Chapter 34: The Garden of Immortal Herbs

Xue Sha looked at Bao Qing with a thoughtful expression and said, "By the way, when you collected the herbs, did you make sure not to damage the seeds?"

Bao Qing frowned slightly, not fully understanding Xue Sha's concern. "Yes, young master. I took all the necessary precautions. Why do you ask?"

Xue Sha let out a sigh of relief before continuing. "It's a relief to hear that. I mention it because, when we finally kill Dugu Bo, I plan to keep this place. I don't know if you've noticed, but here the plants grow ten times faster. Moreover, the poison from the lake is preventing the plants from developing intelligence."

Bao Qing nodded, understanding the importance of what Xue Sha was saying. "I understand. This place could be an invaluable source of resources if we manage it correctly."

Xue Sha put his hands behind his back, clasping his wrist with his other hand, and while looking towards the lake, he said to Bao Qing, "Imagine having everything planted with plants that grow at this speed. We could cultivate medicinal and poisonous herbs in quantities we never dreamed of. This place has incredible potential."

The wind blew gently, making the leaves of the nearby trees whisper. Xue Sha crouched down and picked up a stone from the ground. He threw it into the lake, watching it bounce on the water's surface before sinking. "We could even try planting and see if they can develop soul rings. For example, if we plant a Blue Silver Grass, after ten years, how many years would it have? Two hundred, three hundred? Basically, we would have the first ring for someone."

He straightened up and looked back at Bao Qing, with a spark of enthusiasm in his eyes. "And we could offer it in exchange for completing certain missions. With that, the motivation of the sect's disciples would improve considerably."

Bao Qing said, "But, young master, although this is a heavenly place, it will be very difficult to kill Dugu Bo. After all, he has become a Titled Douluo."

Xue Sha responded, with a mix of determination and regret in his voice, "I know that, but how long will it take you to become a Titled Douluo? Five, six years at most? Then we can kill him. I'm not crazy enough to think I can defeat him with just a Contra."

Although Xue Sha was excited about the idea of defeating Dugu Bo, he also felt a weight in his heart. He knew he didn't yet have the strength to face him, and that frustrated him deeply. The idea of having to wait and train more time made him feel a mix of impatience and resignation. His eyes, usually cold and calculating, showed a flash of vulnerability that he rarely allowed others to see.

Xue Sha clapped his hands and said, "Well, let's stop talking and start removing the plants."

Bao Qing responded, "Alright."

Xue Sha took a small golden shovel and another made of jade from his ring, along with several jade boxes. They both got to work, starting with the Eight-Petal Immortal Orchid. With the golden shovel, Xue Sha carefully extracted it and placed it in a jade box. The orchid was impressive, with petals that trembled slightly, completely white as snow, emanating a fragrance that cleared the hearts and souls of everyone. The fragrance penetrated deeply, awakening the spirit and giving a sense of nobility and virtue.

While they worked, Bao Qing followed Xue Sha's instructions, ensuring not to damage the seeds of the other plants. They placed them all in Dugu Bo's bag with utmost care. Bao Qing, though loyal and diligent, couldn't help but feel a growing admiration for his young master's vision and ingenuity.

At one point, Bao Qing approached with a stone in his hand, the size of a fist, which seemed to have a plant inside. "Young master, I found this," he said, showing the stone to Xue Sha.

Xue Sha took it and slapped his forehead. "How could I have forgotten about this?" he exclaimed.

He stored the stone in Dugu Bo's bag and explained, "This stone is very special. If you spit blood and think of the person you love, the stone will turn into a flower called Yearning Heartbroken Red. If you swallow it, you could easily level up two or three levels, and I could level up to ten levels. Moreover, it improves your talent. But, like everything, it has its drawbacks: it only works if your love is pure."

Bao Qing opened his mouth to say something, but Xue Sha interrupted him, suddenly remembering something. "Now that you've reminded me," he said while taking out a flower from Dugu Bo's pouch, "I'm going to take this flower."

The flower, called Full Moon with Autumn Dew, was an apparently ordinary herb. Its body was jade green, but in the center of the plant, there were three snow-white leaves, and in the center of the leaves, there were some drops of water, as if it had retained the morning dew.

He sat in a lotus position, with an expression of concentration and determination on his face.

Bao Qing, visibly worried, asked, "Young Master, won't anything happen to you if you take so many herbs?"

Xue Sha, with a cold and calculating calm, responded, "Nothing happens if they are for different things. For example, one gives you strength and another defense. So, yes, you can take them. This is the Full Moon with Autumn Dew," he said, holding the flower delicately. "Its effect is to improve my vision, so nothing happens. But if I take one more after this, I could explode from the poison. After all, they are poisonous herbs."

Bao Qing nodded slowly, although the worry didn't leave his eyes. "I understand, young master. But please, be careful."

Xue Sha smiled slightly, a rare show of emotion on his usually impassive face. "Don't worry, Bao Qing. I know what I'm doing."

Xue Sha placed the flower over his eyes and let several drops fall into each one until none were left. He closed his eyes and began to refine the medicine, feeling immediate relief in his eyes. As time passed, the sensation of freshness and clarity intensified. After a good while, he opened his eyes and looked around, amazed by the sharpness of his vision. He thought to himself, "If I used to see in 1080p, now I see in 8K."

Bao Qing, with a mix of curiosity and concern, asked, "Are you okay?"

Xue Sha responded with a satisfied smile, "I'm very well, I can see from very far away, I don't know how far. Now, later, when we leave here, I'll tell you."

Xue Sha looked around and then said to Bao Qing, "We've collected all the plants, right?"

Bao Qing nodded. "I think so."

Xue Sha took out the belts and the rope from before from his ring, and they put them on and connected them. Bao Qing said, "Possession," and eagle wings and claws appeared on him, beginning to fly.

They stayed floating in the air for a while as Xue Sha scanned the terrain from above, making sure they hadn't missed any plants. Seeing that none were missing, he said to Bao Qing, "We can go, there's not a single one left."

Bao Qing began to fly quickly to the south, leaving the place behind with a new sense of accomplishment and preparing for what was to come.