Chapter 30: The Rise of the Poison Douluo

At dawn, the carriages paused at the threshold of Sunset Forest. From his seat, the butler scrutinized the landscape through the window before addressing Xue Sha with a tone of deference:

"We have arrived, Young Master."

Xue Sha emerged slowly from his meditation, unfolding his figure with elegance as he stepped down from the carriage. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the pure morning air, and stretched, releasing the accumulated tension in his muscles. The bodyguard and the butler descended after him, attentive to his instructions.

Surveying the line of carriages, Xue Sha pondered for a moment before issuing his orders clearly:

"Half of us will enter the forest in search of my second soul ring. The rest will remain here, on guard."

The butler nodded resolutely and swiftly moved to organize the selected group. Moments later, he returned and reported to Xue Sha:

"Everything is ready."

With a gesture of approval, Xue Sha set off. "Forward," he said, leading the way into the thickness of the forest.

The group, with Xue Sha at its core, advanced cautiously through the forest, forming a human shield against hidden threats in the dense undergrowth. The vegetation, increasingly impenetrable, and the air, heavy with moisture and secrets, hindered their progress. They soon noticed that the creatures inhabiting this place were of a venomous nature, their bright eyes watching them from the darkness of the underbrush.

After hours of silent march, an invisible and powerful pressure briefly overwhelmed them. Xue Sha, whose senses had sharpened in the forest's gloom, turned his gaze northwestward, where an imposing rocky formation stood. With a voice that brooked no doubt, he declared:

"It seems Dugu Bo has crossed the threshold of level 90. He is just one soul ring away from becoming a Titled Douluo."

Surprise and unease painted the faces of his companions. The revelation struck them like a gale, injecting new urgency into their expedition. They continued their way, but the appearance of a pink mist, thickening with each step, enveloped them in a suffocating embrace.

The bodyguard, feeling his strength wane in the presence of the mist, reflected, "This mist... must be the work of a Pink Queen, though its potency suggests a mutation. I feel my vigor fading slowly."

With a mix of concern and hope, he turned to Xue Sha and said:

"Fortune smiles upon us. My lord's sought-after soul ring seems to have come to us."

Fifteen minutes ago...

The majestic and silent rocky formation stood like an ancestral guardian of the land. Anyone daring to approach its summit and peer into the crater would find a two-colored lake, swirling in a dance of red and blue that never mingled. Around it, a tapestry of vegetation sprawled in a mosaic of life and peril: poisonous plants intertwined with common flora, and among them, Immortal Herbs sparkled with a brilliance that seemed to defy time.

Within the rock's depths, a labyrinth of caves wound its way into the darkness. In one of these cavities, Dugu Bo immersed himself in deep meditation, his spirit brushing against the threshold of level 90. The hurried arrival of his granddaughter, Dugu Yan, a girl of about eight with green hair and purple tips, interrupted his trance.

"Grandfather, my father sent me to find you," she said, her voice tinged with concern.

Dugu Bo, with a sigh revealing his inner sorrow, murmured, "I'm sorry," before calmly responding, "It's alright, I will come out shortly."

After Dugu Yan departed, Dugu Bo closed his eyes once more. Almost a quarter of an hour later, a sense of liberation washed over him, and a wave of energy emanated from his being. His eyes opened, and laughter echoed in the cave, "Ha, ha, ha! At last, I am a Titled Douluo. 'Venom' shall be my title."

With his granddaughter in mind, Dugu Bo emerged from the cave and headed towards a wooden cabin where Dugu Yan awaited him. He affectionately stroked her head before entering. Inside, in a dimly lit room, lay two motionless figures on wooden beds, their lips tinged with a deadly purple.

Dugu Bo, his heart heavy, checked their breath only to confirm the silence of death. Holding back tears, he retrieved two crystal coffins from his spatial ring, reverently placed the bodies inside, and sealed them back into his ring.

Upon exiting, his countenance was a mask of mourning. He sat beside Dugu Yan and, with a voice barely concealing his pain, explained, "Your father has embarked on a long cultivation journey, and your mother has accompanied him. We must return to the City of Tiandou."

Dugu Yan's innocence reflected in her question, "When will they return?"

With a gentle stroke of her hair, Dugu Bo replied, "Perhaps in five or six years, perhaps more. It is time to leave."

Summoning his martial spirit, a colossal serpent materialized behind him, surrounded by eight spirit rings. He took Dugu Yan in his arms and ascended into the skies, heading towards the City of Tiandou. Flying over the forest, his expression hardened as he thought, "Who dares to hunt my prey? It was my ninth ring."

With a sigh cutting through the wind, Dugu Bo accelerated his flight, the City of Tiandou emerging before him like a bastion of civilization. Approaching the majestic gates, his figure descended with the grace of a falling leaf, landing on the ground with barely a whisper. The guards, recognizing him, stepped aside with reverence, their gazes filled with respect and veiled fear.

Dugu Bo, carrying Dugu Yan in his arms, crossed the streets with an urgency resonating in every step. Upon reaching his mansion, he bent down to look into the girl's eyes, his voice gentle yet tinged with the gravity of the moment, "Wait in your room, I will return soon."

Dugu Yan, with the full trust of childhood, nodded and headed to her sanctuary, leaving Dugu Bo alone with his thoughts. He, measuring the weight of his heart with each step, entered the backyard garden, where nature wove a tapestry of greenery and life. In the remotest corner, a hill adorned with wild flora held secrets within its bosom.

With a gesture of his hand, the power of his soul manifested, opening two beds in the earth with the delicacy of an artisan. He extracted the crystal coffins from his spatial ring, placing them in their earthly resting place with a care that bordered on the sacred. He covered the graves, and upon them, he laid two smooth stones, their surfaces reflecting a final farewell.

There he remained, a statue of mourning and remembrance, while the wind caressed the landscape, whispering solace to the dancing leaves. Time seemed to stand still in that eternal moment, until life, insistent, began to reclaim its place in Dugu Bo's eyes. Determination and purpose, like torches in the darkness, illuminated his gaze once more.