Chapter 32: Yin Yang Lake of Ice and Fire

The camp was calm, with the crackling of the fire and the soft murmur of low conversations filling the air. The group members sat around a bonfire, enjoying a hot dinner after the exhausting battle. The aroma of freshly prepared food mixed with the fresh air of the forest, creating a comforting atmosphere.

Bao Qiang, who had been unconscious, began to move slowly. His eyelids trembled before opening, revealing eyes full of determination. The butler, always attentive, noticed his awakening immediately and approached with a steaming plate of food and a glass of water.

"Wake up, Bao Qiang," said the butler with a soft but firm voice, as he offered the plate and glass. "Here's something for you to eat and drink."

Bao Qiang, still somewhat dazed, accepted the plate and glass with a slight nod of the head in thanks. As he took the first bite, he felt a surge of warmth coursing through his body. The hot stew and crispy pieces of bread not only filled his empty stomach but also seemed to infuse him with new life. With each bite, he felt his strength slowly returning, and a spark of determination shone in his eyes.

Once he finished eating, Bao Qiang rubbed his belly with satisfaction. The butler, watching him with interest, took the opportunity to ask: "What is the effect of your eighth ring?"

Bao Qiang looked up, his eyes shining with a flash of pride. "It's the Petrifying Gaze of the Eagle," he replied, letting the word resonate in the air. "Just by being in my line of sight, I can petrify my enemy."

The butler nodded, appreciating the information. "Not bad," he commented, "and your body, how is it?"

Instead of responding immediately, Bao Qiang slowly got up, stretching his muscles and starting a series of warm-up exercises. His movements were fluid and controlled, demonstrating his discipline and training. After a few minutes of stretching and bending, he turned to the butler.

"Don't worry," said Bao Qiang with a confident smile. "My body is not at one hundred percent, but it is at eighty."

The butler nodded, satisfied with the answer. "Good," he said, "now after eating you will have to go with the Young Master. Be careful."

Bao Qiang thumped his chest with his fist in a gesture of determination. "Don't worry," he repeated firmly. "If anyone wants to do something to the Young Master, they'll have to kill me first."

The butler smiled slightly, recognizing Bao Qiang's loyalty and commitment. "I trust you," he said, placing a hand on Bao Qiang's shoulder. "But remember, it's not just your strength that matters, but also your cunning and your ability to anticipate danger."

Bao Qiang nodded, understanding the importance of the butler's words. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied seriously.

As Bao Qiang prepared to meet with the Young Master, the camp continued with its nightly routine. The group members settled down to rest, some cleaning their weapons, others checking their supplies. The moon began to peek out in the sky, bathing the forest in its silvery light.

Xue Sha was meditating in a quiet corner of the camp. Bao Qiang approached with firm steps. Feeling his presence, Xue Sha opened her eyes and rose gracefully.

"Let's go," said Xue Sha, with a serene but determined voice, as she prepared to enter the forest.

The butler, concerned, stopped them with a question: "Wait, are you sure that one person will be enough to protect you?"

Xue Sha responded calmly, gesturing with her hand. "After all, he is now a Contra, and he is the only one who can fly."

She paused before continuing. "If the others follow me, I will have to leave them outside the poison fog. Normally nothing would happen, but what if a hundred-thousand-year soul beast attacks? I'm sure they will all die."

Xue Sha looked at the butler seriously. "So, it's better that they stay."

The butler sighed and said: "Alright, be careful."

With one last look of determination, Xue Sha and Bao Qiang entered the forest, their silhouettes disappearing among the shadows of the trees as the moon illuminated them with its silvery light.

They ventured into the jungle, surrounded by dense foliage and the sounds of nature. Suddenly, Xue Sha had an idea. He took out two belts and a rope from his ring.

"Put on this belt and connect it to mine," Xue Sha said, handing one of the belts to Bao Qiang.

Both put on the belts and connected them with the rope. Xue Sha skillfully secured the knots.

"Now start flying," Xue Sha ordered.

Bao Qiang gritted his teeth and said with determination, "Possession." Eight soul rings appeared around his body, glowing intensely.

Behind him, a majestic eagle with a wingspan of fifty meters appeared. The creature fused with his body, granting him wings and powerful claws. Bao Qiang began to flap his wings and, with a strong beat, rose into the air.

Upon reaching ten meters of height, he looked down to ensure the rope was holding. Seeing that everything was in order, he gained confidence and began to ascend more rapidly, heading towards the mountain where Dugu Bo had reached level 90.

The wind blew strongly, but Bao Qiang maintained a stable flight, carrying Xue Sha safely. The moon illuminated their path, guiding them through the night as they approached their destination.

As they neared, they could see that the foot of the mountain was surrounded by a wall of poisonous fog about ten meters high. The fog swirled slowly, creating a natural barrier that seemed almost impenetrable. Upon entering the crater, they descended carefully, feeling the atmosphere charged with soul power.

They removed the belts, which Xue Sha carefully stored in his spatial ring. Bao Qiang restored his normal appearance, his wings and claws disappearing as his body returned to human form.

Xue Sha looked around attentively, as if searching for something specific. His eyes moved quickly, analyzing every detail of the surroundings. He quickly noticed it. In the middle of the crater, there was a lake of two colors that magically did not mix: red and blue, heat and cold. The contrast was impressive, and the air around the lake seemed to vibrate with the energy of both elements.

Next to the blue water, there was a herb. It was a white plant topped by a large, octagonal white flower, whose stamen in the center sparkled like ice crystals. This plant was called the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass. Its presence emanated a sense of calm and coldness, as if it could freeze the air around it.

Next to the red water, there was another herb, but this one was completely different. It had an intense red color, with a delicate and elegant structure. Its leaves were thin and elongated, seeming to be made of crystal. The leaves were arranged in a symmetrical pattern, giving it a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance. This plant was called the Delicate Infernal Apricot. It emitted a palpable heat, and its sweet and intoxicating aroma filled the air, creating a sense of warmth and comfort.

Xue Sha took off his clothes, carefully placing them to the side, and remained in his underwear. He also removed all his necklaces, earrings, and the ring, placing them next to his clothes. He looked at Bao Qiang seriously.

"Now we are going to do something very dangerous," Xue Sha said, his voice firm. "If we do it wrong, we might both die. You have to run, grab the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, and bring it to me. Then, quickly, go grab the Delicate Infernal Apricot and bring it to me. Remember to cover your hands with soul power."

Bao Qiang nodded, his heart pounding.

"If you take too long, I could freeze to death," Xue Sha continued. "You have five seconds to bring the other herb. By the way, I almost forgot. After I put the herbs in my mouth, since one is cold and the other is hot, they will restrict each other, but they can still kill me. So I have to enter the lake. If I don't come out for a long time, it's not that something happened to me, it's that I'm refining the herbs."

Bao Qiang looked at Xue Sha with concern. "But, Young Master, are you sure about going in there?"

He wanted to keep trying to dissuade Xue Sha, but when he looked into his eyes, he saw an unyielding determination and a hunger for power. So he let it go and said, "I am at your command."

Bao Qiang activated his spiritual possession, and the spirit of the eagle appeared behind him, along with his eight soul rings. He grew wings and claws, and activated the first ring, increasing his speed by thirty percent. Quickly, he flew towards the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, gently grabbed it, and without a second thought, while enduring the cold, flew towards the Delicate Infernal Apricot.

The heat was unbearable, but Bao Qiang remained firm. He grabbed the fire herb, and now the pain was doubled. Enduring the pain, he flew back to Xue Sha and put both herbs directly into his mouth.

Xue Sha felt the immediate clash of the two opposing energies in his body. His skin turned pale and then red, alternating between extreme cold and scorching heat. Without wasting time, he ran towards the lake and dove in headfirst.

Bao Qiang watched with concern from the shore, his heart pounding. He knew the Young Master was in a critical situation, but he also knew there was nothing more he could do but wait and trust in Xue Sha's determination and strength.

Time passed slowly, each second feeling like an eternity. Bao Qiang kept his gaze fixed on the lake, waiting for any sign of Xue Sha.