Feng, they departed from the shop, leaving behind the hustle and bustle and the anticipation of jewels that would undoubtedly live up to their dreams.