Chapter 29: The Path to Sunset Forest

Xue Sha rose, her presence as unyielding as an ice sculpture. With a voice devoid of all emotion, she commanded her protector, "Let's depart."

Together, they withdrew from the imposing Spirit Grand Arena, fading into the crowd like shadows melting into the dusk, slipping through a narrow passage. Those who pursued them found only the silence of a dead-end alley.

"Damn it, she's given us the slip again," muttered one pursuer, their exasperation palpable in the dense atmosphere of the alley.

"It doesn't matter," whispered the other with a sharp tone of resolution. "As long as she continues to appear in the arena, another opportunity will arise. Let's go."

Unaware of Xue Sha and her bodyguard's surveillance from atop a nearby building, they shed their cloaks and masks that granted them anonymity.

Once they confirmed the path was clear, Xue Sha and her ally leaped with agility to another passageway, executing meticulous and strategic movements. They blended with the crowd on the main street, discreetly advancing toward the city's north gate.

Xue Sha and her bodyguard headed towards the mountains. The path was steep and winding, bordered by lush trees and wildflowers filling the air with their fragrance. Upon reaching the mountain base, they began ascending a long stone staircase seemingly without end. Each step resonated beneath their feet, marking the rhythm of their ascent.

Finally, they arrived at a hidden valley among the mountains. In the center stood a building, the largest of all, with curved roofs and intricate decorations. They approached the building, their footsteps echoing in the silence of the place. Upon entering, they were greeted by a solemn atmosphere.

Inside, Duke Xue sat on a carved wooden throne, his face pale as he coughed blood into a silk handkerchief. Xue Sha and her bodyguard approached respectfully, performing a traditional Chinese salute. The bodyguard spoke first: "I see the Sect Master."

Xue Sha, with a cold expression, added, "Grandfather."

Duke Xue lifted his gaze with effort, his voice weak yet authoritative. "Are you ready to go to Sunset Forest?"

Xue Sha nodded firmly. "Yes, everything is prepared. I came to inform you that we will leave now."

Duke Xue took a sip of tea from his cup, his hand trembling slightly. "Tell me what you want. I'm sure you didn't come just for that."

Xue Sha didn't hesitate to respond: "I need a technique or something to conceal the color of my next soul ring. I want to attempt to obtain a thousand-year soul ring."

Duke Xue frowned, his gaze penetrating. "Are you sure you can withstand a thousand-year soul ring?" Without waiting for a reply, he began applying soul power pressure, gradually increasing the intensity to level 43.

Xue Sha endured the pressure without showing signs of weakness. "It's done," she said calmly.

Duke Xue stopped exerting pressure and commented, "Not bad. With your physique, you could easily absorb a ring of about two thousand years. But just in case, don't go beyond fifteen hundred years."

Xue Sha nodded. "Understood."

Duke Xue pondered for a moment, then used his soul power to send a jade bracelet to Xue Sha.

Xue Sha took it and put it on her wrist. "How do you use this?" she asked, examining the object with curiosity.

Duke Xue explained, "Inject your soul power and you'll see. This bracelet has the ability to alter the appearance of your soul ring, but be careful, it consumes quite a bit."

Xue Sha opened her martial spirit, and a yellow ring appeared beneath her feet. She injected soul power into the bracelet and watched as the ring changed color: first white, then black, and finally returned to yellow, but her face was pale from the consumption.

"It's fine," Xue Sha commented. "But it consumes quite a bit."

Duke Xue nodded, his face showing a mix of pride and concern. "You need something more to complement this. But for now, this should suffice for your journey to Sunset Forest."

Xue Sha shook her head. "I don't need anything else. Thank you, grandfather."

Duke Xue sighed, his voice laden with emotion. "Take care, Xue Sha. Sunset Forest is a dangerous place. Don't underestimate the challenges you may face."

Xue Sha nodded once more, her unwavering determination. "I won't. Goodbye, grandfather."

With those words, Xue Sha and her bodyguard turned and left the building. The fresh mountain air welcomed them as they descended the stone staircase.

At the bottom, Xue Sha and her companions came upon a row of carriages, a total of ten. They headed to the third one and took their seats inside, where the adept steward awaited them.

As soon as the horses set off, Xue Sha turned to the steward and asked, "Dugu Bo still isn't a titled Douluo, right?"

The steward, with a grave expression, confirmed, "That's right, but if we delay, he could reach level ninety at any moment."

"Have you discovered his routine?" Xue Sha continued the interrogation.

"His visits to Sunset Forest have become more frequent. We believe it may be related to his son," shared the steward.

With a pensive gesture, Xue Sha rested her chin on her fist and her elbow on the window, lost in contemplation of the scenery outside. After a brief silence, she decided, "It's essential that his son disappears. That way, Dugu Bo will stay in Tiandou City, consoling his granddaughter. That will be the time to act."

Xue Sha, observing the unfolding landscape, broke the silence that had settled. "There's something we must consider as we travel. Dugu Bo has fallen into his own poisonous trap."

The steward, with a look of confusion, questioned, "But how is that possible, if his spirit is that of a venomous snake?"

"Snakes have a system for storing and managing their venom," explained Xue Sha in a calm voice. "Dugu Bo, although he has a similar spirit, is still human and lacks that biological capacity. The venom has integrated into his system, affecting his lineage as well. That's why he constantly visits Sunset Forest; his son is battling death."

The conversation gradually faded as the sun began to set, signaling a time for pause. Xue Sha's companions moved efficiently, gathering firewood to light a campfire. The warmth of the fire became the heart of their temporary camp as they prepared dinner.

As they dined, conversation sporadically flowed, filling the atmosphere with a sense of camaraderie. After finishing the meal, they continued their journey, alternating drivers to prevent exhaustion and maintain a steady pace toward their destination.

Meanwhile, Xue Sha immersed herself in deep meditation, focusing on the challenges that awaited them.