Chapter 33: The Lake's Agony

As he submerged himself in the lake, Xue Sha experienced an indescribable torment that coursed through every fiber of his being. The antagonistic energies of the herbs, the extreme cold of the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, and the scorching heat of the Delicate Infernal Apricot, began to clash within him, as if they wanted to tear him apart from the inside. Every cell in his body seemed on the verge of combustion or freezing.

The suffering was so intense that Xue Sha felt he was losing consciousness. His vision began to blur, and his thoughts became chaotic. He was about to faint, which would mean certain death under those conditions. In his mind, a desperate thought emerged: "I'm going to die...". Accepting his fate, Xue Sha felt his body collapse and closed his eyes, resigned.

But suddenly, an image materialized in his memory: the Village Chief. He opened his eyes abruptly and thought: "I can't die now. I haven't avenged the Village Chief. I haven't achieved anything. I can't die after only living eight years in this world!". Determination flooded his being, and with superhuman effort, he bit his tongue so hard that blood immediately gushed out, filling his mouth with a metallic and bitter taste. The sharp pain brought him back to reality, keeping him conscious for a moment longer.

With renewed strength, Xue Sha forced himself to adopt the lotus position at the bottom of the lake. The water, a mix of heat and cold, seemed to vibrate with an almost tangible energy. He closed his eyes and began to focus on refining the herbs within his body. He knew he had to balance the opposing energies to survive.

Each breath was a battle. The cold of the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass tried to freeze his blood, while the heat of the Delicate Infernal Apricot threatened to evaporate it. Xue Sha focused on his dantian, the energy center in his abdomen, and began to guide the energies there. He visualized a vortex in his dantian, a whirlpool that absorbed and balanced the opposing energies.

The process was exhausting. Every second felt like an eternity. The pain didn't diminish; on the contrary, it intensified as the energies resisted being controlled. Xue Sha felt as if his body was being torn apart and rebuilt simultaneously. His skin alternated between pale white and intense red, reflecting the internal battle he was fighting.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Xue Sha perceived a change. The energies within his body began to stabilize. The cold and heat no longer fought each other with the same ferocity. Instead, they began to merge, creating a new and powerful energy. Xue Sha felt a surge of strength coursing through his body, revitalizing him.

Xue Sha noticed that the energy was stable in his dantian and could no longer hold on; he fainted. Two days and two nights passed. Every few hours, Bao Qing in his possession form could be seen flying over the lake, watching to see if anything had happened to Xue Sha. Bao Qing's ethereal figure moved with the grace of an eagle over the water's surface, his eyes shining with a mix of concern and hope.

During those days, the energy in his dantian began to nourish his body, strengthening him from within. Xue Sha's cells absorbed the energy, repairing and enhancing every fiber of his being. His skin, once pale and worn, took on a healthy and vibrant tone. His muscles became more defined, and his mind, though unconscious, filled with a renewed calm and clarity.

Finally, Xue Sha woke up feeling revitalized. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the sunlight filtering through the water. With a conscious effort, he swam to the surface, feeling a lightness and strength he had never experienced before. As he emerged from the water, he noticed he was now taller, measuring 1.80 meters. His body felt different, more robust and agile.

He approached the place where he had left his clothes and jewelry and put on the ring. From it, he took out new clothes and thought to himself: "Luckily, I knew that upon getting a ring, my height would increase, so I made sure to have clothes several sizes larger." The foresight had been accurate, and the clothes fit him perfectly, allowing him to move comfortably.

After dressing, he put on the necklaces and earrings. He felt a new strength coursing through his body, an energy he had never experienced before. Every movement felt more agile and powerful, as if his body had been completely renewed. His senses were sharper; he could hear the whisper of the wind through the trees and the distant song of birds with surprising clarity.

Bao Qing descended from the sky with impressive speed, his ethereal form cutting through the air like a ray of light. Upon touching the ground, his possession form gradually faded, revealing his true appearance. With an expression of respect and reverence, he knelt before Xue Sha, his eyes shining with admiration.

"Congratulations, Young Master," Bao Qing said, his voice resonating with a mix of pride and relief. "While you were submerged in the lake, I explored the caves and Dugu Bo's house to see if he had left anything of value. And I found this." With a careful gesture, Bao Qing pulled out a small pouch from his tunic, his fingers trembling slightly with emotion. "I tested it, and it allows for the storage of live animals and plants."

Xue Sha, intrigued and full of curiosity, quickly approached. He took the pouch from Bao Qing's hands and examined it closely. The pouch emanated a peculiar, almost palpable energy. With a determined gesture, Xue Sha sent a bit of his soul power into the pouch, activating its internal vision. Inside, he could see some herbs and a few gold coins, floating in an apparently infinite space.

"How could Dugu Bo leave this here?" Xue Sha thought, surprised. "He's supposed to always carry this pouch with him. Or maybe he has two and not just one? Then, it makes sense that he gave one to Tang San."

"Luckily, you found this," Xue Sha said, letting out a sigh of relief. "If you hadn't found it, I'm afraid we couldn't take the other herbs." His mind was already working at full speed, devising how to use the pouch to maximize their collection.

"Now, with this, we can collect all the herbs here," Xue Sha continued, tying the pouch to his belt with a firm, secure knot. The sense of security the pouch provided was palpable, and his determination strengthened even more. He felt that every step he took brought him closer to his goal.