Chapter 31: The Ring of the Dying Serpent

In a remote part of the Twilight Forest lay the body of a dying three-eyed serpent. The creature, over fifty meters long, writhed weakly on the ground, its scaly skin reflecting the last rays of the sun.

Of the fifteen who had followed Xue Sha, only twelve remained. The three fallen were petrified, their bodies turned into stone statues. Of the twelve survivors, two were gravely injured, while the others, including Xue Sha, had wounds of varying severity.

Xue Sha, his face shadowed by fatigue and worry, addressed his bodyguard. "You just reached level 80. This ring is perfect for you, but I don't know if you can handle it. It's over eighty thousand years old, from what I can see."

The bodyguard, with a determined and firm look, responded, "Don't worry, Young Master. I am bound to get this ring no matter what, so I can be of more use to you."

With that determination, the bodyguard sat down to meditate and recover. Forty-five minutes later, he was fully recovered. He stood up with renewed energy and approached the serpent. He drew a sword from his ring and, with a precise movement, stabbed it into the central eye on the serpent's forehead, ending its suffering. A very dark black ring emerged from the serpent's body, floating in the air.

The bodyguard sat beneath the ring and drew it towards him. Four of his companions positioned themselves around him to protect him. As he began the absorption, he felt intense pressure in his meridians, but he could bear it with relative ease. The truly difficult part was the spiritual attack; in his mind, he was battling the serpent once more.

For nearly three hours, the bodyguard faced the fierce resistance of the serpent's spirit. The mental battle was exhausting, and when blood began to flow from his seven orifices, it seemed he could not endure any longer. However, with a final burst of will and determination, he finally completed the absorption.

The bodyguard slowly opened his eyes, trying to stand, but at that moment his body could no longer bear it, and he collapsed heavily to the ground. Xue Sha quickly approached, placed a finger under the bodyguard's nose, and, noticing he was breathing, sighed in relief. "Grab him by the shoulders," he ordered the butler and another member of the group, "and you two, by the feet."

After ensuring the bodyguard was in safe hands, Xue Sha headed towards the serpent's head. He unsheathed his sword and channeled his soul power into it. With a precise attack, he launched a soul power blade that mercilessly severed the head from the body. He repeated the process several times, dividing the body into about twenty pieces. Each cut was meticulous, ensuring not to waste a bit of the valuable flesh and scales. He began storing them in his spatial ring, one by one.

As he stored the next piece, he felt a fluctuation of soul power. With his sword, he broke the piece and discovered a trunk-shaped bone. Although a spark of excitement crossed his face, he remained calm and quickly stored it in his ring. He looked at those who had died petrified and thought to himself, "So this was Dugu Bo's ninth ring. This serpent was a medusa."

He continued reflecting, "Then, if he doesn't get this ring, his Martial Spirit won't evolve. Perfect."

He turned to one of his followers and ordered, "Turn the petrified ones into powder and bury them."

The follower nodded, concentrating his soul power. A burst of energy enveloped the petrified bodies, reducing them to powder in seconds. Carefully, he dug a hole in the ground and buried them with respect, ensuring his fallen comrades received a dignified rest.

Xue Sha looked around, assessing the situation and making sure nothing important was left behind. "Well, I think that's it. Let's head back to the carriages," he said firmly.

The group, exhausted but with a goal achieved, began the journey back, leaving the Twilight Forest behind. The trees whispered with the wind, as if the forest itself acknowledged the battle that had taken place. As they walked, the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and red, marking the end of a day filled with dangers and achievements.

As they approached the carriage, the rest of the group immediately noticed their arrival. A Soul Master specialized in gastronomy stepped forward, invoking his martial spirit: delicious steamed buns. Four spirit rings emerged at his feet, and the second one glowed with a warm and welcoming light. With innate elegance in his movements, he conjured an abundance of buns and began distributing them among the wounded.

The injured fighters, upon tasting the buns, felt their wounds regenerate at a surprising rate. The nourishing and healing essence of the bites replenished their vitality and repaired their battered bodies. Wounds sealed, bruises faded, and pain dissipated, leaving a comforting sense of fullness and rejuvenation. With hearts full of gratitude, they expressed their thanks in unison.

The Soul Master, with a modest smile, shook his head and continued his healing work. His commitment and mastery were palpable, and the tension in the air eased as they saw their comrades receiving such meticulous care.

Xue Sha, in contemplative silence, ensured that everyone received the necessary assistance. He observed with a keen eye, evaluating the condition of each member.

Then his attention shifted to the horizon, where the sun began its descent, bathing the sky in hues of orange and pink. He was already planning the challenges and strategies for the road ahead.

Xue Sha, observing his team with a calculating look, turned to the butler and said, "I was thinking of leaving the injured here with five or six people and taking the others, but to enter where I want, I need to fly, as it is surrounded by a poisonous mist."

He paused for a moment, carefully evaluating the situation, and then continued, "So, I think I should wait for my bodyguard to wake up before departing. Also, when we were fighting the serpent, we saw Dugu Bo taking his granddaughter towards Tiandou City. If I'm not mistaken, he won't return for at least a week."

The butler nodded, understanding the strategy and the importance of waiting. His face showed a mix of concern and determination, aware of the risks involved in the mission. Xue Sha added, "Go prepare dinner. We need to regain our strength."

The butler bowed his head in respect and responded, "Yes, Young Master." With firm and determined steps, he headed towards the carriage where they stored the supplies. He knew that a nutritious and comforting meal was essential to restore the group's energy after the intense battle.

While the butler took care of dinner, Xue Sha approached the wounded, ensuring everyone was receiving the necessary attention. His presence instilled confidence and calm in the group, and his words were measured and comforting.

The sun began to set, painting the sky in warm and golden tones. The cool evening air brought a respite after the day's heat. The sound of cooking utensils and the aroma of food began to fill the camp, creating an atmosphere of tranquility.