Chapter 35: Heading to Tiandou

After flying for a while, they saw a camp outside the forest with several bonfires and tents surrounding a larger one. The light from the bonfires illuminated the camp, casting dancing shadows on the tents. They slowly descended next to the large tent, unbuckled their belts, and Xue Sha stored them in his spatial ring.

The butler, a middle-aged man with an ever-alert expression, quickly approached and sighed in relief upon seeing Xue Sha safe and sound. "Young Master, I'm glad to see you back," he said with a mix of respect and relief in his voice.

Xue Sha nodded with a slight smile and said, "Let's go inside."

They entered the large tent, where the light from several torches hanging on the walls illuminated the interior. Inside, there was a sleeping bag in one corner, a desk with several scrolls and a carved wooden chair, and a round dining table in the center of the tent. The table was covered with a linen tablecloth and surrounded by wooden chairs.

They sat at the dining table, and the butler, with an expression of curiosity and expectation, asked, "Young Master, how was the harvest?"

Xue Sha, with a look of satisfaction, turned to Bao Qing and said, "Do you have that ball to measure soul power?"

Bao Qing nodded and replied, "Of course." He reached into his spatial ring and pulled out a crystal sphere the size of a melon, which glowed faintly under the torchlight. "Here it is," he said, handing it to Xue Sha.

Xue Sha carefully took the sphere and held it in his hands. He closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating, and then channeled his soul power into the sphere. The sphere began to glow intensely, illuminating the tent with a pure white light that contrasted with the warm glow of the torches.

The butler, with wide eyes, turned to Bao Qing and asked, "What is the maximum level this sphere measures?"

Bao Qing, without taking his eyes off the glowing sphere, replied, "If I'm not mistaken, it measures up to level 30."

The light from the sphere reached its peak, illuminating every corner of the tent and making the shadows of the furniture stretch and move. Xue Sha opened his eyes and observed the sphere with a look of satisfaction. "It seems I've made good progress," he said, with a spark of pride in his voice.

The butler, with a mix of admiration and concern on his face, asked, "Young Master, now that you've reached level 30, do you want us to find another ring for you?"

Xue Sha, with a serene but determined look, rested his elbows on the table and placed his hands under his chin, adopting a thoughtful pose. "No need for now. I need to get well accustomed to the strength I have before thinking about more," he replied.

After a brief pause, Xue Sha continued, "Before leaving, I heard that there will be an auction in Tiandou City, is that true?"

The butler nodded, "Yes, but there's no need to rush. The auction starts in three days. We can get there in one day, buy food and some other things on the second day, and on the third day, we can go to the auction."

Xue Sha frowned slightly, "But do we have enough money?"

The butler took out a red card from his pocket and held it in front of Xue Sha. "With this card, we can spend almost a million gold coins, so if you want to buy something, you can. After all, this card belongs to the Sect Master."

Xue Sha took the card and stored it in his ring. He leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms and yawning deeply. "Let's sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow morning," he said in a tired voice.

They got up and were about to leave the tent when Bao Qing turned, with a worried expression on his face. "But is it okay for us to sleep here tonight? What if Dugu Bo comes and finds us? After all, you have his bag," he said, pointing to the bag at Xue Sha's waist.

Xue Sha made a dismissive gesture with his hand, covering his mouth as he yawned again. "That's why we're here," he replied with a confident smile. "After all, the safest place is the most dangerous place. Besides, what does it matter if he sees that this is his bag? If he dares to say anything, I don't mind killing him ahead of time."

The determination in his voice made Bao Qing and the butler exchange nervous glances, but both nodded. "Good night," said Xue Sha, bidding them farewell with a slight nod.

"Good night," the butler and Bao Qing replied in unison as they headed for the exit. As they crossed the threshold, the butler whispered to Bao Qing, "Hey, what have you done? Why did you steal Dugu Bo's bag?"

Xue Sha shook his head, smiling slightly at the conversation fading into the distance. He stood up and began to extinguish the torches one by one, plunging the tent into a tranquil dimness. When only one torch remained lit, he took his pajamas out of the spatial ring. With quick and precise movements, he took off his day clothes and put on his pajamas, storing the clothes in the ring.

He extinguished the last torch, letting darkness envelop the tent. He headed to the sleeping bag, slid inside, and settled in, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. The silence of the night surrounded him, and soon, the day's fatigue led him to sleep.

The next day, with a clear sky, the camp began to come to life with the first rays of the sun. The group members woke up one by one, stretching and shaking off the sleep from their bodies. The morning breeze brought with it the fresh scent of the forest, mixed with the faint smell of extinguished bonfires.

Xue Sha was one of the first to get up. With quick and efficient movements, he began to gather his belongings. He watched as the others also got to work: some were taking down the tents, folding them carefully and storing them in their spatial rings; others were rolling up the sleeping bags and stacking them neatly. A group was in charge of pouring water on the bonfires and torches, ensuring that not a single ember remained lit.

The butler, always attentive, supervised the tasks, giving instructions and making sure everything was done efficiently. Bao Qing, for his part, helped load the carriage, organizing the supplies and ensuring everything was in place.

Once everything was packed and stored in the carriage, the group gathered around Xue Sha. The young master, with a determined look, climbed into the carriage and took a seat. The others followed, taking their places and preparing for the journey.

The horses, well-rested and fed, began to move at the coachman's signal. The carriage moved slowly at first, but soon picked up speed, heading towards Tiandou City, the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

The road was long, but the scenery was beautiful. Tall, leafy trees lined both sides of the road, their leaves whispering in the wind. The sun shone brightly, bathing everything in its golden light. As they traveled, the group chatted animatedly, sharing stories and plans for the city.

The journey continued without incident, and by late afternoon, the imposing walls of Tiandou City appeared on the horizon. The city, with its tall towers and bustling streets, was a center of commerce and power in the empire.